I heard a figure that 73% of the new jobs were government, on several networks.
Repition of of false stats doesnt make it factual
In fact this is not the first time we've seen conservatives retreat to household data because they could use it to paint a darker picture of the economy. In fact the right loves to retreat to an alternative source nearly every time. They'll tell you the "real unemployment" is 14.4% or more right now and not 7.7% using U-6 "underemployment" to trump U-3 "unemployment." U-6 is always about 1.8 times the value of U-3 so when U-3 is high like 7.7 then of course U-6 is going to be 1.8 times worse. They also used to cite Gallup's unemployment figures because they were higher than BLS U-3 measurements. Of course once Gallup's figure went lower that source disappeared. It never ends.
So what does the more useful measurement from the establishment data tell us about jobs created? Since June just 15,000 new jobs have been created in the public sector while 818,000 have been created in the private sector. That's 2%, not 73%. In fact during President Obama's entire time in office there has been a loss of 614,000 government jobs while there has been an increase of 905,000 private sector jobs. But how does that line up with household data over the same time frame? The survey finds that there are 2.1 million more private sector employees now than when Obama took office and 553,000 fewer public sector employees.
All this means that 100% of the new jobs under Obama have been in the private sector. Remember this next time you see a conservative talking about how the Obama administration has only grown government payrolls.