Dwc Scrog


Well-Known Member
Whatup all,

Figured id start my journal..

I am using a 2 part advanced nutrients product called Sensi

The water is kept at 5.2 ph and ppm of 770, everyone tells me to go easy on nutes. ,,,anyone with experience on least amount of nutes to grow?

Week 1

As you can see here i had the clones in an inverted bucket to create humidity. It worked very well and was able to achieve 99% humidity at will

Week 2

As you can see after the 1st week of high humidity i transfered the baskets into my clone bubbler system. I also cleaned them up a little taking off the dead brown leaves.

This is was the bubble coverage i had with the blue 12 inch rock

another shot

Due to the lack of good air bubble coverage i went out and bought some 6 inch rocks and 2 of the little nipple type... I have to say i like the small nipple rock the best... 1 of those under each will be going into the flowering bucket.

Ok so now im off to take the pics for this week... week 3 .. well 2 and a half.. but good enough... im seeing roots coming out... good excuse for the camera..

be back in a spliff


Well-Known Member
so here are the newest pics... its kinda hard to see the roots on the other pics .. kinda transparent... so here is the 1 that you can see pretty good..

here are some pics of the plants.

here are the two that really got the roots out



Ok and here is the picture of my tester that allowes me to get my ph to 5.2 everytime

... :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok guys and gals,

if anyone could chime in and help me out id appreciate it.

I have just learned about a condition called lock out. It seems that when regular tap water is used for your hydro it can cause your plants to turn purple (stems) and will stop growth..

Well my problem is just that

after 3 and half weeks of doing this i just thought to look into purple stems and wamo... i got hit with this... not only are my plants locked... but i noticed that they have been in this stage since i cloned them.

So my question to you peeps is the following.... should i just start with new fresh clones.. it will put me back 4 weeks... but .. damn i dont know what to do... i have read on here that you need to use water treated with RO (reveres osmosis) i have moved the plants all back into the small bubbler i have for the clones... using only fresh RO water... when i get home in the AM im going to clean out the rez on the big bubbler and fill it up with the proper water nuts and ph levels... i guess ill try for a few days at least...

should i just trash..?? or do you all think they could bounce back?


Active Member
I would definitely cover up the clear plastic. You are going to get algae with all that light getting in there.


Well-Known Member
So i have been pretty busy lately with my cab... I drained all of the bubblers and cleaned them up. Placed all of the clones into the small bucket while i cleaned the bigger one... I had the plants sitting in nothing but RO water for 1 night. The next day i filled the bigger bucket with ro water and nutes and placed the 4 good plants back in. the other two are still trying to make it. (dont have high hopes for the two small ones but i figured i can learn something at least.

all of the plants still have the pruple stems. 1 of the plants has about half an inch of green and then its all purple up the stem till you get to the new growth...

growth... well they have grown... not as much as i had hoped for by now but at least they are growing now.

I do have a question for anyone that can answer.

I beleave my plants are developing root rot... well at least one of them... it does seem to have slowed down alot on the root productions and i found small globs of brown goo on them... I figure this is algea... i tried rinsing them off as best as i could without killing the roots.... ill monitor that one but would like it if anyone oculd let me know how to clear this up... tommorow ill be updating my pics and show all of the above mentioned...

I have the water at as close as 800 ppm as i can put it and ph in between 5.2 and 5.8 .. i adjust once in the morning and sometimes once in the evening.. Should i try and boost up the ppm at this time... i have heard alot of people talk about nut burn and all that so i figured to just give them 800 all the way to be safe... is this a good strategy?... i am able to calculate the ppm very accurately... so adding more wont be a problem... i just donot know how much when...

Does anyone use advanced nutrients products?

anyway.. ill be able to post some pics when i get home in the am.... but ill be online as i am pulling a fucking double on a saturday..16hrs... ugghh:joint:


Well-Known Member
I dont think using tap water would stunt stop the growth that bad. I have probably the worst tap, 700 ppm naturally, and my one dwc plant that I grew for practice, grew fine for about a month, then I chopped it down. However, its not favorable to have high ppm's in mid flowering as others have stated. Thats when you will have problems with lockout. I recently ordered a ro di machine for this reason, even though I do have Hardwater nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, So im finally back with a little update.... The 4 clones that made it through have turned into strong little bushes and are working my scrog very well..

I will go ahead and put some of the pics that i have updated with ... but there are lots more in my gallery ....

So without further wait... Here are the ladies on 4-20...D day... the flowering starts... these ladies are between 9 and 10 inches tall in this pic

here are some of the next day... not much change ....do they look bushier to you?

This trunk is looking nice....

So at this point i would like to mention that topping the plant early and ensuring maximum branching i think has worked very well for the short flowering time and the screen fill

so here they are a couple days ago... :joint: 15 days Flowering...

I think its pretty full... well see if the little ones that are about 1/2 inch under the net will stretch up...

More Pics..

This was taken last night..

A couple of notes..

Daily i have had to adjust the plant trying to maximize the coverage... It seems that the plant grows just as much with the lights off than during the sun period..... weird but true.....

.... updates to come...

Also.. I was able to get some very good bag seed from a medical strain that i got the other day.... the strain is blueberry sour... I tried and germ 4 of the 8 that i got and only 1 came up... i have been vegging it and dont really care if its male or female as i would love to be able to cross blueberry sour with my purps...

Happy smoking .... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
so im looking for anhyone that has grown purps before... im kinda wondering if it was the best for scrog.. it seems that the internodes are very short and i have a hard time not putting more than one bloom in each square... also ..the pics i have seen of this strain seems to produce tight small to medium size nuggets of juicey buds.... not to tall??



Well-Known Member
Ok guys and gals,

if anyone could chime in and help me out id appreciate it.

I have just learned about a condition called lock out. It seems that when regular tap water is used for your hydro it can cause your plants to turn purple (stems) and will stop growth..

Well my problem is just that

after 3 and half weeks of doing this i just thought to look into purple stems and wamo... i got hit with this... not only are my plants locked... but i noticed that they have been in this stage since i cloned them.

So my question to you peeps is the following.... should i just start with new fresh clones.. it will put me back 4 weeks... but .. damn i dont know what to do... i have read on here that you need to use water treated with RO (reveres osmosis) i have moved the plants all back into the small bubbler i have for the clones... using only fresh RO water... when i get home in the AM im going to clean out the rez on the big bubbler and fill it up with the proper water nuts and ph levels... i guess ill try for a few days at least...

should i just trash..?? or do you all think they could bounce back?

Im glad i didnt trash... they bounced back great... !!!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
So i had to rip out that big ol cheap fan that i had been using for that 1 seed of the blueberry sour... I went ahead and installed these little fans using these hooks... awesome products... at local walmart 5$ per fan and a couple bucks for a 3 pack of hooks.... if you are using metal in your cab... and i imagine most plastics... give these products a try.. i bet they can hold a bunch more than you think '

My temps had gone up way much in the top area.. (vegging )....when i added those 4 cfls.... these fans took care of it pointing towards the exhaust........

So ill be back in a bit with some pics of the little tiny tops... im in l:peace:ove already with these tops...already showing frosting.,.. hehehehe


Well-Known Member
very good job on the scrog man. i'm subscribed for this. my second grow will be scrog grow. this will happen in the very near future :D Cheers!!! CheetaH


Well-Known Member
thx man... i would love to see how a scrog of that strain you got would be like.... im growing "da Purps" So i dont get those long donkey dicks... thx for coming by.. check me out in a week or so..


Well-Known Member
Your plants look very good Genfranco. The only thing is I think your ph needs to be between 5.5-6.0 but otherwise to that its superb. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Your plants look very good Genfranco. The only thing is I think your ph needs to be between 5.5-6.0 but otherwise to that its superb. :peace:
Thx South, I have read a bunch of posts and i own some HT hydro guides and have read studies that stated that 5.2 is the most perfect. They say between 5.2 and 5.8 ...but then they say 5.2 optimal.... Dont get me wrong ...I usually adjust the ph everyday... usually the climb is .4..... Sometimes i work overtime and dont come home for 16hrs .... the highest i have found the res at is 5.9 and about had a heart attack... to tell you the truth im very happy with the results so far... I would actually agree with the HT dude and say 5.2 optimal. :joint: but thx for your input...


Active Member
but your grow journal is the best by far i have alot of questions for u
as i am growin in soon
so i would really love ur help
i no it maybe unorthodox to ask this type of question as it maybe like your "secret recipe"
but any help would be awesome please and thank you



Well-Known Member
but your grow journal is the best by far i have alot of questions for u
as i am growin in soon
so i would really love ur help
i no it maybe unorthodox to ask this type of question as it maybe like your "secret recipe"
but any help would be awesome please and thank you

No problem man.. ask away... also check all of my pics... alot of questions are answered with pics... 1000 words.. :joint::peace: