Dr Greenthumb- Freedom 35
Final Weight---
Plant 1— 6.02 OZ’s
Plant 2—3.74 OZ’s
Tester Name:
Dr Gruber, Assisted by Dr Sharpe and friends.
Freedom 35 (Iranian Indica X Afghanistani)
Dr Greenthumb
Dr Gruber
Method Smoked:
Joints, glass pipes, bong.
(Dr Gruber’s Personal Favorite-Joints)
(Dr Sharpe’s favorite- glass pipe)
Promix Potting Soil-5 gal Lowes Buckets
Flower Time:
35- 45 days
Dominant smell of bud:
Fecal type smell with a eucalyptus and fruity undertone.
Associated smells of bud:
TASTE- Sweet and Tangy,
Dominant flavor: Sweet, Tangy, Sour, Green….
Associated flavors: pine
Reminds me a bit of the strain Greencrack in taste only.
Flavor Intensity-
(Sour Diesel or Bubba Kush would be a 9 or 10.)
Harsh/smoothness: (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth) --
- Cough factor? : Yes/no ---
Yes and no
At 35 days it’s a strong head buzz with a heavy spacey quality, very unique and long lasting.
At 45 it still has the head buzz but also has more of a body buzz to go along with it and it makes me sleepy.
Potency: (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and 10 being extremely potent)
35 days-9
45 days-9.5
Duration: (approx length of buzz, from first hit)
4 hrs
Overall Rating- 8.00
Use: Daytime/Bedtime –Anytime, mostly evening use…daytime in moderate doses.
Munchies: Yes/no----Yes
Comments- I actually like the buzz better on this one at 35 days, it just seems more unique to me. Either way, this is way stronger then I imagined it could be with such a short flower time. However, it’s the taste that really has me hooked and I constantly find myself reaching for this over my other choices. That’s saying a lot considering I have OG Kush, Exodus Cheese, Neville’s Haze, C99, and Big Purps to choose from. Maybe I will get used to it and it won’t be so tasty anymore but until then, I’m enjoying the hell out of this one.
Plant 2 turned out to be my favorite even if it didn’t yield as well. They have the same type of flavor but plant 2 just tastes somewhat stronger. Buzz is the same on both plants.
Turpentine ()
Metallic ()
Ammonia ( ) - urine () - vinegar ( )
Bleach ()
Lotions () - plastics ( ) - glues ( )
Fuel ()
Rubber ()
Eucalyptus (X)
fruity (x) - berry () - black/blue/raspberry () citrus () - orange () - lemon ( ) - lime () - apple () - mango () - grape () - cherry () - tutty fruity ()
floral () - perfume () - blossom ()
minty () - menthol () - spearmint () - peppermint ()
woody ( ) - incense () - hardwood ( ) - sage ( ) - juniper ( ) - cedar () - pine (x)
basil ( ) - garlic ( ) - dill ( ) - clove () - parsley () - pepper ()
tobacco () - chocolate () Moldy ()
earthy () - loam () - dirt () - musty () - dusty () – Alberta spruce ()
animal () - bird () - rodent () - gamey () – sweet skunk () Skunk ( )
botanical () - hay () - autumn leaves ( ) - trees () Sour (x) Tangy (x)
Final Comment- If you were judging this one on bag appeal alone it would get a 6 or 7 rating. The buds are not as dense and crystal covered as say OG Kush but they do still look very nice. The real quality of this one comes out in the flavor and buzz, which to me, at 35 days, is one of the more unique high’s I’ve had in quite some time. It kind of brought back memories of High School days.
Medical qualities: Great for- Moderate to Severe Pain, Appetite, and Insomnia and in small doses, it’s good for depression.
Peace- Dr Gruber