OMFG tracy is finn's mom! and she has literally THOUSANDS of photos! saving these to my hard drive and selling them to kelly4!
maybe God does exist.
OMFG tracy is finn's mom! and she has literally THOUSANDS of photos! saving these to my hard drive and selling them to kelly4!
maybe God does exist.
I thought you had already seen my mom?![]()
Fin, please post those pics you mentioned that will prove UB wrong. Those sound like beautiful pics of Kaylee and Crissy.
So you guys found my hot friends, cool.
Is this supposed to be news to me??
wow is this still going on?
i wanna' see the pics damnit.
went to see christmas lights while on klonopin, zanaflex and master kush. good times
p.s. racetrac (the big gas station/conv store) has free coffee all week. we piled out of the cruiser and blew that place apart, they even have wHipped cream in the can. omg sister-in-law and i each had arge colombian with sugar, half & half and wHipped cream. i love a good sugar buzz while on my mellow meds.
Is it so hard to google finshaggy facebook then find Tracy
Why can't you post the pic?