Can a person smoke pot and stay away from Meth?


Well-Known Member
Can a person smoke pot and stay away from Meth?
Everyone here does meth just as much as marijuana right? :mrgreen:
So many commercials and groups againest marijuana always call it a "gateway drug" yet so many people like myself smoke the green but stay away from coke and meth and all those crackhead drugs. Whats you take? lol


New Member
i've taken coke mdma lsd speed and mushrooms, but they were in my younger days, i would never do anything else now i'm getting on a bit lol

as for it being a gateway drug, yes it can be but only to people who would do it anyway.

lots of people just like a herbal smoke and thats the way its gonna stay, those that want a bigger better buzz would have been looking for it anyway had they not have found weed.

but if they were smart they would legalize herb and let us grow our own and then it wouldn't be a gateway drug at all, because you wouldn't have to go to some shady dealers house who has half a pound of heroin on the kitchen counter


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Can a person smoke pot and stay away from Meth?
Everyone here does meth just as much as marijuana right? :mrgreen:
So many commercials and groups againest marijuana always call it a "gateway drug" yet so many people like myself smoke the green but stay away from coke and meth and all those crackhead drugs. Whats you take? lol
I only smoke weed daily and cigarettes occasionally. I don't see myself ever wanting to try meth or anything else for that matter. Weed satisfies me. I don't believe weed is a gateway drug at all, it is the individual's personality that takes them to other drugs. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Yea, I don't even smoke cigs, hope I never do either. Just green for me, cause otherwise its whack.


Well-Known Member
Marry Jane is the only drug I need, though occasional shroom trip and salvia.

Weed can't kill me, some people may think I'm dead with passing out but just give me a while I'll wake up feeling fresh as a daisy.

People who use more then pot proably either A) didn't like it, B) not the same kinda high as whatever drug they are on now, or c) just an addictive personality type.


Well-Known Member
personally I don't think any of the drugs are a "Gateway" its the people that are the gateway, you gotta get it somewhere and most people get it originally from friends.


New Member
I think Drinking is the "Gateway"
that one don't count either, same reason as tobacco, even though more people are admitted to hospital for tobacco related incidents than marijuana and drinking is even worse, accident and emergency is always full on a friday and saturday night of over swelled egos that got knocked back down to earth.

so no, despite how shitty these two "drugs" are they do not count as they can be taxed and the gov has a stake in it.


Well-Known Member
i jus gotta say smoke ya mi good sense of humor....ganja in my brain ad ii would say...calice to chalice...throw way all malice...go to wonderland with alice with a chalice


Well-Known Member
I don't need no stinkin meth weed is all i need:) haven't you heard? drugs are bad for you;) seriously i've never felt the need to do anything other than weed. with the ganja at least i know its safe as long as i don't get some shit thats been sprinkled with other drugs. thats why i would rather grow my own:)


Well-Known Member
Easily. A lot of stoners I know smoke only weed. Most hard drug users don't even mess with pot because it takes too long to get out of your system.

Marijuana is not a gateway drug. This is one of the biggest bullshit propagandistic statements made in the 'war on drugs.' Someone I know smoked a lot of pot for several years and by incidence tried a little bit of meth and smoked it for a couple of months. Not a lot, but enough to mess with his head. When shit got freaky he just quit solid and hasn't messed with it since. Meth isn't as bad as the people you mess with because you smoke it and the lifestyle you live using it. It just wasn't beneficial to him anymore, and he stopped using it. This guy is kinda like that though, when he realized pot wasn't benefiting him anymore he quit.

It's the individual not the drug. The weak will fall.


New Member
the only 2 drugs that I havent done are crack, and meth. But marijuana wasnt my first drug either so I cant say that its been any gateway for me other than helping me get of herion. I didnt do meth or crack because Ive seen so many people be drug down by it. For a long time I saw pot as something that lazy people did only to further contribute to their laziness, It wasnt until I found out that me good ole mom used to burn that I started thinking any differently.
Then I realized, hey not everyone who smokes weed are uneducated, lazy and lethargic people, My mom held a job the whole time Ive been alive except for 1 week after we moved to a new area. She took care of 2 kids by herself after their pops had abandoned them, And helped take care of her old parents @ times. Then i realized that there were many people that did lead responsible lives and get high, not just her.

but anyways, Im done ranting now.
"Lets sprinkle some crack on em and get outta here"


Well-Known Member
....i personally never have done meth or shot up but i do like my pain killers but thats not marijuana's fault its my own decison... i never smoked a joint and was like "holy shit i wanna fuckin OD on some oxycotine now" i only tried it cause my dealer had it years ago when i went to buy a bag of buds. gateway drug my ass....weed needs to be leagalized cause there is gateway dealers. its only as dangerous as people make it out to be


New Member
....i personally never have done meth or shot up but i do like my pain killers but thats not marijuana's fault its my own decison... i never smoked a joint and was like "holy shit i wanna fuckin OD on some oxycotine now" i only tried it cause my dealer had it years ago when i went to buy a bag of buds. gateway drug my ass....weed needs to be leagalized cause there is gateway dealers. its only as dangerous as people make it out to be

you should never blame someone else for the substances that we choose to put into our own bodies. Blame it on your own inhibitions, not someone elses greed.

Just as the government should not be telling us what is legal and illegal to contain trace amounts of in out bodies. Or whats illegal/legal to put INTO our bodies.


Well-Known Member
Done coke twice, acid several times, opium a few times. Done weed more times than I would even care to even take a wild guess over the last 20 years. I have never even seen meth and I have hated needles ever since I could remember.