recent legalization in co, wa and other states


Well-Known Member
How do you guys think it will affect prices here in ca? Do you think people will pick up and try to move in to those states? Maybe price will go up? Or maybe people who sell on the black market will stop shipping there causing an even more flooded market here?

What do you all think?
How do you guys think it will affect prices here in ca? Do you think people will pick up and try to move in to those states? Maybe price will go up? Or maybe people who sell on the black market will stop shipping there causing an even more flooded market here?

What do you all think?

How do you guys think it will affect prices here in ca?

I think that CA prices are going to stay the same. I don't see any reason for them to change. The market here is flooded anyways.

Do you think people will pick up and try to move in to those states?

Probably initially there will be a few that take off and try to establish themselves there but I think most "growers" won't sacrifice the California sun.

The black market is going to blow up there and people will be selling left and right while they try and get an official system in place. :)
It's a good time to be established in CO right now. The MMJ growers have a head start on everything and should make a killing on larf alone. LOL Man it's kinda funny to be jealous for just a moment about another states ability to consume weed. ;) :D
prices in cali arent going to those states pretty sure the demand for california weed will always be higher than any of those states.....come on guys lets head to CO i hear they have some AK 47!!!!
I'm hoping it gets the feds out of Cali. Let Colorado and Washington be the targets for a while...
Yeah, it would be nice to do business while being left alone for a couple of years.

I am wondering if we're going to see a big push for recreational legalization in California in 2014, have it pass, then have the feds on us like white on rice.
I'd like it to stay the way it is in California for another 2 years till other states pick up steam. We can take care of ourselves and as long as there are a few good dispensaries out there for patients we should be fine.

Then we push for legalization for recreational use.

It should be treated like an open container for alcohol so no consumption while operating a motor vehicle. DUI's will still need to be sorted out however.
Washington is doing blood tests for the DUI issues. No more than 5 nanograms of THC in your system or you get a DUI.
Love that these measures passed.

Sure it means more heat coming down, but that goes both ways.

The more states' that are involved in this discussion, and moreover, involved in cases against the feds, the better.

After awhile, it will become transparent that they are no longer acting in the best interest of anyone other then cops, corps., and Dr. Drew.

And on a slightly more self-serving note; maybe they will relocate some of the fucking cropper choppers' to the Rockies for awhile. That'd be cool...
Im not sure if either States new law is all that great. Colo has a 6 plant max with only 3 in flower and 1 once in possesion outside of your domain and must have a licence to sell. So this means when you break these laws the penalty will be stiff.

Washingtons law is a joke with no cultivation at all, huge taxes and all for goverment profit.

When it comes time for us to pass our law we need to be carefull as to what it is. We are better off now compaired to these two States right now.
you should not be able to get a dui for driving high.....I function 100% all day long while using marijuana....when i wake up, before lectures or going out, help me eat from the nausea i get from lexapro, help me sleep.....i am a great driver, and im never rather drive high 100% of the time than not at all

what a pointless rant
Im not sure if either States new law is all that great. Colo has a 6 plant max with only 3 in flower and 1 once in possesion outside of your domain and must have a licence to sell. So this means when you break these laws the penalty will be stiff.

Washingtons law is a joke with no cultivation at all, huge taxes and all for goverment profit.

When it comes time for us to pass our law we need to be carefull as to what it is. We are better off now compaired to these two States right now.

You said it.. we def do not need legalization here. I agree it is a step in the right direction but those guys are all going to be under serious pressure when it is actually in effect. These laws, at least in wa, give the local pigs authority to totally fuck you if you arent careful. We know how that is but will it be worse with this level of legalization? maybe not. Im just hoping this mass of feds will be re programed elsewhere.. and there are enough cases against them before too many regular guys get boned. That would be terrific.
A DUI for driving high is inappropriate. A ticket is a more fitting punishment. It's less dangerous than texting while driving or speeding.

I agree but they are going to try anyways. They are going to do all they can to make sure that you aren't consuming while driving. The only time that I am too high to drive is when I am asleep. ;)