good idea. DESTROY SOME MORE JOBS! then more of us can apply for ssdi, grow weed, and bleed the workers of this country to death, just like greece. the communist pres is slowly letting the epa, strangle ANY buisness, that uses ANYTHING from mother earth (like we allways have, from the caveman days). so, soon there will be no way to survive. peta wont let any animal be eaten, rather, let overpopulate, and spread disease, which we will blame on industry. good idea! and it will be senseless to agrue about, because the united nations, that will soom take our guns, wont let that kind of speech will be one voice only. -THE LIBERAL, COMMUNISTIC, STATE RUN RADIO ONLY. all looking for yet another buisness to burn down, and people to lay off. when the greenies, and tree huggers get TOO MUCH POWER, this is the shit we find ourself in. our world, is so much cleaner, thatn it was even 30 years ago. so much cleaner. but the usa, cant make up, for the others, who dont care to improve their waste. we cannot do it. all we are doing is ruining our economy more. remember. its more of US THAT SUFFER, than the buisnesses. no buis. no jobs. no food. no heat. no nothing. (obviously, with the bangazi thing, its impeachment time.)