Zimmerman sues NBC


Well-Known Member
well, thanks for exposing yourself as an uninformed idiot who has not listened to the interrogations.

CS: Listen to this one. [plays a witness 911 call] You hear that voice in the background?
GZ: No, sir.
CS: That’s you. Are you hearing yourself?
GZ: Um, it doesn’t sound like me.
CS: It’s you. Okay, right there. He smothered you, correct?
GZ: Yes, sir.
CS: At what point did he smother you?
GZ: After…
CS: Was it right before you shot him?
GZ: Right…yes, sir.

CS: How long did he suffocate you for?
GZ: [sighs] Felt like…
CS: Seemed like forever, I’m sure.
GZ: Felt like hours, but I don’t...

GZ: When he…he was mounted on me but he had pressure on my nose and my mouth, suffocating me.

this fail of yours is not quite on par with mispredicting the election (despite having a mountain of data in front of you) by 12 points, but it's still pretty pathetic, chomper.
Yep, still absolutely NO contradiction. Unless you are taking "feeling like hours" literally. Is that what you're suggesting? He was suffocated NON-STOP for hours? But he didn't die or pass out...hmmm. Or maybe, he was ATTEMPTING to smother and suffocate him? Kind of like a waterboarding session. If you survived and said "they drowned me" instead of "they were attempting to drown me" does that mean they were successful?

You're an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Yep, still absolutely NO contradiction. Unless you are taking "feeling like hours" literally. Is that what you're suggesting? He was suffocated NON-STOP for hours? But he didn't die or pass out...hmmm. Or maybe, he was ATTEMPTING to smother and suffocate him? Kind of like a waterboarding session. If you survived and said "they drowned me" instead of "they were attempting to drown me" does that mean they were successful?

You're an idiot.
so you're calling zimmerman a liar? zimmerman was lying when he told serino that he was being suffocated, that martin had pressure on his nose and mouth, suffocating him?

because that's your other option. let me spell them out for you.

A) zimmerman was never actually suffocated because people who are being suffocated can't scream, so the screams came from martin.

B) zimmerman lied about being suffocated and was indeed screaming.

you choose.


Well-Known Member
i love how the zimmerdefenders just twist reality into whatever contorted position suits their reality best.

reminds me of how things were in here in october with skewed polls and romney momentum :lol:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman's intent.... What was it then? Was his intent to kill some niggers? Or was his intent to make his neighborhood a safer place and to keep someone who obviously had something going on from breaking into another house where people were and robbing the place before maybe killing and raping them?


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman's intent.... What was it then? Was his intent to kill some niggers? Or was his intent to make his neighborhood a safer place and to keep someone who obviously had something going on from breaking into another house where people were and robbing the place before maybe killing and raping them?
i always buy skittles before i go robbing, raping, and killing. thug life, biotch.


Well-Known Member
Physical evidence:


Hands/knuckles consistent with injuries if you don't know how to fight properly and are self inflicted. Bullet in the chest.


Head lacerations wounds,two black eyes, and a broken nose.

Conclusion based on physical evidence alone. Zimmerman was getting beat up real bad and didn't fight back. He got away enough to shoot Martin to stop it.

It doesn't matter if you think Zimmerman is racist, wasn't minding his own business(I agree), should have not followed (I agree), or made comments which escalated, and possibly racist ( might be true). No matter what Zimmerman may have said, they don't warrant Martin's beating.

This should serve as a warning not to attack someone physically, unless you want to risk your life. It's a sad situation for all. But the worst part, everyone would rather focus on the apparent unprovable racism.

If you want to bring up Zimmerman's flaws, it's only fair Martin has his exposed too. Martin was suspended for marijuana, possibly dealing it. He made Twitter comments about beating a bus driver, so this wasn't an isolated incident for either of them. It's just a shame these two mentally unstable people met, with the consequences of both their personalities.
Don't forget that it took him 40 minutes to walk the .5 mile home in the rain at night. Sure, he was JUST walking home from the gas station.. for 45 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman is saint and everything out of his mouth is gospel. He was right to follow some kid with a hoodie and confront him, because this was his neighborhood and some young black kid wearing a hoodie, a "thug", shouldn't be in his neighborhood. Hell, Zimmerman owns a gun through lawful means, that means he's on our side, most likely a conservative supporter of the second amendment! He's an upright citizen! defending our streets from inner city youth! Whomever he shoots had it coming because we are the authority. Remember, this is our America! It's about time we're allowed to shoot whomever fights us. How dare they!

This is why you suck...
Captain of the Neighborhood watch in a gated community. Person walking in the rain wearing a hood taking 40 minutes to walk half an hour. It is obvious to anyone that someone who walks 40 minutes in the rain and only makes it half a mile is doing something else besides walking.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget that it took him 40 minutes to walk the .5 mile home in the rain at night. Sure, he was JUST walking home from the gas station.. for 45 minutes.
i always smoke weed and wait for someone to harass me after i run away. it's like a national past time.

buying skittles and iced tea is how i usually start my trap.

1) buy skittles
2) walk home
3) ???

woops, i meant KILL SPANIARD!

ya know, the spaniard born of peruvian and white parents. peru + america = spain. QED.


Well-Known Member
Captain of the Neighborhood watch in a gated community. Person walking in the rain wearing a hood taking 40 minutes to walk half an hour. It is obvious to anyone that someone who walks 40 minutes in the rain and only makes it half a mile is doing something else besides walking.
like getting high?


by the way, he was not on watch at the time. if your argument was that he was on watch, the rules dictate to NOT carry firearms and to simply report to the police.

so you just fucked your own argument in the sphincter, dumbass.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can have it both ways, Buns. Somebody who doesn't know how to fight cannot be beating a reasonable physical specimen like Z "real bad". And for me race was never a central issue here, but a great distractor and generator of thousands of Politics posts.

As for not warranting Z's beating, we will never know what he did or said to T. I see it as very possible that Z behaved in a manner that would infuriate anyone with a speck of masculine pride. (And if we launder away the value judgment in the word "warrant", we are left with "be likely to precipitate".) Do I know? heck no. Do I know otherwise? Same answer. Fwiw. cn
Without reason to believe he did, the jury will have to accept it didn't. There is no witness, there is no evidence. The whole 'without a reasonable doubt thing' can not be applied to anything happening. Only people like UB would vote guilty.


Well-Known Member
there is no evidence to prove either person started it, cann-o-bullshit.

and not all speech is protected, 'fighting words' do exist.
You said it. In the absence of evidence, he is innocent. Knowing that he was innocent, he should of never been charged.


Well-Known Member
Without reason to believe he did, the jury will have to accept it didn't.
or, to put it more simply, the kid who ran away just HAD to have assaulted the spaniard.

we don't know what happened, thus we must assume that the black kid who ran away assaulted the guy who pursued him in fear.

that makes as much sense as telling black people to leave at their own expense if they don't enjoy being treated like second-class citizens.