Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

i never put people on ignore. ever.

I don't put people on ignore either. People who have different points of view, people who want to debate an issue intelligently... they are all welcome.
Dumb fucks who waste my time without even engaging on issues... yeah... I can ignore that quite nicely.
NO right wing wonder tax reform ever taxes capital gains or interest income

I'm not talking about "rightwing" tax reform... or taxing capital gains or income... I am talking about pay tax based on how much you consume. Think about how that could redistribute the tax burden so much more equitably.
You were telling me what I believe, then whine I don't submit to your pointless demands. You got what you deserve, nothing. But the boy-whore gold digger supports you. Feel better now?

awww... as UB would put it, "did you get sand in your vagina?"
We've had this conversation before. And as i have stated, given the wealth disparity of our country, and given that the government will be spending money, I still say that the money could be collected more from those who buy $250,000 purses and less from those who work yet struggle to meet basic needs.
Ultimately the tax system that seems supremely fair is appropriately named "the Fair Tax". Earn as much income as you want tax free... then pay taxes based on consumption.

Consumption taxes are regressive.
They placed a "luxury" tax on yachts once. Decimated the yacht building industry. Put thousand of hard working craftsmen out of work. I guess you want to put the seamstresses who make those "$250,000 purses" out of work, too.
They placed a "luxury" tax on yachts once. Decimated the yacht building industry. Put thousand of hard working craftsmen out of work. I guess you want to put the seamstresses who make those "$250,000 purses" out of work, too.

OK... so you have something to say finally.
The luxury tax you speak of was never coupled with a complete abolishment of income tax. Also, cite your references about the impact on employment that this luxury tax affected.

How many $250,000 purses do you think are bought and sold annually in our economy? How many people's livlihood is tied to propping up the $250.000 purse industry?
The fairness or lack thereof is in how it's implemented. Perhaps no tax at all on groceries... but big tax on yachts, $250,000 purses etc.
Capital gains and earned income alike are removed from the picture entirely when considering tax. Make mad stacks of monopoly money if you want Mitt... no more tax shelters to manipulate. When you buy your next elevator for your car collection you pay dearly in tax to live like a king.

Because then the lobbists would pay off politicians to tax their *product* or *service* less than other products and services.

And in 30 years we would have 22,000 pages of tax law on exactly what is charged on each item ever made...

If you want a fair tax, make it flat... dont try to manipulate society with multiple rates.
OK... so you have something to say finally.
The luxury tax you speak of was never coupled with a complete abolishment of income tax. Also, cite your references about the impact on employment that this luxury tax affected.

How many $250,000 purses do you think are bought and sold annually in our economy? How many people's livlihood is tied to propping up the $250.000 purse industry?

Several local boat builders laid off the majority of their employees, including my then neighbor. I'm not looking up any references to satisfy your demands. Google luxury tax and yacht builders if you don't believe me. I have heard of no $250,000 purses on sale, can't see as how this could have any meaningful impact. I disagree with a consumption only tax because the wealthy would pay much too little. The wealthy could accumulate capital gains beyond accounting and be subject to no tax. The wealthy don't consume that much more than the rest of us. Say what? 5 times as much? They have hundreds, even millions of times as much. No, no consumption tax I've heard of is not regressive.
OK... so you have something to say finally.
The luxury tax you speak of was never coupled with a complete abolishment of income tax. Also, cite your references about the impact on employment that this luxury tax affected.

How many $250,000 purses do you think are bought and sold annually in our economy? How many people's livlihood is tied to propping up the $250.000 purse industry?

gem miners, gem cutters, gem wholesalers, weavers, cotton farmers, fur trappers, tanners, seamstresses, jewelers all work together to make the item, and would be unemployed without this product.
then the confidential couriers jump on their Ducati race bikes to deliver them to the billionaire who "Needs" the item so you also make unemployed: Ducati motorcyle corp, Ducati dealers, Ducati's assembly line crew, Ducati mechanics, gas station attendants, people who make and sell motorcycle tires, gun and ammunition manufacturers, holster makers, courier bag manufacturers, the nefarious looking (and presumably One -Eyed) villains who attempt to intercept the courier on his mission to deliver the $1/4 mill handbag, then theres the ancillary personnell supported by our criminal ringleader, including his Moll. and what of HIS boss, the criminal mastermind who pulls the strings from the shadows, the man who employs HUNDREDS of anonymous henchmen with glass jaws who can be easily rendered unconcious with a single judo chop to the shoulder, the cleaning crew who maintains his island fortress, the laundry service that ensures his henchmen's uniforms are all just so, and then theres his team of super scientists... doomsday weapons are not cheap!

its an intricate web of commerce that spans the globe and ensures that we are always just on the edge of a crisis of epic proportions, and the world could at any minute be held ransom by a madman with a nuclear weapon, or a death ray, or a weather machine, or an earthquake machine...

and then theres the whole issue of british secret agents...
Not all of us are hermaphrodites like you.

you say that like it's a bad thing. i'm a little shocked that you, of all people, would belittle someone for the way they were born. hypocrite much.

but then a gain, you are the guy that ridicules his own family online.

and people wonder why i give you such a hard time.
you say that like it's a bad thing. i'm a little shocked that you, of all people, would belittle someone for the way they were born. hypocrite much.

but then a gain, you are the guy that ridicules his own family online.

and people wonder why i give you such a hard time.

Carne supports hemaphrodites
I seen him post many times that he could just go fuck himself
You can't post an example because you completely wrong. I have never promoted trickle down economics. Taxing businesses into bankruptcy destroys jobs. But please, put me on your ignore list. Your idea of an intelligent conversation seems to be nothing but you making pointless demands, pretending you know what others believe, and claiming you're a war hero.

Claiming I am a war hero? I have never been in the military nor have I ever made such a claim. The only war I've been in is the drug war, same as many brave heros on this board.

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09-02-2012, 07:48 PM
[TD="class: thead, align: right"] #63
[TD="class: alt2, width: 175"] red1966

Forum Member

Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 4

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Re: How will you vote? 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections

What makes me so sick is the ruling in Ohio which allows afro-american preachers to bus their congregations to the polls after their Sunday sermon. It's this mixing of religion and politics which the Democrats pretend to oppose until it helps them. [/TD]
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Red why are you a racist?