Adam Lanza's mother


Ursus marijanus
ok here is websters def

link: weapon

definition of ASSAULT WEAPON : any of various automatic or semiautomatic firearms; especially: assault rifle

First Known Use of ASSAULT WEAPON


Definitions A genuine assault weapon, as opposed to a legal definition, is a hand-held, selective fire weapon, which means it's capable of firing in either an automatic or a semiautomatic mode depending on the position of a selector switch. These kinds of weapons are heavily regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934 and are further regulated in some states. (See machine guns.)


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of the woman who had a dangerous pet chimpanzee in her home
One day that chimp ripped the face off of a freind of hers

Adam Lanza is the chimp. His mother should of known how dangerous he was


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of the woman who had a dangerous pet chimpanzee in her home
One day that chimp ripped the face off of a freind of hers

Adam Lanza is the chimp. His mother should of known how dangerous he was
Yep, its mommas fault, for sure. Her child often killed people and she just let it slide.


Well-Known Member
You're not very bright, even for a liberal. The law is you only need to lock up your guns if children under 18 have access to them. This "child" was 20 years old. No one knows his motive. Some people do shit just because with no mental illness. Unless his medical records are released we have no idea. If he was never evaluated, we may never know. I didn't show signs of bipolar for over 32 years. Hindsight is 20/20, or in my case 20/14.
do you own guns?


Active Member

The mother is fucking dead! Liberals are sick shits. It's no wonder they feel the need to ban so much stuff. It's they're afraid of themselves.

Paranoia, oh the irony.
I suppose this is why conservatives think banning abortion, drugs, prostitution, will work...... Oh the irony.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Having a mental illness does not preclude one from legally owning firearms.
being adjudicated insane DOES prohibit ownership of firearms.

being commited for evaluation, or self committal or even diagnosis with a mental illness does not.


Well-Known Member
Some people collect guns because they are like works of art, not everyone is a "Nut" just because they own more than one.

I love how the possession of 3 guns is "Stockpiling" or an "Arsenal" or makes people a gun "nut". LOL you must be a sock nut.

She owned at least 6 guns and was stockpiling because she thought the end of the world was coming. She kept her weapons unlocked which gave her mentally ill kid access. If it wasnt for the NRA and gun nuts like you fighting any type of qualifications for owning a weapon this most likely would not have happened. You must be very proud.


Well-Known Member
She owned at least 6 guns and was stockpiling because she thought the end of the world was coming. She kept her weapons unlocked which gave her mentally ill kid access. If it wasnt for the NRA and gun nuts like you fighting any type of qualifications for owning a weapon this most likely would not have happened. You must be very proud.
Show me evidence that anything you just said has one bit of truth to it. I double dog dare you.

You have made the statement, now the burden of proof is on you. failure to provide evidence will be prima facia evidence that you are full of shit.

6 guns
stockpiled for the end of the world
Weapons unlocked

Good luck, I already know your full of shit and will provide no evidence at all, just some smart ass remark that proves your inability to find the truth.


Well-Known Member
Being obese doesn't preclude one from legally eating fast food, but it's still not a great idea.
sooooo if someone has anxiety, they shouldn't own a gun? If someone has ADHD, no gun? How about dyslexia? After all the person might confuse safe with full auto kill everyone in the room mode. Low intelligence? Where do we stop?


Well-Known Member
sooooo if someone has anxiety, they shouldn't own a gun? If someone has ADHD, no gun? How about dyslexia? After all the person might confuse safe with full auto kill everyone in the room mode. Low intelligence? Where do we stop?
ADHD, and dyslexia are not accompanied by radical mood swings, mania, depression, thoughts of suicide, etc. Anxiety, and being a dumb-dumb may be two afflictions that would not mix well with firearms.

I have an uncle that's bi-polar. He's the last guy on earth that should own a gun.


Well-Known Member
Show me evidence that anything you just said has one bit of truth to it. I double dog dare you.

You have made the statement, now the burden of proof is on you. failure to provide evidence will be prima facia evidence that you are full of shit.

6 guns
stockpiled for the end of the world
Weapons unlocked

Good luck, I already know your full of shit and will provide no evidence at all, just some smart ass remark that proves your inability to find the truth.

Wow, took me a whole 10 seconds.

And here is your hero Larry Pratt of the Gun Owners of America saying the guns were NOT LOCKED...


Well-Known Member
If people are engaged in something that can (or is likely to) cause harm to others, then I make it my business, and it should be the business of big brother. I don't think a 95 year old, half blind grandma should be driving a car. That could endanger others. The same can be said for mentally disturbed people and guns.

Now, if someone wants to smoke weed, get married to someone of the same sex, read the bible every day, or drink battery acid, I really don't care. They are not causing harm to others, and it therefor should be no business of mine or the governments.


Well-Known Member
And what do you know, you were 100% wrong on every count.

She was preparing for an economic collapse, not the end of the world. The quotes are used out of context with the author of the article taking you for a ride by leading you to a conclusion
She owned 5 guns, not 6. 2 semi auto rifles, a shotgun, and 2 handguns.

How would Larry Pratt know the guns were unlocked? Was he there? Do you think perhaps he might be speculating? Find some real evidence other than some talking head who is giving his opinion.

I would like to end with this.

You're an unbelievably stupid man, aren't you?


Well-Known Member
And what do you know, you were 100% wrong on every count.

She was preparing for an economic collapse, not the end of the world. The quotes are used out of context with the author of the article taking you for a ride by leading you to a conclusion
She owned 5 guns, not 6. 2 semi auto rifles, a shotgun, and 2 handguns.

How would Larry Pratt know the guns were unlocked? Was he there? Do you think perhaps he might be speculating? Find some real evidence other than some talking head who is giving his opinion.

I would like to end with this.

Ooooh, 5 guns not 6, preparing for social and economic collapse instead of an asteroid, what the!

I guess you missed the part that said
Reports claim Mrs Lanza had spoken of her fears about her son Adam's behaviour less than a week before the attack

I knew I was wasting the 10 seconds it took to prove your ass wrong, your brain is incapable of logic and reason.