BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
Yeah have you ever harvested any of the ditch? Or does it not get that far? Could be worth taking a clone or two? Yeah im loving mine at the moment, bit overwhelmed to be honest worried im going to run out of space. Only time will tell!



Well-Known Member
Yeah have you ever harvested any of the ditch? Or does it not get that far? Could be worth taking a clone or two? Yeah im loving mine at the moment, bit overwhelmed to be honest worried im going to run out of space. Only time will tell!

No ditch weed is ditch weed and it will stay there for the county authorities to play with.
I harvested a little last year to have "something" to smoke when I was quiting tobacco the last time, it was crap.
Maybe if transplanted one or two to a different location and brought them all the way to harvest.
They do make to to flowering and get quite fragrant, but that when the county comes and does a chop-chop (no buds and a lot of males).


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah fair point kind of a stupid question haha. I still cant get over the fact it grows like that. I'd take one or two and leave them grow into monsters. But yeah quality i imagine would be poor as well as genetics being rather bad. Anyway keep it man i'll definitely be checking back on your *fingers crossed* girls!!!


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah fair point kind of a stupid question haha. I still cant get over the fact it grows like that. I'd take one or two and leave them grow into monsters. But yeah quality i imagine would be poor as well as genetics being rather bad. Anyway keep it man i'll definitely be checking back on your *fingers crossed* girls!!!
After all the urging, I finally took some of the wild plants and planted them out back by the others.
I was out by the burn pile (nowhere near the ditch) today and looked down at this clump of plants that were bigger than some of mine, some that even had purple leaves in the center.
I went back in and got the shovel, dug them up, took them up by the others of mine and planted the whole group all in one bunch.
I figure the stongest will make and the rest oh well.:peace:



Well-Known Member
I went up this morning to check on the outdoor plants and saw a lot of yellowed leaves, but a lot of new growth as well.
I think some of the yellowing is due to the tobacco spray that I've used on them. I'm thinking of getting some neem oil, any suggestions?
I can see some more areas that have been chewed by bugs of some sort, but the only bugs that I have actually seen on them are these little moth things.
Are they the culprits, anybody, please??
After taking the pics I went through and cut off some of the really bad leaves on the plants in order to allow for new growth instead.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I had to do some trimming on most of the plants the last couple of days due to so many leaves getting damaged by the tobacco spray (I think). I have to try something diferent for the bugs I think, but it did work for the time being. I probably sprayed too much or too often or both. That and some of the fan leaves were just getting too big and I want them to concentrate on the new growth instead. I hope I didn't trim off too much, I just tried to "tidy" them up some.
In the pics of K7 you can see the before and after of some tidying-up.
It looks like K1 is the first of the outdoor plants to get a nice big growth spurt. I didn't measure her (wishful thinking on the her part), but I'd say she is about 9" tall even after cutting off some of her fan leaves. And they all are getting some of the fattest damn stems to support themselves when they turn into treeeeees *more wishful thinking*.
The clump of "wild" pot that I transplanted to the grow area has a few good strong sprouts that have stood back up and are willing to get in the running *lol*
My Black Rose #2 has responded well to fimming and her "Mutant" sister (BR1) is growing nicely but doesn't even look like any marijuana I've ever seen before (strange). :weed::bigjoint::peace:


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Well-Known Member
Looking good mate, trimming unless youve stripped them can probably only result in positive outcome at this stage particularly if they were damaged. I had to trim mine back and it helped (i think :S haha) Keep it up man!


Well-Known Member
Looking good mate, trimming unless youve stripped them can probably only result in positive outcome at this stage particularly if they were damaged. I had to trim mine back and it helped (i think :S haha) Keep it up man!
Thanks TGP, I needed a little reassurance about that.
I was a bit nervous with it as some kind of looked like sticks with pom-pom's after trimming (sounds like an anorexic cheerleader after a bikini wax).
I just checked on them and they are already starting to fill-in at their bikini lines, I mean node growth area's.:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
haha yeah im sure theyre fine :P great even!

Man i was just looking closely at BR1 haha thats a weird looking plant, not unhealthy just weird. It must b genetics. It'll be interesting to see how she fills out!


Well-Known Member
haha yeah im sure theyre fine :P great even!

Man i was just looking closely at BR1 haha thats a weird looking plant, not unhealthy just weird. It must b genetics. It'll be interesting to see how she fills out!
Yeah BR1 is definately a weird one, but healthy and finally growing too.
On the other hand her sister (BR2) has the shiniest, darkest green leaves of all the plants with her own unique sweet odor as well.


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics of the outside plants from last night.
I didn't have time to do an update then so you are getting one now with another update of the inside plants w/ todays pics following this up.
WR1 is making a nice come-back after serious trimming.
WR4 is growing taller and looking better.
K1 is looking large and strong.
K5 looked like she is still getting chewed on by some type of insect, so I dosed her w/ tobacco spray in lack of any better solution yet.
K7 is not looking so good yet.
LR4 is starting to show some nice improvment.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
OK here is an update on the inside plants.
BR2 is doing Awesome with her short stature, dark green leaves, and new growth in response to fimming. I'm soooo looking forward to this little bitch growing up!
WR6 has had such an excellent response to the fimming that I thought I would try the LST thing with her to give her better light on the hidden areas. We'll see how she likes the bondage bit so far, so good.
WR5 had these really nice fat leaf growth areas at the top, so much that they blocked the light from the center fimmed growth. So I tried the bondage bit with her too. However I just went down to check on them again and I must have broke one of the branches off when I tied her down. SHIT it was hanging limp when I got there. So I took the ties off her as there was plenty of room for light and growth there now. Hopefully the center will grow enough to offset my fk-up. I'm including another pic of her from yesterday for comparison so that you can see how healthy she was, the tie-down, and my fk-up.



Well-Known Member
actually right now i dont. =/

my plants are all growing outside as of now. a lil experiment to see how the plant reacts to just growing wild. no nutes. just a lil water here and thier.

but i will have to wait till next year to start a outdoor grow journal. so as soon as i get my new place im going to grow indoors with soil untill next years outdoor season.

but i might make take some pics and make a lil thread to show how the plants are doing in the wild. and what they can harvest/ bud quiality. i will be sure to keep you guys updated. untill then.

Keep Up The Awsome Job Monkee.


Well-Known Member
plants are looking good. nice job on helping out the wild weed with some love.:joint::peace:
Thanks BIGMIKE and cheers for stopping by, your plants are looking pretty good themselves. I can't wait until mine look something like that.
coming along very nicely :)
Thanks oGotRotRe, I'll stop by and see how yours are doing, good I hope.
Yo big guy. Nice growing dude. ;)
Thanks Lacy, great to see you back after the ban, we were concerned and upset over hearing about it. Much speculation and assumption as to cause and effect.
Anyway thanks for the compliments, it means a lot to me coming from you. But what, no rep?:wall::weed::bigjoint::peace:
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