Is real sour diesel still clone only?

I ll take Ae77's Chrome Diesel any day of the week over the rest .. Diesel with Fuel and it punches one in the head quick and best of all she is stable ! Any others here smoke some Chrome ? If so speak up lol
as far as i know the riri cut is a cut that has been bred before te ECSD,swerve from CC has it,maybe he can come here andexplain something more
I thought it was found in a pack of rezdog sour diesel IBLs? Tried to google it but couldnt found the thread that had the info i think its one of the sour diesel clone only threads on icmag
You CAN get the important (subjective) traits stabilized into the offspring of a given line as true breeding traits.
In this case I strongly doubt it.

Again, we're simply not starting with an inbred line here, but a hybrid, and its a question of heterosis.

I can't say specifically which traits (which is why I said "probably not") but with a unique polyhybrid like ECSD its a fairly safe bet that at least some of the interesting traits of the original (particularly those dealing with scent/flavor and growth) REQUIRE heterozygosity to be expressed.

No amount of crossing can "stabilize" an "Aa" heterozygote into a homozygous/true-breeding form. That's the problem. If you make the locus in question homozygous (true breeding) you lose the trait. And if you take ALL the heterozygous traits of the original and make them homozygous, you're probably going to be leaving behind at least some of what makes the original "clone only" strain interesting.

Put more simply, one of the interesting traits of ECSD is probably "hybrid vigor", which simply cannot be stabilized.

This is done various ways (not going back there, is irrelevant) but through dominant to recessive pairing. Again, it is through selection and experimentation but the correct pairing absolutely sets these paired alleles. Successive generations (again means are subjective), given specific selection criterion increase the statistical observation of the given traits selected for.
I think you're still missing my point. You're quoting from the textbook talking about finding genes and creating heterozygotes.

Yes, of course you can isolate any given trait with enough selection. The point is that by their very nature some traits are not "true breeding".

Sure, if you look hard enough you can find an AA plant, and find an aa plant, and then cross them to consistently yield "Aa"s.

But once you have that Aa, more inbreeding won't generate only "Aa"s. Try it, and you'll always throw off 25% each AA and aa.

More specifically, if AA is red and aa is blue and Aa is purple, then you can NEVER generate a true-breeding purple line, because purple simply doesn't breed true.

Cross any two purple plants and you'll always get 1/4 each red and blue ones. Cross a purple and a red and you'll always get half-red plants half-purple ones. Cross a purple and a blue, and you'll always get half-blue and half-purple.

With careful parent selection you should be able to put out a pack of ceeds that grow out all purple plants, they just won't be "true breeding" in the commonly accepted definition of that term (ie many or most of the offspring will not be similar to the parents). They'll be hybrids.

For clarity, I'm using a deliberately simplified example of codominance with one allele. Some of the genetic factors that control traits of interest are probably more complicated, making selection harder and expression in offspring rarer.

For example, now say to make a purple plant you need not just Aa, but AaBbCcDd. With that requirement, if you crossed two purple plants, only 1 in 16 offspring would be expected to be purple.

To this "purple" trait, now lets add a "lemon" trait that also requires a specific genotype with four heterozygous allelles (you could call it EeFfGgHh). Cross two AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHh "purple lemons" and you'd expect only 1 in 256 of their offspring to be a "purple lemon". The other 255 could range from "highly similar" to "highly different" depending on what phenotypes were associated with the various allelic combinations.

In this example the "purple lemon" pheno is a rare hybrid. Not only is "purple lemon" not true breeding, there is really NOTHING you can do to create a true breeding purple lemon line. All you can hope to do is to identify or create two parents that will always throw off purple lemons.

Actually doing it might be easy or hard, depending on your ability to do selections for A, B, C, and D. Some of those particular genotypes may not have selectable associated phenos, and then you're stuck with your punnet squares, math, and "dumb luck".

Get it?

That being said, even "stabilized", "true breeding" inbred lines still exhibit gene pool influences and are only one off pairing away from showing the entire gene pool.
Well, in a case like ECSD you're literally talking about a genetic individual. The "gene pool" in question is at MOST two different copies of each allelle, which although not "zero" genetic diversity, isn't very much.

Purity is as you say "subjective" since all cannabis in it's root state would be hemp, all forms of "drug cannabis" are the result of selective pressure going back thousands of years as your aware.
To be clear, hemp itself has also been selectively bred by man for fiber. As far as I know, nobody really knows what the "original" cannabis strain looked like or even if it still exists. But yes, in the case of a specific individual polyhybrid plant like ECSD, which is in effect just a special "mutt", talking about genetic "purity" is a bit bizarre. The whole "problem" here is that ECSD is NOT "pure", which is why recreating it in ceed form isn't a trivial exercise.

**Identical is not a worthy goal of target breeding, you may select for some traits but identical is a goal that nature doesn't allow. thank goodness ..... master race?!?!
Depends what you're trying to do, I think. For example, if you were breeding a line intended for lab research, extreme homogeneity could be useful.

I'd say that in THIS context, the goal is to create a pack of ceeds where some or even better all of the plants have flavor, scent, high, and growth characteristics approximating those of "the real sour diesel". Again, accepting certain limitations here, I definitely think it can be done.
Aa traits can be captured in seed if the parents are AAxaa (or a true F1). It's a pretty complicated issue and honestly none of us know who the parents of ECSD are and what their true lineage is.

If the parents aren't true breeding it's going to be difficult to capture in seed form (I mean, truly capture a nearly genetically identical or identical plant), although certainly possible if you can grow millions of plants (in other words, not particularly realistic).

They will never be true breeding, and I think there is probably some confusion here as to how this term is being used as well between the two parties discussing this topic, but maybe not.
as far as i know the riri cut is a cut that has been bred before te ECSD,swerve from CC has it,maybe he can come here andexplain something more
Maybe youre talkin about AJ sour diesel, which is the cut that swerve has...From what i understood this was the original strain ((chemdawgxmassSS)xNl), then came theECSD (AJ sourd x DNL) when the DNL hermed and pollinated the AJ cut...But i have no idea of what this riri actually is...maybe only a cut found in rez gear, or from some S1s of AJ or ECSD...?
I'd like to smoke some straight Sour D, the ECSD is one of my all time favorite smokes. I have tried Rez (tasted right but weak), Reefermans (barely any relation), and so many crosses I can't even start to list. The ECSD is in a league of it own and while theres a little magic in all the crosses I've tried, none even start to compare. I will be grabbing some of the OSD from CC, and hoping for the best. I'm sure there are some great representations in seed form, I just haven't been lucky enough to smoke one.
I'd like to smoke some straight Sour D, the ECSD is one of my all time favorite smokes. I have tried Rez (tasted right but weak), Reefermans (barely any relation), and so many crosses I can't even start to list. The ECSD is in a league of it own and while theres a little magic in all the crosses I've tried, none even start to compare. I will be grabbing some of the OSD from CC, and hoping for the best. I'm sure there are some great representations in seed form, I just haven't been lucky enough to smoke one.

I'm running the OSD from CC right now from seed. They are just now going into flower. I've grown real sour D before. And so far these seeds look and smell the part. We'll see how they turn out. I'll try to remember this thread and throw up some pics and shit when they get a little farther into flower for you other guys interested in this strain.
I think at this point it is a matter of semantics in the discussion with jogro, by the end of that last post I am certain were talking about the same coin. Your just disputing the specific traits that you have found desirable in ecsd. I haven't personally tried to work with that individual, I cannot comment. I would argue yet that it is not impossible, and no I wasn't just quoting textbook answers for the sake of it, it was supporting the mathematical model of how these observations are predicted. Finding the right pairing may be hard but not impossible, which if I am not mistaken you actually agree with that statement despite coming out saying I am wrong!
"Originally Posted by colocowboy"
You CAN get the important (subjective) traits stabilized into the offspring of a given line as true breeding traits.
In this case I strongly doubt it.

The purpose of selective breeding is to realign "Aa" pairs, that's what I said and I stand by it it is a FACT. You even proof it there! I think YOU don't even get what your saying!
Sure, if you look hard enough you can find an AA plant, and find an aa plant, and then cross them to consistently yield "Aa"s.

I'd say that in THIS context, the goal is to create a pack of ceeds where some or even better all of the plants have flavor, scent, high, and growth characteristics approximating those of "the real sour diesel". Again, accepting certain limitations here, I definitely think it can be done.

Hybrid Vigor is not a genetic trait, by it's very definition it is vigor obtained by hybridization!

To be clear, hemp itself has also been selectively bred by man for fiber. As far as I know, nobody really knows what the "original" cannabis strain looked like or even if it still exists.
Not true, what do you think a population does when allowed to go wild and survival of the fittest is allowed to be the selective agent? There are "wild" populations all over even in the US. Ever heard the term "ditch weed"? I and MANY others have "seen" this phenomenon. This is one of those points I was talking about before, your expressing your opinion as a fact. In fact the nature of cannabis naturally in the environment is toward hemp, if I quote sources your just going to complain but with my own eyes have seen this phenomenon. I saw beautiful buds that were as sterile for thc as banana peels growing next to a train track in Missouri! lol The local farmers are aware, it stems back to when it wasn't illegal to grow hemp of course, but apparently from time to time an individual shows up that has drug traits. Imagine that!
Ok, reference for support of argument, sorry can't help it fella!
Robert Connell ClarkE - Marijuana Botany: A wild Cannabis plant grows from seed to a seedling, to a prefloral juvenile, to either pollen- or seed-bearing adult,
following the usual pattern of development and sexual reproduction. Fiber and drug production both interfere with the natural cycle and block the pathways of inheritance.

**rats, you still got me to commit time to analyzing one of your lengthy posts..... RATS!**
The purpose of selective breeding is to realign "Aa" pairs, that's what I said and I stand by it it is a FACT. You even proof it there! I think YOU don't even get what your saying!
I think we know why breeding is done. The point is to take traits from different lines and combine them into a new line of your design.

My point is that you can realign these heterozygous loci all you like, you just can't ever make them into a true-breeding line.

Hybrid Vigor is not a genetic trait, by it's very definition it is vigor obtained by hybridization!
Its a trait (ie a genetically related phenotype) just not one linked to a single specific allele. In any case I was just using that as a commonly understood example of why you cant expect to stabilize a hybridized line without losing something along the way.

As far as I know, nobody really knows what the "original" cannabis strain looked like or even if it still exists.

Not true, what do you think a population does when allowed to go wild and survival of the fittest is allowed to be the selective agent? There are "wild" populations all over even in the US. Ever heard the term "ditch weed"? I and MANY others have "seen" this phenomenon. This is one of those points I was talking about before, your expressing your opinion as a fact.
Well, of course my "opinions" aren't fact when they're pulled directly out of your butt and bear no relation to anything I've actually posted.

Sure, feral cannabis (ie the ditchweed you're talking about) loses its THC under natural selection. Where did I say or even imply otherwise?

You were talking about "pure" lines and again, what I said is that nobody knows what the "original" cannabis strain looks like. Specifically nobody knows exactly what this plant looked like 15,000 years ago before humans started cultivating it. In fact, there is good reason to believe that unlike just about every current strain known, cannabis was originally a perennial plant, like every other dioecious plant.

If you're saying that American feral cannabis (call it hemp, if you like) has reverted in appearance and other characteristics to exactly resemble the pre-human cannabis plant, then you're the one making a mistake. This is almost certainly NOT true, and its not just because the Americanized strains are derived from post-selected genetic stock, but much more importantly because they have adapted to a totally different growing environment.

As you know, different wild cannabis populations look and behave quite differently. IE what grows wild in Indiana looks quite different than what's found on the Mountains in Nepal, and that in turn looks different than what's found on the Steppes of Siberia. Plants growing wild near the Himalayas might be the closest thing to the original plant, since the plant is thought to have originally arisen there, but maybe not. . .environmental conditions there have probably changed in the last 150 centuries. Again, nobody really knows.

Robert Connell ClarkE - marijuana Botany: A wild Cannabis plant grows from seed to a seedling, to a prefloral juvenile, to either pollen- or seed-bearing adult,
following the usual pattern of development and sexual reproduction. Fiber and drug production both interfere with the natural cycle and block the pathways of inheritance.
And where did I say anything different?

With respect to Dr. Clarke, although I agree with his point here (and by extension what you're saying), I think he's putting it in a fairly artful way.

I'd say that while useful to humans, fiber and drug production are disadvantageous for plant survival in the wild, and because of that, natural selective pressures will tend to eliminate these traits from wild cannabis populations.
the riri cut is a pheno of rez sour diesel found in france i think,ive run rez sour diesel ibl and found a couple real nice examples of sour diesel ,not a huge yeilder but extremely aaa class herb,also found nice sour diesel phenos in hortilabs super sour diesel,got 3 seeds left of rez sd hopefully make sum seeds
Aa traits can be captured in seed if the parents are AAxaa (or a true F1).
You bet. And they can be captured CONSISTENTLY into ceeds, which is what you are implying.

Anyway, agreeing entirely with everything else in that last post, these genetic arguments are going nowhere. Its just wheel spinning and silly bickering at this point.

What I'd really like to see, more than anything else, are more posts by people who have actually grown these sour diesel like lines, and what they think of them.

So far, I haven't seen anyone say that they've purchased some pack of ceeds where most or all of the ceeds yielded something just like ECSD, and in fact, most growers are reporting that it hasn't been their experience.
Dude, your crazy man and you talk in circles!
I think enough samples have been given for reasonable folks to determine whats up! Bicker is a good word, it sucks I'm done..

Original Sour Diesel from CC is really good, a real representation of what I toked and was told was sour d years back. True breeding or not it's good and many individuals per pack are keepers in the range that one expect from something called original sour diesel. It's has that delicious chem/fuel/kerosine/diesel smell taste with that nice sweet to sour finish/exhale. The high is soaring up with a slight bonk behind the eyes to make you feel cheechified. One of these days I'll do a smoke report on it.
I am growing sour diesel #2 from Humboldt Seed Organization right now, your welcome to come watch my videos on you tube...follow along and see if it is something you want to grow. Best of luck in your endeavors.

I looked around and found it was a clone only strain for a while but those posts were older from 2009 and iv seen seeds clamping to be sour diesel from cal connection and what got me wondering if ther were legit was the genetics said original sour diesel clone X sour og male. I'm not too sure about what real sour d's genetics are but it said also mostly sativa and I know sour diesel is sativa dominant 90%/10% so are these seeds another knock off sour diesel or are they the real deal? Here's a link
I am growing Original Sour Diesel, from Cali Connection right now, your welcome to come see on you tube. Hoping mine are as good as yours, thanks for the preview.
Thanks for adding sanity to this thread. Your argument is why I try to grow as many variations as are available of a particular strain "family" I grow them all out and select what I feel is best...I could care less what it's actuall pedigree it fire in every way? than who cares? does it resemble the strain you seek? I have found grower technique to be far more divisive in quality than most quality modern genetics. You try growing seed that every seed is perfect no matter how lame the grower, lol.


Again, I have zero doubt that your sour diesel line comes from the real mccoy and makes plants similar enough to the clone only line that anyone interested in a product like that will probably be satisfied. If I were interested in growing something like this from ceed, your version would be on a pretty short list of lines I'd be looking at.

Is it the "real" sour diesel? Well, that's a matter of semantics (see below). Again, presuming the original is a unique hybrid pheno, you're probably not going to be able to come up with a genetically identical plant no matter how many crosses or backcrosses you do.

But with appropriate crossing and selection, can you create something that has all or most of the same characteristics and for practical purposes is the same thing? I think so.

What did I say that was incorrect?

With due respect, I've probably forgotten more about genetics than you've ever known. Mentioning Clarke's (that's with a "e") book doesn't mean you actually understand it, let alone can apply it here.

Contrary to what you state, by definition, a strain is a collection of different plants with similar characteristics, derived from a common ancestor. Since strains can arise via genetic bottleneck, human-derived selective pressure isn't actually necessary to generate a "strain". But this is getting off track.

Back on point, the original question was asking for "real sour diesel". So what is "real sour diesel"? There is more than one line out there with that name now, and that's really the issue here.

If by "sour diesel" you mean something genetically identical to the original clone only ECSD, you're not going to find ceeds like that. Even S1 ceeds created by effectively crossing two sour diesel clones won't put off offspring identical to the original. Bluntly, if it were so easy to create a good sour diesel line, everyone would have one! (Hence the term "clone only").

On the other hand, if by "sour diesel" you mean any plant related to the clone only line that has similar characteristics of scent, taste, high, structure, then absolutely you can get ceeds like that, and right now there are multiple vendors/breeders who offer something like that.

Cali-Connection/Swerve has his version, Dr. Greenthumb offers feminized ECSD S1, Reserva Privada has a version, as does Humboldt Seed Organization.

There are a few others selling ceeds they call "sour diesel", though as Swerve implied, its not at all clear to me what the genetic relationship between their lines and the clone-only line is.
I guess I am just failing to see the relevance of your arguments with each other, maybe just a pissing contest perhaps? Need to get laid?

Nah, you need to get taken down a notch. I have watched you shit in people threads for a while now, a little reality check will keep the bad info to a limit.

***btw... It's not personal, I just have a problem with the fact that your dribble has consumed a part of my life I cannot retrieve therefore you shall share my loss. The included irritation is for misleading people with unfounded cyclic babble!

You have a great night too fella!
The owner of a seed co. in Amsterdam in the '90s was the first person I knew of who was using the name Diesel and THAT plant was NL5HzCxSK1HzC. What people have been calling Diesel since then, I don't know anything about. If you want to know who that was, do your homework
can't speak to the others but Greenthumb's East Coast Sour D is the real deal. Just like the clone and no hermies either