Worlds Top Breeders head to Colorado?


Active Member
How many top breeder will set up shop in Colorado now that amendment 64 passed?But is it a situation of the more the merrier or stay where your at big shots? With 64 passing It will just ease access to killer genetics if these breeders come to town. it also opens the door for local colo breeders to sell there wares.
i know a breeder sittin in federal pen 5yrs cause he shipped beans through the us post from state to state......breed but dont get caught shippin
I don't care who thinks there the best.Every grower,breeder thinks that there gear is tops so I'm not one to argue I'm that tends to agree.
Yo Bad Andy you ain't lying when you said the best breeders been here haha that deadheadxcheese cut you gave me stinks like a mofo the frost is outrageous.
It's very unlikely that lots of seed companies will move to Colorado. It takes a lot to get a seed company here. The law is "seed to sale". So dispensaries dont even sell seeds here. The only way they can sell seeds is if they create the seeds for sale. You havent been able to smoke in a disp sine 09 This is why Colorado is the governments test for legalization. No other country borders it and the states that do mainly Utah and Wyoming are going to be the last to legalize. Basically it's too much work to get started in Colorado, ask Subcool he knows first hand! As for the seed companies that are here Rare Dankness, 303, reserva privada, centennial, none of those companies can ship via mail legally anyways. I had to meet the owners of two of those companies to get beans recently. Its all online to read, and Robert Cory wrote most of the states mmj laws so his website has info as well.
It's very unlikely that lots of seed companies will move to Colorado. It takes a lot to get a seed company here. The law is "seed to sale". So dispensaries dont even sell seeds here. The only way they can sell seeds is if they create the seeds for sale. You havent been able to smoke in a disp sine 09 This is why Colorado is the governments test for legalization. No other country borders it and the states that do mainly Utah and Wyoming are going to be the last to legalize. Basically it's too much work to get started in Colorado, ask Subcool he knows first hand! As for the seed companies that are here Rare Dankness, 303, reserva privada, centennial, none of those companies can ship via mail legally anyways. I had to meet the owners of two of those companies to get beans recently. Its all online to read, and Robert Cory wrote most of the states mmj laws so his website has info as well.

Seed to sale is for medical marijuana. It has nothing to do with amendment 64. A seed company could set up shop here. Dispensaries absolutely do sell seeds. There are threads about it on this board. They do not have to create the seeds they sell. Where do you get this stuff?
Ya, I bought a dozen of 303Seeds' Snow Goddess beans at Kind Love, And got a free 6 pack of Dank#5! Personally, I dislike having semi-legal substances shipped to my house, so I am stoked that CO has excellent in state breeders, I have no reason to look elsewhere.

Hey BP & guys (if you all see this) how is y'all's high CBD strain coming along?