Stewart Rakes Huckabee Over The Coals

This is where the insanity of the GOP is in plain view for all to see.

Don't get an abortion and FUCK YOU if you want free contraception. It's fucking crazy. Oh and if the child lives? You're on your fucking own. Who gives a shit if the child was conceived through rape or happens to be your brother-son?

rape is just another method of conception, bro - paul ryan
Ordained by God - Richard Mourcock.

don't misquote me, bro. rape is not god's will. getting pregnant from rape is god's will. god doesn't show up to prevent the rape, he just shows up during the rape to make sure the rapist successfully impregnates the woman, bro - richard mourdock
don't misquote me, bro. rape is not god's will. getting pregnant from rape is god's will. god doesn't show up to prevent the rape, he just shows up during the rape to make sure the rapist successfully impregnates the woman, bro - richard mourdock


should have kept her legs crossed - the republican party
Bitches needa be coverin' up so my senses don't flair up, it's all 'bout me din't you know? I ain't got no control over my shit, shiiiit..
I get flaired up, what'my sposed to do, jack off? Naah son, bitches be gettin' raped left n right cuz I needa get my shit off, fuck bitchez! They ain't nuthin' but ho's n trix..

3rd post my nigga, wut, 209 cuz, Stockton muthafucka!
The spartens used to throw any babies that had defects and looked weak over the cliff. So at least we cut out that process. It would be weird to live in a society that killed full born babies and only kept the strong.

And yes there is a lady trying to stop masturbation. Based on the sperm being a potential life creator. People are looney tunes.

We do need population control, sucks to say. I think a good way to do it is give women the option to abort or not. I also think you shouldn't have more then 5 kids.

I also do not support women having multiple abortions based on multiple bad decisions. 2 abortions and your tubes are tied, unless you are raped or uncle chester had his way with you.

... more like had designs on the male. Greek love was one of the old school terms for homosexuality.
... more like had designs on the male. Greek love was one of the old school terms for homosexuality.

I've recently read some of the applicable history, and the ancient Athenian sexual model was oddly restrictive and unpleasant. Homosexuality between two adults of similar stature was discouraged. cn
I've recently read some of the applicable history, and the ancient Athenian sexual model was oddly restrictive and unpleasant. Homosexuality between two adults of similar stature was discouraged. cn

Good point one of the two usually had to be a boy right?