My experience with food stamps

In other words they don't want to admit that Holy Ron the Paul (may his blessed vaginal speculum shine its holy light on your nether regions) says let 'em die. I bet they all worship at the altar of Social Darwinism.
And your plan is to steal from someone else to give to them. Mitt Romney is more charitable in 1 day than Biden in his lifetime lol
How many people starved? Cite source please. Otherwise you just makin shit up again, like 99.999% of all your posts.

[h=2]The Impact of SNAP[/h]The program has been a tremendous success in reducing childhood hunger and malnutrition. Currently, more than 26 million Americans, including over 500,000 Oregonians, receive SNAP dollars each month. Over 80% of benefits go to households with children. Paper "stamps" have been replaced by EBT debit cards, which are very efficient and have contributed to the highest accuracy rate in the history of the program.
SNAP food dollars create a positive ripple effect in society, and are as essential today as they were when the program began. Families, seniors, disabled people and hard-working Oregonians are able to get the support they need to stay in school, keep their jobs or simply survive.
The Impact of SNAP

The program has been a tremendous success in reducing childhood hunger and malnutrition. Currently, more than 26 million Americans, including over 500,000 Oregonians, receive SNAP dollars each month. Over 80% of benefits go to households with children. Paper "stamps" have been replaced by EBT debit cards, which are very efficient and have contributed to the highest accuracy rate in the history of the program.
SNAP food dollars create a positive ripple effect in society, and are as essential today as they were when the program began. Families, seniors, disabled people and hard-working Oregonians are able to get the support they need to stay in school, keep their jobs or simply survive.

What does this have to do with how many people starved BEFORE food stamps?


I knew you couldn't come up with anything.
Most But having visited both homeless shelters and food pantrys I can tell you that indeed although not implicity stated anywhere Attending church is a requirement to get food at some locations and without the goverment "interfering" I am sure it would be much worse
The Rescue Mission in El Paso. Sit and listen to a sermon and then eat. No sermon, no eat. Cheap price and good food.
Teaching a man to fish = Letting him die? What distorted logic do you run on? 103 Octane disillusionment?
So explain why the majority of welfare beneficiaries are children through WIC and EBT as well as the elderly? What about the disabled? What do they do? I know you don't mean to literally fish, but what about the schizophrenic paranoid who thinks teh CIA and Kaptain Krunch are out to get him because they didn't put enough Krunch berries in his cereal? Do you want him working at your shop talking about his conspiracy theories? Maybe the blindman can get a job as a taxi driver? It is not so black and white. As a Libertarian, how do you feel about us funding hte public roads? Isn't that socialism?
But like I said, it doesn't have to "cost" money.Food banks are the cats meow. People who want to give being able to pour their hearts out to the needy without any red tape, or having to watch some asshole use our tax dollars to buy pepsi and snickers bars while they pony up a benjamin for the corona.
Why are you focused on this and not the fact that we give subsidies to the most profitable corpoations in the world? Why do we ignore the defense contractors who abuse our people by racking up debts? What about farm and oil subsidies? They outnumber the welfare budget.You also know that the same agribusinesses that get these subsidies are the same ones who lobbied Congress to allow Snickers bars and Pepsi to be purchased with food stamps in order to sell more product and be more profitable? Why are we ignoring that fact and focusing on the customer only?
And your plan is to steal from someone else to give to them. Mitt Romney is more charitable in 1 day than Biden in his lifetime lol
You do know that Mitt Romney is a welfare baby, right? His parents stole from the US taxpayers right? You also know that Paul Ryan stole from us as well. After Ryan's Dad died he took the social security money and went to college with it even though he never paid into social security. His mother was a beneficiary of this theft as well. Why not talk about that before you talk about how awesome Mitt Romney is?
So explain why the majority of welfare beneficiaries are children through WIC and EBT as well as the elderly? What about the disabled? What do they do? I know you don't mean to literally fish, but what about the schizophrenic paranoid who thinks teh CIA and Kaptain Krunch are out to get him because they didn't put enough Krunch berries in his cereal? Do you want him working at your shop talking about his conspiracy theories? Maybe the blindman can get a job as a taxi driver? It is not so black and white. As a Libertarian, how do you feel about us funding hte public roads? Isn't that socialism?

Let me guess? The slow but inevitable destruction of the nuclear family? You will find a nice correlation between single parent homes and welfare use. Everyone is so dumbed down by television and they think life can really be like it is on the screen against the wall. Rampant divorce, single mothers, moral decay etc etc etc The psychologist Carl Yung hypothesized that the violent rise of German fascism and the collectivist state of communist Russia grew only because there are always a certain amount of people in a society with the latent ability to abandon conscience. In other words, there is a certain amount of the population with an inborn potential to be psychopaths or suffer from some sociopathic tendency. These tendencies tend to remain dormant under most situations, but every once in awhile society loses courage and faith and eventually falters to the point where such ailments of the mind are encouraged, and the monsters in millions of people are allowed to come out and play.

WE are the faltering society.
You do know that Mitt Romney is a welfare baby, right? His parents stole from the US taxpayers right? You also know that Paul Ryan stole from us as well. After Ryan's Dad died he took the social security money and went to college with it even though he never paid into social security. His mother was a beneficiary of this theft as well. Why not talk about that before you talk about how awesome Mitt Romney is?
Social Security isn't welfare, its an entitlement that you are forced to pay into.

Romney Did contribute about 6,000 times more than Biden. I don't think that statement was meant to substitute for Support, but more likely just a factoid.
Why are you focused on this and not the fact that we give subsidies to the most profitable corpoations in the world? Why do we ignore the defense contractors who abuse our people by racking up debts? What about farm and oil subsidies? They outnumber the welfare budget.You also know that the same agribusinesses that get these subsidies are the same ones who lobbied Congress to allow Snickers bars and Pepsi to be purchased with food stamps in order to sell more product and be more profitable? Why are we ignoring that fact and focusing on the customer only?

Who said that I didn't care about all that? For fuck's sake, its not like I can put my entire opinion on everything in one post.
Social Security isn't welfare, its an entitlement that you are forced to pay into.Romney Did contribute about 6,000 times more than Biden. I don't think that statement was meant to substitute for Support, but more likely just a factoid.
He gave his money to his church which demands 10% of his net or they downgrade his membership