Faulty premise. "stealing" 100 percent of a person's labor is not slavery. Slavery is the ownership of one person by another or a group. Slavery entails the ability to sell that person as though they were an object - separating his family, beating, whipping or restraining the person - this is what slavery is. To compare taxation to slavery is to elevate the atrocity that is slavery to something far less henous.
It isn't referring to tax. It isn't a stand against tax either. It's from IWW, it advocates greater pay and benefits for workers. The point is that rank and file workers perform the function that is most productive in the enterprise and that their reward should match their contribution. CEOs and managers do not perform a function that is as productive as that which rank and file workers do, and yet they benefit the most directly from the increased productivity of the workers. This is at the heart of wage slavery.Faulty premise. "stealing" 100 percent of a person's labor is not slavery. Slavery is the ownership of one person by another or a group. Slavery entails the ability to sell that person as though they were an object - separating his family, beating, whipping or restraining the person - this is what slavery is. To compare taxation to slavery is to elevate the atrocity that is slavery to something far less henous.
Theft is the taking of something with no return for what is taken. Taxes are not theft.
lets compare :
I think I heard a soundbite of Rush Limbaugh saying the same thing, 3+ years ago.Solution -Kill the poor and starving . Then not only will we not have to feed them but they won't be able to cause economic collapse by wanting raises .
But, But, But they MUST be the best, the statistics say so. Don't tell me we have all been duped once again!!!! Cry fucking Cry!!!....Gotta be how some people feel.lets compare :
a HUGE nation with millions of kids from every land on earth, many of whom dont even speak the language, and have no educational basics, but still get dumped right into the same classes as everybody else, "just to be fair" thus reducing the educational quality of the other kids, and dragging the whole class down to the lowest common denominator, and everybody pretty much succeeds or fails as a group
a tiny nation with a homogenous population, a common language, common social structure and common culture, and a school system that siphons off the non-performing kids (the dead weight) into trade schools, and apprenticeship programs in the 8th grade, while the kids who are deemed worthy of further education are put on a track to university.
also there are mandatory testings, the tests dont have shit to do with funding for the school, they determine the kid's educational course. labeling him a future engineer or doctor, or a future garbage man, or taxi driver.
european schools are not a liberal arts education paradise, they are a factory, marking out the kids worthy of further education, and dropping the rejects down the chute into a menial job.
brilliant plan. unless your kids dont get the positive evaluations that get them into the university track...
Theft is taking from a person without their permission or consent. Theft deprives the rightful owner of what was taken.Theft is the taking of something with no return for what is taken. Taxes are not theft.
They don't destroy the planet, they don't live off of an unsustainable infrastructure, they don't murder people by the thousands in organized terror campaigns. We are fucking savage compared to them, their culture lasted tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of years, ours started a few centuries ago and is already facing several species bottleneck crises. They live with a philosophy called Ubuntu, what is yours? Right of conquest?The Alternative:
What good is any of our advancement if it hasn't actually been of much benefit to mankind overall?they have a staggering inffant mortality rate, any disease or injury is pretty much a death sentence and their average lifespan is around 40.
yeah they're knocking it out of the park.
Are you arguing that material benefit is no benefit? Since we cannot agree (even on this site) on what constitutes "philosophical benefit", and since I see the story of human history not having demonstrated one philosophy as clearly more successful than another ... we only have a generally-accepted way of counting the material benefits. Jmo. cnWhat good is any of our advancement if it hasn't actually been of much benefit to mankind overall?
SpeciesAre you arguing that material benefit is no benefit? Since we cannot agree (even on this site) on what constitutes "philosophical benefit", and since I see the story of human history not having demonstrated one philosophy as clearly more successful than another ... we only have a generally-accepted way of counting the material benefits. Jmo. cn
They seem like they could be just as happy as you and I. Probably have closer attachments to family and friends also. When you are just about to die I think we will realize where we went wrong when we see how much time we wasted watching TV instead of doing something engaging with our family.The Alternative:
see thats a judgement call. anyone who wants to go all hunter/gatherer can do so, nobody is stoppin em.They seem like they could be just as happy as you and I. Probably have closer attachments to family and friends also. When you are just about to die I think we will realize where we went wrong when we see how much time we wasted watching TV instead of doing something engaging with our family.
We are dancing with fire. Peak oil and global warming both have potential to cause not only population bottleneck, but global warming in particular has huge potential to be an extinction event.Too cryptic. Sorry. cn