The Main-Lining Thread


Nugs, did you weigh the 73 and 120 from the FP video you posted the other day? Myself and a few other nerds were wondering how much it gave up.
Thanks and keep inspiring the world!


Well-Known Member
Nugs, did you weigh the 73 and 120 from the FP video you posted the other day? Myself and a few other nerds were wondering how much it gave up.
Thanks and keep inspiring the world!
21g. 73, and 7g. 120.....28 total....enough to stuff stockings


Mr I Can Do That For Half
This basically what we have called LSTing for past few decades. Seems to have same trainging and feim techs used for it.


Well-Known Member
This basically what we have called LSTing for past few decades. Seems to have same trainging and feim techs used for it.
no its different in the fact that every cola ends up equally as dominant instead of some of them being secondarily dominant.

nugs a few pages back i had some questions...i did a good 100 pages of reading through your threads and have answered most of them but still have a few!

If i dont need to take clones from my plant does it work the same to cut above the second node? or does it need to be the third?

and how much influence do you think bringing them out into the sun had on getting 6.7 from the 8 headed one?
I dont know if im getting my hopes up about the yielding potential of this mainlining technique or if these numbers are possible indoors consistently! Thank you very much for your time and tutorials!


Well-Known Member
this is far from "Low Stress" training.... when you chop the fuck out of your plant from the get.
"chopping the fuck" out of the plant is a bit strong......the difference between Main-Lining and other forms of training including LST is simply creating the "hub" and "manifold".......the equal distribution of energy from the root mass......


Well-Known Member
no its different in the fact that every cola ends up equally as dominant instead of some of them being secondarily dominant.

nugs a few pages back i had some questions...i did a good 100 pages of reading through your threads and have answered most of them but still have a few!

If i dont need to take clones from my plant does it work the same to cut above the second node? or does it need to be the third?

and how much influence do you think bringing them out into the sun had on getting 6.7 from the 8 headed one?
I dont know if im getting my hopes up about the yielding potential of this mainlining technique or if these numbers are possible indoors consistently! Thank you very much for your time and tutorials!
it does not matter much where the hub is built whether it is the third or seventh node....all you need is one symmetrical node to start building the manifold from...i just start low, because i prefer short plants overall.......bringing that plant into the sun may have had something to do with its yield, but i seem to push the zip/gal threshold in any environment, including full-on indo......of course some strains are heavier than others....


Well-Known Member
just for anyone that doesn't know.... I mainline many of my strains, and love to "chop the fuck" out of minebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
My mainlined Mulanje pics came out blurry so I got a new camera (it is charging right now). So here is some pron:

Malawi Gold 100% Landrace Sativa - Holy Smoke Seeds

Removed from mother indoor 210 days ago

Day 194 Outside - 9 or 13 weeks flowering



Well-Known Member
ok makes me feel better about my .2-.5 zip/gal

60 vegging days is like 90 days of flowering (powerwise, not time wise) and by that time I am just about done. my best so far is agent orange 5.5 oz in 10 gallons container for about 100 days of 12/12 from seed. I wish it was my average!!! thats why I am growing more TGA now and am dreaming/working on creating some seeds of my own (using TGA genetics...)