Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

Sure, you were. You're a typical self-righteous asshole. You think your radical view of the world is the only "correct" one. Anyone, as in most the world, who disregards your rantings for the lunatic conspiracy drivel it is, is too stupid or bigoted or pussy or whatever to recognize you for the genius you think you are. I got news for you. Your theories are the ramblings of a loser who blames the world for his failure.

I'd love to know specifically which of my comments or ideas I've expressed in general fall into Red's idea of the "lunatic conspiracy drivel"
Red, either clarify this point by refuting any of my ideas on a basis of logic, or understand that your words amount to nothing more than "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo stick your head in doo-doo... my team is better."

I'm still interested in hearing something of substance on your beliefs. Is there anything you'd like to share?
I'd love to know specifically which of my comments or ideas I've expressed in general fall into Red's idea of the "lunatic conspiracy drivel"
Red, either clarify this point by refuting any of my ideas on a basis of logic, or understand that your words amount to nothing more than "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo stick your head in doo-doo... my team is better. I'm still interested in hearing something of substance on your beliefs. Is there anything you'd like to share?
He and FreedomWorks are buttbuddies. Open yaps, barking like fucking little Chihuahuas and about as scary.
FreedomWorks and Red1966 (I'm guessing that is Red's birth year or the number of suspects in the paternity case)


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He and FreedomWorks are buttbuddies. Open yaps, barking like fucking little Chihuahuas and about as scary.

What is especially fun about guys like that is they are CONVINCED that their position represents "status quo"... that they speak for the majority of what they consider "decent Muricans"... This despite the fact that literally nobody on the forum is showing any signs of being cut from that cloth!

There is a great chance they are both the same douche sitting in his mom's basement switching between accounts... Sean Hannity bleating over the TV speakers in the background... "Mooooommmm... I want a sandwich!!!"
Ok. I hope that rant made you feel better. Ready to express some intelligent thought now?
I am interested in knowing how you reconcile your backing of Romney with the fact that you presumably have some sort of positive feelings about marijuana? How about the other part also... why would you want to allow Hannity to convince you that your financially struggling ass should support policy that helps billionaires get richer?
Seriously, if your tantrum is over, I am interested in your thoughts.

Johnson has zero chance of winning this election. Obama has prosecuted as many pot users as any other president. I don't watch or listen to Hannity. He's just another partisan hack.. I'm not struggling financially. Odd that you would assume that. Projection maybe?
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are making this statement out of ignorance. See this link to the Washington times article from Friday November 2nd, that explains how if Johnson gets 5% of the vote, he is eligible to receive a portion of those federal funds next election for his campaign. the funds I speak of are associated with the checkbox that you have on your federal tax return that enables you to donate to presidential election.


And how is it in my interest that he gets funding? You're asking me to vote for what YOU want.
I'd love to know specifically which of my comments or ideas I've expressed in general fall into Red's idea of the "lunatic conspiracy drivel"
Red, either clarify this point by refuting any of my ideas on a basis of logic, or understand that your words amount to nothing more than "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo stick your head in doo-doo... my team is better."

I'm still interested in hearing something of substance on your beliefs. Is there anything you'd like to share?

timbo,either clarify this point by refuting any of my ideas on a basis of logic, or understand that your words amount to nothing more than "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo stick your head in doo-doo... my team is better."
I was in the Corps a while before Red was hatched. But man is he up on me. Uh huh. Let me guess - another screwball who was never on active duty in a US uniformed service (Boy Scouts does not count). All these frigging big talkers like him and FreedomWorks. All blow and no go. Empty words.
They know all the patriotic things that need to be done but by somebody "dumber" or "less talented" than these two asswipes. They are needed stateside to use their brains.
Johnson has zero chance of winning this election. Obama has prosecuted as many pot users as any other president. I don't watch or listen to Hannity. He's just another partisan hack.. I'm not struggling financially. Odd that you would assume that. Projection maybe?

So you feel that you are in an economic class that benefits by Trickle Down economics then? Do you pull down a million a year?