The Grinch lives in Canada


Ursus marijanus
I don't think it's so much about is Santa real or not, as it is he came to a family event where people attended because Santa would be there. And then he shows up as a devilish thing with his hair as horns and is belligerent.

Edit: I removed vulgar because I didn't see proof that he was. Though I bet a few 4-letter words left his mouth.
The irony is that in my parents' homeland they celebrate the feast of St. Nick on Dec 06. St. Nick has a distinctly diabolic partner called Krampus. He does Bad Cop.
The cards all say "Greetings from Krampus". Note foot and hoof. I read somewhere that he is a holdover from a pre-Christian tradition and morphed from "deified herd animal" to the Satanic image shown. cn


Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Christmas does not consist of presents. As I said, you're being taken for a fool. Were led to thinking that it is due tithe three kings. Father Christmas is about presents, stockings. Giving corporations your money. Christmas should be about family, nothing more.

Christmas can be happily spent without any of this needless spending,
We don't give gifts either. Except the kids get something. Pssst, it keeps them occupied and makes my insides feel warm and fuzzy.


New Member
Christmas does not consist of presents. As I said, you're being taken for a fool. Were led to thinking that it is due tithe three kings. Father Christmas is about presents, stockings. Giving corporations your money. Christmas should be about family, nothing more.

Christmas can be happily spent without any of this needless spending,
Of course it can, still shouldn't call people fools tho just because they celebrate differently than you. Cooperations are everywhere, it's called building jobs.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Christmas does not consist of presents. As I said, you're being taken for a fool. Were led to thinking that it is due tithe three kings. Father Christmas is about presents, stockings. Giving corporations your money. Christmas should be about family, nothing more.

Christmas can be happily spent without any of this needless spending,
Well if it makes my family and friends happy I will gladly be taken for a fool,I never get into debt at Christmas I grew up in a large family where my mum stayed at home to raise the kids whilst my dad went out to work he was plasterer and didn't earn mega money so my christmas was not about lavish gifts, but presents that could be afforded and we loved them and it made us happy and we felt safe and loved and enjoyed being together, we ate well and had certain foods only Christmas bought and I will remember those days until the day I die and I hope my kids and my grand kids have the same wonderful memories.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Santa taught me an important lesson, "Never trust anyone, even your parents, trust yourself." My mother told me when I was 6 to pay me back before handing me over to my grandparents. Because I ruined her doing drugs 24/7.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Santa taught me an important lesson, "Never trust anyone, even your parents, trust yourself." My mother told me when I was 6 to pay me back before handing me over to my grandparents. Because I ruined her doing drugs 24/7.
It wasn't the Holiday that taught you that it was your mother. For that I am truly sorry.

I remember a saying I heard a long time ago. 'It isn't the load that weighs us down-it's the way we carry it' My heart does go out to you.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I read this article when it came out as I am only a couple hours from Kingston. What a creep for doing this in my the Santa Claus parade even LOL. I wondered what the kids that heard him thought? I wonder if any parents had some explaining to.......This is the first year my daughter told me she does not believe in Santa, she thinks it is all a little too far fetched (her words LOL). She said she didn't last year either but did not say anything for fear of not getting any presents LOL. When she finally told me, she had lots of questions for me. Some I could not even explain.


Active Member
I read this article when it came out as I am only a couple hours from Kingston. What a creep for doing this in my the Santa Claus parade even LOL. I wondered what the kids that heard him thought? I wonder if any parents had some explaining to.......This is the first year my daughter told me she does not believe in Santa, she thinks it is all a little too far fetched (her words LOL). She said she didn't last year either but did not say anything for fear of not getting any presents LOL. When she finally told me, she had lots of questions for me. Some I could not even explain.
I'm only a couple of hours from Kingston as well. I wonder how many of us there are around here...

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Santa taught me an important lesson, "Never trust anyone, even your parents, trust yourself." My mother told me when I was 6 to pay me back before handing me over to my grandparents. Because I ruined her doing drugs 24/7.
Iam really sorry your mother did that to you,but at least you got to stay within the family and not in care and I'm sure your grandparents did their best for you. At least your experience will play a part in the way you raise your family,because I'm sure you will do all you can to make sure they have two loving parents.


Active Member
hahahahaha..... I'm going through the RIU forums to see about ontario growers out there and i see that my old neighbor ( the one with the horns) has got into trouble again !! he was thrown out of the hood for dealing crack and running a home tattoo studio, small world, lovely.