Can we get Republicans to support Cannabis Re-Legalization?

How likely is the Republican Party to support Cannabis Re-Legalization?

  • I believe they will support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • I believe they might support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • I believe they will not support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Republicans will never support Re-Legalization

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • No Opinion but I voted anyway

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't see how my Afghan Kush could be used for anything but an herb. The damn thing is mostly flower only after 3 weeks. I love the smell and growing it to give better flavor to my pine flavor sativa.I wish the smell could be bred into a sativa high

but you grew it for flowers. if you planted it in a feild with a few thousand of it's friends you would pretty much just get fibers and seeds.

unless your plant had no main trunk and no substantial branches, you have fibers, just not as much as you would get from a sativa grown in a more "natural" method, in a big open field with male and female plants. your plant didnt provide seeds either, (we hope) but this does not mean the plant would be incapable of producing seeds if it had been grown in a different environment.

growing for flowers is a specific technique, but it aint new. the chinese did it since around 800 ad and they smoked the fuck out of it. (Shen Nong, The Divine Farmeris always pictured with pipe, but they had no tobacco...) smoking herb was never a secret, it isnt discussed extensively in ancient records, for much the same reason you dont stumble across details descriptions of the method by which you operate a microwave oven today. it is ubiquitous and banal.

indians been doin this for even longer, and africans have a fairly long history with the herb too, despite their cultivation of the sativa (western type) prior to the importation of the much more fragrant and potent indian varieties.

when the two types come together, special shit happens. add in selective breeding and you get plants which make fibers AND flowers depending on how you tend it.
Going to launch a Poll. Come on you remember how to be all "Vote" oriented. ----------------------------------- Can we get Republicans to support Cannabis Re-Legalization? We have seen strong political tides flowing. Electrifying our Democratic(tm) Nation. So, what happens if we demand more right now? Is not the Republican party wanting to win a hand in this poker game in 2016? So, my Republican (generic classification in today's Republican party geography) friends and "frienemies" of politics forum, I offer up an interesting "Swing Vote" while Y'all are pondering your political navel. ----------------------- What are the benefits to expressing the Ron Paul philosophy in a modern Republican party and endorsing Legalization. Look at your last, Whites values hope, Romney; can you believe the whiter than white approach will work with the workers of this Nation? They Vote after all. So Rock The Vote Republicans.. Embrace Legalization. The Poll will be a question of how likely this is likely to happen. Thanks.
The fact is neither do democrats...My answer is that the Republican's or Democrats will only support marijuana legalization once the special interest pay them to do so and until then they will not and they are both just as guilty for being sellouts for all liberties. The special interest will not pay the politicans to do so unless they can do so in a manner which rapes and pilages from the people. So you leave me no choice on this poll, the obvious answer is only when the special interest pay them to thus only when its as corrupt as to net them more profits then the current corrupt system. And what is with your "whitey" racist slurs, aren’t you white? This shit reminds me of Clayton Bigsby.. [video=youtube;rQtysS7fB4k][/video]
The fact is neither do democrats...My answer is that the Republican's or Democrats will only support marijuana legalization once the special interest pay them to do so and until then they will not and they are both just as guilty for being sellouts for all liberties. The special interest will not pay the politicans to do so unless they can do so in a manner which rapes and pilages from the people. So you leave me no choice on this poll, the obvious answer is only when the special interest pay them to thus only when its as corrupt as to net them more profits then the current corrupt system. And what is with your "whitey" racist slurs, aren’t you white? This shit reminds me of Clayton Bigsby..

ernst is like so many people with clinical levels of white guilt.

in order to PROVE he is "not racist" he swings so far out the other way that he may as well join the new black panthers, if they would even have him (which they wont, since he is a white devil)

thats why he, uncle buck cheezie and so many other sling the RACIST!! label around and slap it on anyone for any disagreement.
by repeatedly accusing others, they prepare their affirmative defense should one of the special protected minorities take issue with one of their own statements.
unless that minority person holds a view which they deem conservative, or anti-liberal, then they are uncle toms, and thus they become RACIST!! too.

it's the easy method for ad hominem attack, requiring no thought, and even less originality. it's a rhetorical suicide vest which in their opinion, ends all discussion and grants the user automatic victory, and 72 virgins

it's the Progressive Way.
Ernst,You got a screw loose. Marijuana was never legalized in the first place. No one knew about it outside of the select few like Mexicans and black jazz musicians. It was only made illegal. What's this whole re-legalization bullshit?
Actually it was legal to use cannabis for all of human history until prohibition. It was legal in the same way that lettuce, tree bark or air were legal; in fact those still are legal. It is interesting that you select the cultural stereotypes that were used to explain to dumb white politicians why cannabis was a dangerous threat to society. I guess that the ubiquitous use of hemp was for the improvement of the jazz musical experience. Most patent medicines prior to prohibition was made with cannabis as a main ingredient and everybody at the time knew it. Surprise!!!??
Voidling, I'm very serious. Marijuana was never made legal, so you can't make it re-legal. Psychodelic cannabis sativa was just as much made legal as a milk-weed. Does milk-weed have a legal status about its can or cannot uses?
Actually, yes. Milkweed does in fact have a legal status. You can use milkweed without asking permission from anyone, you can use it for any purpose that you would like, you can sell it or give it to your friends. If a police officer comes to your garden and sees milkweed he will not feel inclined to cite you for possession of milkweed and will not want to search your underwear drawer looking for more to see if you are hoarding it from the tax man. Milkweed is legal to use for whatever purpose you might be in favor of. However, if it becomes popular with jazz musicians then we might see our esteemed legislative body curtail the use of this dangerous drug as it has no medical use or cultural relevance.
NOTHING is ever really "legal", only not-illegal(-yet, sometimes). It's the same as cold doesn't actually physically exist, it's just the absence of heat.
Actually it was legal to use cannabis for all of human history until prohibition. It was legal in the same way that lettuce, tree bark or air were legal; in fact those still are legal. It is interesting that you select the cultural stereotypes that were used to explain to dumb white politicians why cannabis was a dangerous threat to society. I guess that the ubiquitous use of hemp was for the improvement of the jazz musical experience. Most patent medicines prior to prohibition was made with cannabis as a main ingredient and everybody at the time knew it. Surprise!!!??

the most popular patent medicine ingredient was not cannabis, it was laudanum, a tincture of opium. a highly addictive substance that helps improve "Brand Loyalty", and encourages "Repeat Business". it was an important component in the "Business Model" of all the companies which became the major pharmaceutical giants of today.

also among the popular choices were: cocaine, codeine, amphetamines, and a liberal amount of ethyl alcohol, even during the booze prohibition, since it was "medicinal" and thus exempt from the laws banning booze.

"The ancient Greek historian Herodotus relates how the Scythians, Iranian-speaking nomads who roamed the steppes to the west of the Yuezhi in the first millennium B.C., liked to throw marijuana onto bonfires to induce trancelike states. It's possible the buried shaman followed similar practices. "

It was so cheap and plentiful they burned it on a bonfire, but today it is totally worth ten times as much as silver by weight.
Between 90 and 95% of ALL drug related problems are related to their prohibition. The politicians don't give a single half-shit about common sense tho, I wanna just grab one, slap them up about the face (like they're a bitch) a bit and then ask them "Seriously, are you as fucking stupid at home as you are in Government? I think child protection should take your kids off your dumb ass". Is Sarah Palin (for example) really the dumb bitch at home that we see on tv?
Politicians know very well that drugs aren't as harmful as they say they are, and they know prohibition causes the crime. However, they make money off of the DEA and are going to keep it around until they don't. Under the guise that drugs are bad mind you. At least that's my opinion.
ernst is like so many people with clinical levels of white guilt.

in order to PROVE he is "not racist" he swings so far out the other way that he may as well join the new black panthers, if they would even have him (which they wont, since he is a white devil)

thats why he, uncle buck cheezie and so many other sling the RACIST!! label around and slap it on anyone for any disagreement.
by repeatedly accusing others, they prepare their affirmative defense should one of the special protected minorities take issue with one of their own statements.
unless that minority person holds a view which they deem conservative, or anti-liberal, then they are uncle toms, and thus they become RACIST!! too.

it's the easy method for ad hominem attack, requiring no thought, and even less originality. it's a rhetorical suicide vest which in their opinion, ends all discussion and grants the user automatic victory, and 72 virgins

it's the Progressive Way.

Could not have said it any better myself!! Very well put my freind!!
You got a screw loose. Marijuana was never legalized in the first place. No one knew about it outside of the select few like Mexicans and black jazz musicians. It was only made illegal. What's this whole re-legalization bullshit?

It was against the law to not grow Cannabis at one time...

As for a screw loose.. Why yes.. But it doesn't concern you. Lucky you :)
Between 90 and 95% of ALL drug related problems are related to their prohibition.

The politicians don't give a single half-shit about common sense tho, I wanna just grab one, slap them up about the face (like they're a bitch) a bit and then ask them "Seriously, are you as fucking stupid at home as you are in Government? I think child protection should take your kids off your dumb ass".

Is Sarah Palin (for example) really the dumb bitch at home that we see on tv?

"Follow the common sense" was not a famous aphorism from Watergate. cn
Drugs are all dangerous, except the "drug" marijuana which is impossible to OD. Ketamine destroys your bladder. Meth stops saliva which then causes bacteria to destroy teeth. Hell Motrin causes your face to fall off! Drugs are bad mmmkay?
Drugs are all dangerous, except the "drug" marijuana which is impossible to OD. Ketamine destroys your bladder. Meth stops saliva which then causes bacteria to destroy teeth. Hell Motrin causes your face to fall off! Drugs are bad mmmkay?

And every human should have the right to try ALL them imo.

i would HOPE there was enough intelligence to NOT though.
Bl13,I made a mistake,marijuana has a high chance of causing the lazy thieving disease syndrome called Democrat.The only cure is if a Democrat ever comes into found money,the majority magically become Republican.Except the rare conditition Hollywood actor.
Bl13,I made a mistake,marijuana has a high chance of causing the lazy thieving disease syndrome called Democrat.The only cure is if a Democrat ever comes into found money,the majority magically become Republican.Except the rare conditition Hollywood actor.

You disappoint me with your rep/dem reference.

Both parties are NOT my friend therefore neither one's actions really surprise me.

i KNOW you aren't silly enough to fall into the two-party trap.