If that is true, that the stand your ground law provides for folks who fear for their lives from teens in a neighboring car and needs no verifyable or reasonable guage of threat - then the stand your ground law is deeply flawed. I could shoot you because you have tats and are 6 foot 5 because I 'feared for my personal safety' A woman could shoot a man who is walking behind her minding his own business but the woman had been raped 15 years ago and constantly "fears for her own safety". A black guy who was assaulted 10 years ago by a band of white teens, upon seeing some at a street corner could claim that he was in fear for his safety and shoot them all. If all we have to have is an unproveable level of fear of one another, then it wouldn't be much of a problem for any insecure person to shoot someone else in public. Hell - I'd have been dead a long long time ago if people were allowed to shoot intimidating men who frightened them.
None of your scenarios would stand up to scrutiny, see my previous post.