To grind or not to grind?


Active Member
Do you guys think cramming nuggets straight off the stem into a bowl is the way to go, or grinding it and then packing it up. Personally, I normally pop solid buds into my bowls because they always seem to burn longer, although it usually takes longer to get it rolling.


Active Member
breaking it up is the way to go because it will take up more space in the bowl (saving on mj) and burn uniformily, which gives one that massive hit. to grind or not really depends on the bud.


Well-Known Member
Grind it, pick it, or cut it. I prefer cutting my buds up with a pair of really sharp and really small scissors and then packing a bowl. It gives it a more even burn and not as much THC is lost from all the handeling.


Well-Known Member
i have noticed a difference even in grinding instead of breaking up with fingers......well here is the story

i would go up to a friend of mine and she always used a grinder and needless to say that we both had the same dealer so we always smoked the same weed. well everytime i got a bag and i barely ever ground it up, i never got nearly as baked as i do when im with my friend so this went on for a while and i started to notice the pattern. after that i ground up my hole eight the one day and smoked some, i got so baked....this is already after i had smoke some broken up with my fingers .....the point is....since i have been grinding it up i get higher than what i would have if i didnt...... soo thats all i do now


Well-Known Member
Grinders are cool but I do like the entire process of doing it by hand. Im a bit nutty though. Way back when I would do coke (dont do it its sooo bad really dont even try it) I would play with it all the time. back and forth with the blade making likes then putting it in a pile only to make lines again over and over. Sure I was all jacked up on that shit but I still like to do it with the weed go figure.


Grinders are cool but I do like the entire process of doing it by hand. Im a bit nutty though. Way back when I would do coke (dont do it its sooo bad really dont even try it) I would play with it all the time. back and forth with the blade making likes then putting it in a pile only to make lines again over and over. Sure I was all jacked up on that shit but I still like to do it with the weed go figure.

absolutely bro! i love my weed to be broken down real fine; but i hate grinders!! :evil:! i think it takes alot of the interaction out of smoking and makes it less personal. i also hate to smoke stems/seeds, or any other shit that may be in the weed, so manual is the way to go. takes me a little longer, but weed is a social drug; if you cant shoot the shit with me for five minutes while i break up the weed, then get the hell out! i see the grinder as just a natural progression of our instant gratification society.


Well-Known Member
i see the grinder as just a natural progression of our instant gratification society.
lol... what?!

I use a grinder just like I'd use any tool... "I like to push nails in with my fingers instead of using a HAMMER"

Besides, your fingers don't have a kief catcher, so you cant save massive piles of kief like I can. One hit off of that shit and I'm BAKED! "Instant gratification":mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Im cool with not getting all the kief when I do it by hand I have to much hash to smoke as it is lol


Well-Known Member
I grind mine... Really I think it comes down to personal preference... I like to grind because I use a grinder with a screen in and collect trichs... Once a month I press em and have me a nice lil piece of hash!


lol... what?!

I use a grinder just like I'd use any tool... "I like to push nails in with my fingers instead of using a HAMMER"

Besides, your fingers don't have a kief catcher, so you cant save massive piles of kief like I can. One hit off of that shit and I'm BAKED! "Instant gratification":mrgreen:

is it really that hard of a job breaking up your herb to smoke a bowl that you need a tool to make it easier? call me old school, but i dont let my weed go through a grinder; just dont like it, but i will always break it up myself and not impart the duty to someone else. as far as my fingers not having a kief catcher, i break up on glass; what comes off the bud still goes in the bowl, so those little hits of kief are smoked with every bowl. i get the special treat at harvest times with hash/honey oil from trimmings. all matters of opinion i suppose; and although i hate grinders, i do have to say that i love smoking those little "kief cakes" that develop in the bottom:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i use small cuticle scissors and cut it really fine making sure no stem gets mingled up in my bud...then i put it into my VAPO:-)


Well-Known Member
Do you guys think cramming nuggets straight off the stem into a bowl is the way to go, or grinding it and then packing it up. Personally, I normally pop solid buds into my bowls because they always seem to burn longer, although it usually takes longer to get it rolling.
I think HiAzHell related a story in an earlier reply about grind v whole bud. Here is the science:

Given that THC boils/vaporizes at about 190 degrees celsius and a cigarette end (or the bud in your bowl) is burning at about 500 degrees celsius, I'd suggest that a lot of your high is smoking away in the bowl/cone piece before you get to take another toke on it.
Grind it, chop, or break it up by hand, but don't just throw a nugget in the bowl and try to smoke it. You'll lose too much.

Personally, I use a grinder or scissors if I need to. I also use a mesh in my cone piece to stop any 'pull-through' into the water of my billy. I get a full cone and I get no wastage. The grinder makes the tobacco spin mix easier through my weed. Granted, I was a scissors chopper for twenty years before I discovered a decent grinder
...ramble ramble...must...have...another...conebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i use small cuticle scissors and cut it really fine making sure no stem gets mingled up in my bud...then i put it into my VAPO:-)
This is the best way to break up your weed without knocking a lot of the resin glands off by using a grinder or your fingers.

I think everyone should try using some small and VERY sharp scissors to break their weed up. You'll notice the difference... Plus, it makes it a more personable experience and takes a little longer than picking it apart with your fingers.


Well-Known Member
I grind on to a material I can use a guitar pick to scrape off all bud and kif into my bowl.. I will always support a grinder. It's one of the best tools a smoker can have. It eliminates the possibility of wasting the best hit tearing up your buds with your fingers.


Well-Known Member
me, i have been using the same ones for a few years now and they still manage to stay really sharp with a ton of dank resin on them. I'm telling you break your bud apart with tiny scissors....LOL that was a tangent...oh well I'm high as hell... goodnight peeps


Well-Known Member
absolutely bro! i love my weed to be broken down real fine; but i hate grinders!! :evil:! i think it takes alot of the interaction out of smoking and makes it less personal. i also hate to smoke stems/seeds, or any other shit that may be in the weed, so manual is the way to go. takes me a little longer, but weed is a social drug; if you cant shoot the shit with me for five minutes while i break up the weed, then get the hell out! i see the grinder as just a natural progression of our instant gratification society.
Like the wheel?


New Member
yep :).............
breaking it up is the way to go because it will take up more space in the bowl (saving on marijuana) and burn uniformily, which gives one that massive hit. to grind or not really depends on the bud.