OK here is an update on the inside plants.
BR2 is doing Awesome with her short stature, dark green leaves, and new growth in response to fimming. I'm soooo looking forward to this little bitch growing up!
WR6 has had such an excellent response to the fimming that I thought I would try the LST thing with her to give her better light on the hidden areas. We'll see how she likes the bondage bit so far, so good.
WR5 had these really nice fat leaf growth areas at the top, so much that they blocked the light from the center fimmed growth. So I tried the bondage bit with her too. However I just went down to check on them again and I must have broke one of the branches off when I tied her down. SHIT it was hanging limp when I got there. So I took the ties off her as there was plenty of room for light and growth there now. Hopefully the center will grow enough to offset my fk-up. I'm including another pic of her from yesterday for comparison so that you can see how healthy she was, the tie-down, and my fk-up.