Punk's T5 TGA Chernobyl and Ace of Spades, also featuring Woody Haze


Well-Known Member
Hey True, just subbin up and sayN hey. Finally got a journal up. Hopefully I can keep up with some of these fine growers in here. Peace


Active Member
did you just move to a new apartment? and my tap has been 6.0 for like 6 months lol. i don't even adjust. i'd end dropping it too much or something.


Well-Known Member
No, but it's the first time I've tested it here. I thought the whole city had the same supply?? I didn't move to far...


Active Member
even if the city uses the same supply there are a lot of variables that could change the ph. and ph in the city usually changes with the seasons i know.


Well-Known Member
No, but it's the first time I've tested it here. I thought the whole city had the same supply?? I didn't move to far...
there are tons of water producing sources and pipes and temps and pit stops, but for the most part the city water sucks and is hard as hell around here.


Well-Known Member
there are tons of water producing sources and pipes and temps and pit stops, but for the most part the city water sucks and is hard as hell around here.
True that man! You know there building a huge water plant near Marion that's for us? That's coming almost 60 miles... but yea man, I think I'm on westerville water and this shits perfect, just to much chlorine :(


Active Member
my water's hard as hell as well. leaves calcium residue all over the res. sucks. not too much chlorine though. i let it sit out overnight anyways


Well-Known Member
I bubble mine...we have lots of ¿¿¿chlormine¿¿¿ as well, it doesn't evaporate out, I miss my good well water :(

Also gonna transplant the 4 moms into 7gal smart pots tonight :) lots of root ro(om


Well-Known Member
we have lots of chlorine not so much chrloramine(ours isnt too bad) but the chlorine is bad enough cant not bubble your water here.


Well-Known Member
if you use sugars or enzymes there are natural agents in them that help to lock up and convert the chloramine molecules. the downside to using aquarium products instead is they often use a sodium based reaction, thus a higher salt level, i would avoid using those but they are used in small dosage, ive used them myself worked okay i found enzymes work the best. but a good link ottawa.


Active Member
if you use sugars or enzymes there are natural agents in them that help to lock up and convert the chloramine molecules. the downside to using aquarium products instead is they often use a sodium based reaction, thus a higher salt level, i would avoid using those but they are used in small dosage, ive used them myself worked okay i found enzymes work the best. but a good link ottawa.
It's true that most of them are sodium based (Sodium thiosulphate) However I found one that uses both a potassium and a sodium salt (two separate chems). Also I'm only adding 1-2 drops to 1 gallon of water..

Then again who knows whats worse? A little chloramine or the sodium maybe I should omit altogether? What do you think? what would be worse?


Well-Known Member
It's true that most of them are sodium based (Sodium thiosulphate) However I found one that uses both a potassium and a sodium salt (two separate chems). Also I'm only adding 1-2 drops to 1 gallon of water..

Then again who knows whats worse? A little chloramine or the sodium maybe I should omit altogether? What do you think? what would be worse?

chrolimine gets broke down and can be used in its base parts, sodium cant, at least not that much and not for the plants for the most part, so i kinda see chloramine as the lesser of the 2 evils.