My experience with food stamps

I've been told that the only good thing about the Canadian system is its free. The care sucks. You are constantly waiting for a doctor. And they said people will come here for big operations because its much more reliable. I have nothing to prove that, just word of mouth. Any Canadians here want to speak up?
I've been told that the only good thing about the Canadian system is its free. The care sucks. You are constantly waiting for a doctor. And they said people will come here for big operations because its much more reliable. I have nothing to prove that, just word of mouth. Any Canadians here want to speak up?

I have read from several sources that Canada is a growing destination for medical tourism
Increasing numbers of US citizens go there every year for treatment
People go to China to get transplants from "donors" murdered just for their organs, AKA medical tourism . Does that mean Chinese citizens get excellent healthcare?
Well I see nothing has changed around here and most of you didn't even read or understand the original post. Cheezus they don't make you pray for food you fucking jackass.

How do you figure only Republicans are responsible for the regulations? Your argument is false and self serving.


Wake Up dude!

Republicans are lying! They create regulations left and right...even more than *GASP* DIRTY LIBERALS...They are totally full of shit and don't give a damn about liberty.

Facts..Look it up...
Actually the salvation army did in madison
You want help?
You attend services

Probably another one of your lies. My job is to travel around to food pantries, never seen that happen. Most are outside with extensive lines and the only requirement is to sign in.
Probably another one of your lies. My job is to travel around to food pantries, never seen that happen. Most are outside with extensive lines and the only requirement is to sign in.

But having visited both homeless shelters and food pantrys
I can tell you that indeed although not implicity stated anywhere
Attending church is a requirement to get food at some locations

and without the goverment "interfering" I am sure it would be much worse
Probably another one of your lies. My job is to travel around to food pantries, never seen that happen. Most are outside with extensive lines and the only requirement is to sign in.

[TD="colspan: 2"]
Food Bank Hours: Wednesdays
from 10am-3pm

[TD="colspan: 2"]

LCCC's Food Bank is more than just a place where people come to get
food. LCCC Food Bank is a soft place to fall. Everyone who comes to the Food
Bank will be embraced with open arms. We provide food, prayer and friendship. In
fact, many of the food bank's recipients have also become volunteers, helping to
reach out to others just as they have been reached out to! It is a place where
physical, emotional and spiritual hunger are fed.

Volunteers of the food bank have found opportunities to really connect with
recipients in very meaningful ways, helping to point some toward other resources
which have led to jobs, treatment for addictions, low income housing, and ways
to break the cycle of poverty. Many recipients have also come to relationship
with Jesus through this ministry.

Probably another one of your lies. My job is to travel around to food pantries, never seen that happen. Most are outside with extensive lines and the only requirement is to sign in.

A southern Indiana food pantry can no longer distribute federal food commodities because it asks clients to pray.
Paul Brock of Community Provisions of Jackson County said he distributes food regardless of whether recipients are willing to pray with him or one of the Seymour pantry's other volunteers.But Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana, which administers the commodity program for the Indiana State Department of Health, has guidelines that prohibit talk of prayer.
Probably another one of your lies. My job is to travel around to food pantries, never seen that happen. Most are outside with extensive lines and the only requirement is to sign in.

The Reach Out Food Pantry is a ministry of Reach Out Church and is completely volunteer administered and operated. The Pantry attempts to provide several days of meals to each family, depending on the size of the family, and the stock available in the pantry. The Pantry provides all foods and additional items, such as hygiene items, free of charge to the recipients. The Reach Out Food Pantry is God’s Word in action, feeding those in need whether it be temporarily or permanently. It is also an opportunity for volunteers to grow in service to the Lord, and offer compassion, conversation, and prayer to those who come through its doors.
I am an atheist/agnostic, I still pray lol (for pretend) out of respect for others. Not that big of a deal, true or not, I worked with homeless people before an yes they are required to follow rules (at least curfew that I know of) if they stay in one of the church shelters. I don't see why any atheist would have a problem with praying in this manner unless they have some sort of stick up their ass, I don't understand the harm in being respectful of others beliefs especially if they are feeding and sheltering you no matter if they are retarded. Just like if you are living under your mums roof, you should give her respect, it is called manners, dignity, morals, and being an adult.
when i turn 18 i went to a strip club my friend ryan usto sell bud powder and shit like that he was the naborhood pharmacy back in those days food stamps were paper dollars and it was curancy to him no mater what one day he decided to invite me to see the local ladies at DAY JAWVEW strip club 97 pritty girls and 3 ugly one's was there logo.. Well to say the least we got kick out!!!!!! why you wounder my friend was so confident about his roll of dollar food stamps that he was sticking them where the sun dont shine on the ladies and tossing them on the dance floor like a pimp jigaloe maken it rain with food stamps, well we got escorted out thats my experience with the food stamp the tramps dont like it and they want hard cash money so dont try this lolz TRUE STORRY..
when i turn 18 i went to a strip club my friend ryan usto sell bud powder and shit like that he was the naborhood pharmacy back in those days food stamps were paper dollars and it was curancy to him no mater what one day he decided to invite me to see the local ladies at DAY JAWVEW strip club 97 pritty girls and 3 ugly one's was there logo.. Well to say the least we got kick out!!!!!! why you wounder my friend was so confident about his roll of dollar food stamps that he was sticking them where the sun dont shine on the ladies and tossing them on the dance floor like a pimp jigaloe maken it rain with food stamps, well we got escorted out thats my experience with the food stamp the tramps dont like it and they want hard cash money so dont try this lolz TRUE STORRY..
damn bro, i gots to get me some of dem stamps
Constitution gives us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Food will give us life, and happiness, therefore food is a natural right for all.

Therefore the government should pay and supply all of us food. Food is a natural right given to us by the constitution.
Many of the people that need food stamps are disabled or the elderly. Do you want to see some 80year old grandmaw in a walker picking-up trash in the city park for food stamps?! Or they'er college students trying to complete an education. Or they can't find a job that pays enough to house & feed them.
Let's feed them at least!...........It's f*cking FOOD!..........Hunger in America is SHAMEFULL!!!!
YES, Raise My Taxes, & Feed the POOR!.............and yes I know there will be abuses,............It's FOOD! We can errior on the side of caution in this instance.

The biggest problem I have with the food stamp program is what deprave mentioned, it doesn't go off employment history like other government programs. So you have elderly that have been paying taxes for 60 years and they have a house and car they get denied or get so little it does no good. It isn't a hand up its a hand out, to qualify for anything worth while you need to become a complete bum. It is more profitable for women to become baby factories and make money under the table. Go to any low income housing and this is almost all you see, I am not trying to be a bigot just not ignoring reality it is what it is.
The biggest problem I have with the food stamp program is what deprave mentioned, it doesn't go off employment history like other government programs. So you have elderly that have been paying taxes for 60 years and they have a house and car they get denied or get so little it does no good. .

Well some one decided it was not only your income that counted but your assets as well
you got a house/car jewelry and you need help eating
sell your house/car jewelry

I dont think a democrat set this system up