Smoke Rings


Well-Known Member
I'd always tried doing it with bud since i dont smoke tobacco but i can never get a good smoke ring. They usually end up coming out retarted looking.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I'd always tried doing it with bud since i dont smoke tobacco but i can never get a good smoke ring. They usually end up coming out retarted looking.

Takes practice to learn how to blow a good ring. I can blow rings, shoot rings through other rings, baby rings, hearts...... lol..... needless to say ... I've been at it a few decades.

Ganja smoke is not as thick as tobacco smoke so the rings aren't as heavy/thick as tobacco rings.... unless of course you keep the smoke in your mouth and don't inhale it into your lungs before blowing the rings.


Well-Known Member
i was at my friends hgouse when we were smoking some dmt and it was real good stuff too and his step son came in who is like 14 ad wanted to try some so he passes him the deamsters and the kid starts hitting it and blowing smoke rings of dmt .. my homeboy freaked out on him and was like man that shit cost 300 bucks a gram you dont blow smoke rings with it!!!


Well-Known Member
I can! I learned in Feb of THIS year, lol, yeah, that's how big of a deal it was to me, I fucking remember when I learned it. And I don't smoke cigarettes, so yeah, I do it with bud smoke. As long as you have enough smoke it's fine...I mean, I've never even done it with cigarettes....

Practically everyone I know can do it, and it bugged me that I couldn't. So one day I sat down with my bag and my pipe and I kept taking hits and trying to blow rings until I managed it. By the time I did one, I was SO fucking HIGH, lol, I almost didn't realize I had done it. I tripped a little....


Well-Known Member
i remember i took a huge rip out of the bong, was chilling on the RIU forums, trippin, and i burped a smoke ring..

I was like





Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't smoke cigs so I learned off of pot. It's a lot easier when you don't inhale the smoke but it's a waste of pot...

Now learning to do it after you've inhaled it is harder than normal but it's awesome once you get the hang of it. I can also do the smoke ring machine gun. lmao


Well-Known Member
i love to blow smoke rings. i do it all the time.. kinda like a habit.

i also like to do that thing where you blow out the smoke alittble bit then suck it all back in. so much fun.


Well-Known Member
yeah smoke rings are dope looking and its easy to learn when you have a hookah, bunch of tobacco and its very smooth. i can do it with both tobacco and mari j but you must take a pretty sizable rip to get some good ones with the mari j.


Well-Known Member
Me and my friend used to get really high in his van in high school, and then we would blow rings... We would try to blow rings let them float for like 5 seconds, and then suck them back in lol. It was a lot of fun. Seriously try it in a car, they seem to just float forever.


Well-Known Member
I can as long as I'm inside. Easy as hell with cigars since you don't inhale them. It's tight blowing a ring, letting it get real big then blowing a small line of smoke through it..


Well-Known Member
I can NOT do that! But one of my friends can, lol, that's what I want to learn next...but I'm not as dedicated to learning that as blowing smoke rings.


Well-Known Member
i was at my friends hgouse when we were smoking some dmt and it was real good stuff too and his step son came in who is like 14 ad wanted to try some so he passes him the deamsters and the kid starts hitting it and blowing smoke rings of dmt .. my homeboy freaked out on him and was like man that shit cost 300 bucks a gram you dont blow smoke rings with it!!!

300 whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat that's so expensive, and that he could blow smoke rings with dmt, how? I hit that shit and hold it till I float off.

and yeah I do smoke rings with tobacco and weed, easiest by far with the shisha tobacco for hookah's (hahah what a funny string of words).

I just started chasing the ghost a couple weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
yeah its high doller here when its around but this was really good too but he didnt hold it in he blew smoke rings thats why his step dad freaked out lol