Elite genetics in michigan??


Well-Known Member
Guess Sub's gear is off the elite list these days. (considering they are "made in michigan", see the back of a MI seed brochure)

Rare D MI

New Member
Guess Sub's gear is off the elite list these days. (considering they are "made in michigan", see the back of a MI seed brochure)
thats a lie. he does that for every state to make it look like he isn't committing a felony sending seeds across state lines.


Well-Known Member
the only bugs that scare me w cuts are spider mites which are easily identified. a few week quarantine area is a good idea.

or, choose your breeder and seeds well.
spidermites and powdery mildew

the only way i got all my elite strains over the years were cuts sent to me through trades

I spray my cuts with a avid/forbid cocktail and eagle20... no mites no pm


Well-Known Member
Guess Sub's gear is off the elite list these days. (considering they are "made in michigan", see the back of a MI seed brochure)
Just a marketing (legal) illusion of TGA Genetics. One needs not look far or have much experience with Sub to run into integrity issues. Too bad just one man and his illusions of grander (nepotism) can destroy a companies/genetics reputation. Then again, I love SpaceQueen, and where would Sub be without those genetics he had simply commandeered ;-)


Well-Known Member
Michigan isnt the place you would think of when it comes to elite genetics, but i have to assume they are here after being a medical state for 4 years... Are people in MI just hesitant to share these top notch clones with other card holders or is there just that few of them around... Im not talkin about these bull shit craigslisters that pop a 5 pack of something and try to off some clones given people different phenos of the same strain... Unethical to say the least... Thoughts, opinions, suggestions are all welcome...

Happy Farming :weed:

Stop in here, and take a look around. Pretty damn elite if I say so myself :eyesmoke:


Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
least he kind of admitted it, I did read him say that space queen was from a brothers grimm pack of genius...I think. it was a while ago. integrity is every-fucking-thing in every facet of life. when you fail that you fail at life. Respect would have come his way if he jsut said what was what and didn't try and throw some mystery on it and make it his own. If I cross up nirvana's ice plant with serious seeds AK-47 I'd say so. and then if that strain is the killingest strain ever I wouldn't bury that info. But I am not running a company that is competing with tons of others for atttention and dollah bills neither. Am I the only one that heard the weed nerd episode that he answered a question "paraphrased: do you get upset when people cross your genetics and make new strains that they sell or call their own" his answer was telling and actually had a touch of almost class at the end. he stated yeah, it torks me a bit but I release the seeds and he/she bought them to do with what they pleased. a basica yes but then lemme think...can't be a hypocrit so it's cool in the end. I may have to put some search time in and find that clip. I watch weed nerd still, you can learn from anyone even a total reatard could have a gem you miss if you don't take them all seriously.


Well-Known Member
I feel I little bad saying it but from the first time I saw him in a video I immediatly did not like the guy...... I gave his beans a chance


Well-Known Member
The internet has changed our cannabis world my friends, and Sub, like many of us here, have been around for the duration. A decade ago I thought I knew all there was to know about growing until websites like OverGrow.com (aka OG) came and went. I think gimmicks like the Weed Nerd are a good thing for our community though, in just the same way, educating while entertaining. Hell that's why I'm here, emphasis on entertaining though ;)


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Great conversation.
Cory biggest thing that sticks out to me, is that you should cross shit like your ice plant and ak47. You may very well find some spectacular.
You should also hunt a Jamican cornerstone for your collection. When you do both, do it online so everyone can either see, or more importantly
go back and see later if it does turn out to be great. Then your ass isn't lying about it. lol. I did see that episode also. It is also the very first
thing I thought of when Mrs Rare Dankness was traveling a few weeks boack and when they were in New York I believe, she said they say some
crosses with Rare Dankness genetics and they were happy as hell. That made them proud. Maybe cuz they are not greedy and are not thinking,
man these fuckers are stepping on my toes and now this cuts into my sales. Cuz all I think about are dollar signs, that's why I focus more on marketing.
But Rare Dankness is proud that others see how bad ass their genetics are. Rare Dankness is just one example. Their are quite a few Bodhi crosses popping
up. Gage Green. OgRaskal. I am going to use all those. Cabin Fever, freak fucking told me I should f2 his Master OG. Think I ain't? lol. On top of those I am
cautiously strolling through Swerve's shit too. Rock and fucking roll Cory. Just like everyone here says, test it and have others test it. If you come up with
the baddest mother fucker ever and we all follow your journey, who can say what about huh?

The best shit we come up with shall be, LG.
Lakes Grown baby:weed:


Well-Known Member
All very good points here got alot more feed back and perspective than anticipated... i have no doubt in my mind that there are steller cuts here in michigan the thing to me is starin hoarding i guess... i get there is much time money effort risk involved in finding that special one but from my perspective i view it as a community more than a compitition but not the same in the eyes of everyone.... seems to me if everyone was more willing to trade and barder that there would be less wasted time money effort ect.... but in the same token i guess we may miss out on that new special dank cuz its eaiser to stick with a sure thing and grow that dank clone instead of pheno huntin some beans... food for thought anyhow but appreciate all the input and feedback fellas...

Happy Farming :weed:


Well-Known Member
We are getting a good community of people that share cuts, clones, beans, flower, oil...
Many of us want great meds in this state. What you are talking about is my biggest goal
for 2013.


Well-Known Member
something i will do anything and everything to be a part of for sure... i have an ass load beans to run and a cali trip coming up in the near future so hopefully something special comes out of this, fingers crossed n e how... and if it does ill be more than willing to share my findings with a comunity that does the same... its too hard of a fight to do it alone i know that for sure...


Well-Known Member
Guess Sub's gear is off the elite list these days. (considering they are "made in michigan", see the back of a MI seed brochure)
ive ran subs gear with quite dissapointing results to say the least... i see far more horror stories than prasials when his gear is involved IMO


Well-Known Member
Actually a group of Michigan growers in the Jackson area (not represented here) had created the internationally known "Casey Jones". Danny Trevino, the owner of HydroWorld, has a strain he had named after himself that is quite well known locally. Danny Trevino is a Super Silver Haze x AK-47 cross that is actually sitting in my garden :bigjoint: