Something tells me you have the Dago Walker.
Whatever. I've got nothing to prove to you dude.
You think Pure Kush is average at best? BWAHAHAH now your just looking like a fool.
Yes, that's right. Actually most of the time it's below average.
Here's a list of pure kush test results. There are 9 tests, all of them profile as average or below average.
Now here is that elite pheno of pure kush. It's fucking awesome.
So yeah, it's an average at best strain with an AMAZING pheno. That's the perfect example of the advantage Cali has by poping so many seeds. The result is more elite phenos like this one.
You know there are 3 or 4 different Pure Kush's floating around, right?
Oh yeah. That was the point.
So you think there are no other strains that can hit 2 per light?
No I did not. You apparently have issues with reading comprehension.
interesting cause I have hit almost 2.5 per with a lot of different strains.
I know. You're like my hero. yawn....
Dude Blue Dream is AVERAGE at best
Why is it the single most popular strain to grow in the state? How come if you walk into any dispensary 4-5 people who work there will all be growing blue dream?
Does it yield well? yes. Does it taste and smell great? yes. Does it have the potency? NO.
I guess that is imaginary.
Anyone who knows real Blue Dream will tell you after a week smoking her you build a tolerance and it's just boring after that. My buddy runs 10 lights of Blue dream, he has for about 3 years now. The ONLY reason he runs it is because of the yield. That is it.
Actually it's because of the combination of yield, flavor, and potency.
He has two other lights for the REAL elites for head stash.
Why doesn't he throw out the blue dream and just grow those if they are so much better? Oh that's right, because blue dream is the best all around strain for a vendor to grow... Sure, there are other strains which will yield just as well, but not many that will produce that combination of quality and yield.
I don't give a shit about THC percentages.
Sure, who needs facts when you can randomly talk out of your ass?
You have "Elite" all mixed up in your head dude. Blue Dream is a cash croppers dream strain at best.
Yeah, that's exactly what it is. That's what makes that particular strain elite. You can yield large amounts of awesome tasting buds.
Exodus Cheese isn't on Calis radar? Dude do you live in a fucking hole?
Yes I do. But I come out of that whole to vend to 3-5 of the bay areas most high volume dispensaries about once a week. It's not a strain that people are super hyped on. There is no outcry for exodus cheese anywhere.
Exodus cheese is THE ONLY strain to make my eyes go cross eyed and couldn't focus on shit. Almost had a panic attack too. And I have been smoking DANK for more than 12 years.
wow. I'm soooo impressed.
I honestly just feel bad for you. There is so much amazing shit out there that you are turning your head to it's insane. STOP listening to the clubs and paying attention to what's in the clubs.
I pay a great amount of attention to that. Every time I walk into a club I check out every single strain they have.
Do you honestly think the best bud in Cali is moved through the clubs?
No. Not at all.
Despite our difference I am almost willing to donate some true Elites that I have found in 10 packs just to your cause just to open your mind up a little.
Well anyone who thinks you can get truly elite phenos by cracking a 10 pack of seeds is a fucking idiot and has no clue what he's talking about. So you can keep your shit genetics.
Here's how statistics works...
It doesn't matter if it's one person cracking 10k seeds, or 10000 people cracking 1 seed. It's still 10k seeds either way. So 1000 people cracking 10 seeds are as likely to find an elite pheno as 1 person cracking 10k seeds. So yes, a person cracking 10 seeds can find a pheno as high quality as 1 person cracking 10k seeds, but it's 1000 times less likely. Of course that does happen, but it's not going to happen every time you crack a pack of 10 seeds. That's fucking retarded.
This is not my opinion, it's simple math. Cali doesn't have more elite phenos because each individual cracks more seeds, it's not because people in Cali know something about germinating seeds that the rest of the world can't figure out, or because they are luckier at cracking seeds. It's because the total volume of seeds cracked in Cali is more than any other place in the world. We just have more plants growing so statistically we are more likely to produce elite phenos.
This is 7th grade math here, it really shouldn't be this complicated for you to understand. The idea that every time you crack a pack of 10 seeds, you're getting some pheno that's better or even just as good as someone cracking 10k seeds is a fucking joke dude. You're basically bragging about being lucky to the point of statistical impossibility. You might as well be saying "every time I've flipped a coin in my life it's landed on heads every time". It's absurd.