I should be able to regulate my temps pretty well. Right now I have daytime stable at 78.3 (give or take a degree) and night-time in around 75-77. I will be doing some experiments with temps. I'm doing a SoG so was thinking that as the plant gets taller, internodal spacing (bottom branches) gets wider. My thought is if for the first week n a half (give or take) I have my on/off temps as close together as possible to hinder the stretch and keep internodes tight. Then the next week n a half have the temps flux 10-15* to get a lil height out of them but keep the tight internodal spacing, as the top 6"-12" is usually tight nodes. Depends on Dom but want to see if I can make some pop bottle 18" colas
We will see.
Thx DrD, I may just do half full Per in the rez and the other half with the main mix, As I won't know till after a runto find out how my system will run. Thx for the heads-up/reminder on the ph of 6.0 give or take slightly, as i'm used to ph set for soil. Will I need Cal/mag or will there be eno in my tap-water/GH nutes? I will also be doing a few in a 2.5L that I found at the Dollar Tree. This round most will be started in 1" cubes with 4 started in 2" cubes. I love this sh*t