Well-Known Member
A man with faith in his brothers???i tell EVERYONE. i invite people over i have never met in my life. i tell them to bring friends. i have a card but the feds could still come get me. so what am i?

A man with faith in his brothers???i tell EVERYONE. i invite people over i have never met in my life. i tell them to bring friends. i have a card but the feds could still come get me. so what am i?
A man with faith in his brothers???![]()
I have to agree fdd, the end of prohibition will only come when the general voting public is educated and know what we know about the benefits (many) and drawbacks(few) of cannbis. A couple of weeks ago there were 20000 of us marching in support of legalization in the rain in Toronto. We had people from teen-agers to senoirs, hippies to off-duty police marching,and openly smoking. No arrests, no trouble , for the 10th year. We can only hope that the politicans pay attention.![]()
You're one dumb son of a bitch.... seriously
You just made me lol.
I know i was sort of harsh on the guy... I'm sorry for that..
It's just that we NEED to point out a few things out to all the "noobs" that are planning to grow...
Thats what I was doing...
If your smart, and just STFU, you really have nothing to worry about.. that is the fucking truth..
I mean, If you invest in good lights, good seeds, carbon filter, etc..
I just want to know why he didn't invest in "keeping his mouth shut"??
Now, back to you....
Eat a dick faggot... you don't know me..
Talking all this nonsense and shit..
That ham sammich is in his beard. Maybe that would be a great place for small stealth grow. Give Larry enough alky to put him into a stupor, place two clones, then catch up with at harvest time, spin him around a few times until he's really dizzy and then harvest!
i know you!! your the same know it all, no nothing moron, i run into all the time, here and on the street. there would be a very different out come on the street.
you made the same mistakes he did. but then you come in here like you have all the answers, then lay it out in a tone, as if you where scolding your 2 year old child. nobody else felt the need to tell this guy what he did wrong, then rub it in his face.
if you had any brains, or any idea what this site is about, then you would have, stated your story, the facts and what happened in the end. that would have been helpful. the crap you spewed has done nothing, nothing for me, nothing for the site, nothing for the newbie. as you stated you where trying to do.
then again maybe i am wrong? maybe i am on the wrong site? maybe this is what this site is about. fuck it you can have him and those like him with there big yellow stickers. there plenty of sites where admid/elite wont have some fucking moron trying to trample on others to compensate for whatever inadequacies they have, just to feel better.
i woke up this morning to check in at RIU, and research a little on trichome development. then i come across some, ignorant, arrogant loud mouth, who pissed me off to the point, i felt the need to say something.
but all you can come back with it " Eat a dick faggot... you don't know me.." i have dealt with people like you before you where even a dream in your daddys eye.
now lets hear your story. tells us what happened. tells the out come. that would be helpful. not this bullshit. now if it end with a big homo guy named bubba, in a 8x8 cell, then i understand where your attitude comes from. if not i am listening for you to help out us newbie. cause i have heard nothing yet except Blah blah blah blah so far. and i bet if i go through you post its all the same shit. hate and blah blah blah blah
i tell EVERYONE. i invite people over i have never met in my life. i tell them to bring friends. i have a card but the feds could still come get me. so what am i?
i tell EVERYONE. i invite people over i have never met in my life. i tell them to bring friends. i have a card but the feds could still come get me. so what am i?
I have to agree fdd, the end of prohibition will only come when the general voting public is educated and know what we know about the benefits (many) and drawbacks(few) of cannbis. A couple of weeks ago there were 20000 of us marching in support of legalization in the rain in Toronto. We had people from teen-agers to senoirs, hippies to off-duty police marching,and openly smoking. No arrests, no trouble , for the 10th year. We can only hope that the politicans pay attention.![]()
and the next person that posts on this WORLD WIDE WEB site and says "tell NO ONE" can bite me.
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i've met people on this site that ended up living 5 mins away from me. this site is PUBLIC. when you post here you are TELLING THE WORLD. 'ello?
you rambling means nothing. this site got me going. this site is the sole reason i started to grow. i came here about 6 months ago, and the people on here and there info. plus a few idiots how showed me what not to do is the reason i am not paying for weed anymore. salute to RIU and the folks here.FUCK IT.
Unleash the power fdd. This has gone on long enuff..looks like a pesonal attack to me...FUCK IT.
Here it goes....
Sorry to say this dude, but you're really gay...
Its amazing that you even know how to use a computer considering your age.
Are you fucking stupid or something...????
This website means nothing....
Unlike you... I don't hang out here to "meet people to smoke with"
I just need some tips and shit for doing my first grow.
Do you think i give a fuck if all these Canadians see my grow journal??? hell naw
If your comparing telling somebody in real life, to telling somebody behind a computer screen..
You have to be one dumb ass mother fucker.
you rambling means nothing. this site got me going. this site is the sole reason i started to grow. i came here about 6 months ago, and the people on here and there info. plus a few idiots how showed me what not to do is the reason i am not paying for weed anymore. salute to RIU and the folks here.
dude i am done with you your dismissed.
Unleash the power fdd. This has gone on long enuff..looks like a pesonal attack to me...
Dude.. you're not even in the same category...
You have a med card.. i know that doesn't make you untouchable, but it does take off a lot of the edge...
I'm not being rude or anything, but If i recall correctly, your an old timer... 50-60 something years old...
That means that your friends are older, and more mature... and probably wouldn't stoop low enough to rob or rat you out.
Now... If you were some young, 20 something year old guy, I'm sure you wouldn't be bragging that you "Tell EVERYONE".
hahahha what a joke.
Be real dude..
Why do you think your not supposed to tell anybody???
It's because you care about your self, and are smart enough not to take a gamble like that...
Your sounding like a hypocrite.. "LOOK AT ME!!! I HAVE A MED CARD!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I TELL EVERYBODY!!!!!! I ALSO INVITE PEOPLE TO MY HOUSE TO SMOKE!!!!!
I'm pretty sure that you even sell some of your "medical" weed to people....
No wonder Its so hard to get a med card...
I personally believe that people shouldn't sell weed (If they grow) cause it is the main reason these fucking politicians are so scared to make it legal..![]()