Dr Greenthumbs Freedom 35- seed to smoke journal

gotta be dry by now...what the yield look like?

HAve patience my friend..lol.
I take the plant down in stages and the last of it is still hanging in the drying rack right now. A few more days and everything will be dry and ready to weigh. I can give a guess though....P1 will be around 5 or 6 oz's and p2 will be about 4.5 or so.

I took about half or more down on day 45 the rest of it came down on day 51....
Freedom 35- (35 day mini smoke report)


The buzz on this is pretty much all head buzz. Very trippy and spacey, it reminds me of smoking pot back in high school. My buddy and I almost got the giggles after smoking a couple bowls.
The taste is hard to describe but I’m still working on that…but it tastes really good. In fact, I would say it’s my second favorite tasting pot in my garden right now behind the Bubba X OG Kush.
Not the best for daytime use for me because after a few smoking sessions it leaves me feeling very sleepy and foggy.

I will go into more detail on the full 45 day report….
Hey Dr gruber one of my plants starting to have pistils but and its my smallest one (last one planted like 5 days behind others). They are under the light 24hr since the beg so i dont see any reasons why it would start to have pistil its only like 10`` high and 3 weeks old. What is your input on that and can it fuck anything up?????
Hey Dr gruber one of my plants starting to have pistils but and its my smallest one (last one planted like 5 days behind others). They are under the light 24hr since the beg so i dont see any reasons why it would start to have pistil its only like 10`` high and 3 weeks old. What is your input on that and can it fuck anything up?????

got a picture?
I think mine showed really early pistils also...about 20 days from seed if memory serves....as long as it isnt auto flowering on you that sounds normal. How many pistils? Lots or just a few at the nodes?
Hey Doc when do you think we can expect the final report on 35 vs 45 days for yield,potency and stuff......dont want to rush you just cant wait for final report :mrgreen:
Hey Doc when do you think we can expect the final report on 35 vs 45 days for yield,potency and stuff......dont want to rush you just cant wait for final report :mrgreen:

Good job doc....have ya ever gave the endless sky a try?

Im waiting on a friend to get back to me with his report and then i will write it up...should be in the next day or so.

Never tried he Endless skies but after watching a grow on another site i have been getting interested.
hey DrGruber i think i got 1 auto in there and i dont think it is F35 its not nearly has bushy and am pretty sure it is in flowering fisrt 2 pics is that plant in question and last is F35.Let me know if you think you know what strain this would be.And the rest dont have pistils yet. Thanks

And DrGruber one last question i know you were on 24hr veg too, did you go 18-6 for a couples weeks or straight from 24 to 12-12? Sorry to be a pain in the ass but its my first one in like 15 yrs use to have a few when i was younger but that was a long time ago :confused:
And DrGruber one last question i know you were on 24hr veg too, did you go 18-6 for a couples weeks or straight from 24 to 12-12? Sorry to be a pain in the ass but its my first one in like 15 yrs use to have a few when i was younger but that was a long time ago :confused:

not a pain in the ass at all...i said any questions fire away...and i meant it.
i cant tell if its auto flowering but it does seem to have a lot of pistils....my plants didnt look exacty alike either so i wouldnt worry about that. F35 has the Iranian Autoflower in the mix so its possible that it could auto on you i guess. Maybe just throw it in the flower room and see what happens...if its autoing on you the clones probably will too...at least thats my guess. I went 24 hours the whole way until i made the flip to 12/12.
Doc told me these plants can be very sensitive so if you stressed them at all it may account for the auto flowering.??????????
Dont think i stressed them but anyway ill leave it there and see what happens and wont take any clones out of it....if it is a auto it will flower anyway under 24hr
Dr Greenthumb- Freedom 35
Final Weight---
Plant 1— 6.02 OZ’s
Plant 2—3.74 OZ’s

Tester Name:
Dr Gruber, Assisted by Dr Sharpe and friends.
Freedom 35 (Iranian Indica X Afghanistani)
Dr Greenthumb
Dr Gruber
Method Smoked:
Joints, glass pipes, bong.
(Dr Gruber’s Personal Favorite-Joints)
(Dr Sharpe’s favorite- glass pipe)
Promix Potting Soil-5 gal Lowes Buckets
Flower Time:
35- 45 days

Dominant smell of bud:
Fecal type smell with a eucalyptus and fruity undertone.

Associated smells of bud:
TASTE- Sweet and Tangy,

Dominant flavor: Sweet, Tangy, Sour, Green….
Associated flavors: pine
Reminds me a bit of the strain Greencrack in taste only.

Flavor Intensity-
(Sour Diesel or Bubba Kush would be a 9 or 10.)

Harsh/smoothness: (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth) --
- Cough factor? : Yes/no ---
Yes and no
At 35 days it’s a strong head buzz with a heavy spacey quality, very unique and long lasting.
At 45 it still has the head buzz but also has more of a body buzz to go along with it and it makes me sleepy.

Potency: (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and 10 being extremely potent)
35 days-9
45 days-9.5
Duration: (approx length of buzz, from first hit)
4 hrs
Overall Rating- 8.00
Use: Daytime/Bedtime –Anytime, mostly evening use…daytime in moderate doses.

Munchies: Yes/no----Yes

Comments- I actually like the buzz better on this one at 35 days, it just seems more unique to me. Either way, this is way stronger then I imagined it could be with such a short flower time. However, it’s the taste that really has me hooked and I constantly find myself reaching for this over my other choices. That’s saying a lot considering I have OG Kush, Exodus Cheese, Neville’s Haze, C99, and Big Purps to choose from. Maybe I will get used to it and it won’t be so tasty anymore but until then, I’m enjoying the hell out of this one.
Plant 2 turned out to be my favorite even if it didn’t yield as well. They have the same type of flavor but plant 2 just tastes somewhat stronger. Buzz is the same on both plants.

Turpentine ()
Metallic ()
Ammonia ( ) - urine () - vinegar ( )
Bleach ()
Lotions () - plastics ( ) - glues ( )
Fuel ()
Rubber ()
Eucalyptus (X)
fruity (x) - berry () - black/blue/raspberry () citrus () - orange () - lemon ( ) - lime () - apple () - mango () - grape () - cherry () - tutty fruity ()
floral () - perfume () - blossom ()
minty () - menthol () - spearmint () - peppermint ()
woody ( ) - incense () - hardwood ( ) - sage ( ) - juniper ( ) - cedar () - pine (x)
basil ( ) - garlic ( ) - dill ( ) - clove () - parsley () - pepper ()
tobacco () - chocolate () Moldy ()
earthy () - loam () - dirt () - musty () - dusty () – Alberta spruce ()
animal () - bird () - rodent () - gamey () – sweet skunk () Skunk ( )
botanical () - hay () - autumn leaves ( ) - trees () Sour (x) Tangy (x)
Final Comment- If you were judging this one on bag appeal alone it would get a 6 or 7 rating. The buds are not as dense and crystal covered as say OG Kush but they do still look very nice. The real quality of this one comes out in the flavor and buzz, which to me, at 35 days, is one of the more unique high’s I’ve had in quite some time. It kind of brought back memories of High School days.
Medical qualities: Great for- Moderate to Severe Pain, Appetite, and Insomnia and in small doses, it’s good for depression.

Peace- Dr Gruber
