if i wanted a field artillery gun i could get one. all the laws on the planet dont stop crime.
criminals do not obey laws, thats why they call them criminals.
the left dreams of a nation of compliance, where there are no gun makers in america, no gun shops, and all gun owners submit and surrender their weapons to The State. All that will get you is more guns made in china, czechoslovakia and north korea.
machine guns, sawed off shotguns and grenades have been so strictly regulated as to be effectively illegal since 1968. but i can get those too, fuck i could make them in my garage shop if i so desired.
weed prohibition hasnt stopped weed, why would anyone assume more gun control will stop people who feel the need for guns from acquiring them or making their own. look down mexico way, and youll see a land where The State has prohibited anyone but their corrupt cops and ramshackle army from owning guns, yet the land is awash in illegal arms, even if you dont count the ones smuggled in by E. Holder, CEO of Fast 'N' Furious Inc. Purveyors of Fine Firearms since 2008.