Go Ron ...

Dude, why do we care who anyone takes donations from? WTF?

Honestly, do you think that the candidate gets a background check on everyone who sends in a donation check? What if i sent a check to Obama and I was in the KKK? What would the implications for that be? hmmmmm interesting..... Lets use common sense ppl..:mrgreen:
Dude, why do we care who anyone takes donations from? WTF?

Honestly, do you think that the candidate gets a background check on everyone who sends in a donation check? What if i sent a check to Obama and I was in the KKK? What would the implications for that be? hmmmmm interesting..... Lets use common sense ppl..:mrgreen:

yeah, but imagine David Duke made a donation on behalf of the KKK? You really wouldn't feel strange about supporting the candidate that received it?
yeah, but imagine David Duke made a donation on behalf of the KKK? You really wouldn't feel strange about supporting the candidate that received it?
I don't base my vote based upon who donated to a candidate's campaign. I scrutinize their voting record. I let their voting record speak to me...anything else is immaterial and of no importance. Remember Bill Clinton and Monica? I could care less...Show me the money. I would've voted to impeach Clinton for signing CALEA, not Lewinski. I'm not the one judging Ron Paul based upon one person's donation who happens to be a White Supremacist. In fact, the man donated less money to Ron Paul than I did. For that matter, I have chosen to not vote for Obama not because the NBPP donated...but because he has vowed to expand the military and has voted in favor of the Patriot Act. I cannot in good conscience vote for a candidate that voted in favor to piss on the 4th Amendment.
I don't base my vote based upon who donated to a candidate's campaign. I scrutinize their voting record. I let their voting record speak to me...anything else is immaterial and of no importance. Remember Bill Clinton and Monica? I could care less...Show me the money. I would've voted to impeach Clinton for signing CALEA, not Lewinski. I'm not the one judging Ron Paul based upon one person's donation who happens to be a White Supremacist. In fact, the man donated less money to Ron Paul than I did. For that matter, I have chosen to not vote for Obama not because the NBPP donated...but because he has vowed to expand the military and has voted in favor of the Patriot Act. I cannot in good conscience vote for a candidate that voted in favor to piss on the 4th Amendment.

Obviously from what I've stated that is not the reason I wouldn't vote for Ron Paul. I have several better ones, so it is irrelevant. Of course their actions are the most important. However, the decisions that people make are a reflection of both experience and conviction. Sometimes you are unable to predict a representative's course of action in a particular situation based on experience, because it has never arisen. It is for this reason you have to be confident in more than a leader's stated platform position, but in their ability to make decision based on logic and convictions. Gathering your impression in this department is much more personal. It just strikes me the wrong way, and I don't like it.

I'm not really sure how Lewinsky has to do with anything -- seems like a red herring to me. Or maybe a straw man. Anyway, who cared about that garbage anyway. And again - we're not talking about Obama. We're talking about Ron Paul.

Obviously the amount of the donation doesn't matter; it's the principle.

Please forgive anything that is difficult to interpret -- think it's the sour diesel hash. could be.
Convictions and principles...I'm glad you brought that up. For example, my candidate steadfastly stands behind decriminalizing marijuana; always has, always will. In fact, he just co-sponsored another bill in favor of decriminalzation. Not because he smokes pot, but like myself (Ron Paul doesn't smoke and neither do I), feels that it's an individuals right to do so without fear of government intervention and/or incarceration. The principle of "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" as declared in the Declaration of Independence and backed up by the US Constitution.

As for Obama, when all the Dem candidates in the MSNBC debate on October 30th of last year were asked to raise their hands if they were against decriminalization of marijuana...Obama raised his hand along with the others.
Obama flip-flops on pot*-*-*Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
When confronted with the statements on the video, Obama's campaign offered two explanations to the Times in less than 24 hours. At first, Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said that the candidate had "always" supported decriminalizing marijuana, suggesting his 2004 statement was correct. Then after the Times posted copies of the video on its Web site today, his campaign reversed course and declared he does not support eliminating criminal penalties for marijuana possession and use.
I'm not really sure how Lewinsky has to do with anything -- seems like a red herring to me. Or maybe a straw man. Anyway, who cared about that garbage anyway.
Not really relevant. I was just trying to convey my feelings when it comes to judging a politician. I didn't really care, but you'd be surprised how many people did when all that was going down.

Please forgive anything that is difficult to interpret -- think it's the sour diesel hash. could be.
No worries.
If everyone learned about RON PAUL and talked about RON PAUL than undoubtedly most people would love RON PAUL and he would be the next president!!

Call it beating a dead horse if you will, but I'm advocating a cause that, i strongly believe, would reshape America and the world for the best!


RON PAUL Is a Republican PLAnT to steal important votes away from the Democrats, the Rebulicans Know that they have already lost the election, so they are doing what they can to fuck up the democrat ability to elect Obama, it is already set that Hilary Clinton will be our next President..

dont ask me how I know this, I just do...
The Democrats are doing a stellar job of destroying themselves right now. It looks at this point as though Obama will walk off with the nomination. If that's the case, the Dems have, in effect, nominated another Dukais ... a candidate that is way to far to to the left to appeal to the general, middle of the road voters. I'd give (and I hate to say it) McCain at least a 50/50 chance to win the big prize.

RON PAUL Is a Republican PLAnT to steal important votes away from the Democrats...

dont ask me how I know this, I just do...
But I will ask you and expect a concise answer with documented evidence supporting your argument. How is it that Ron Paul is a "plant"? As a former 20+ year voting Republican, if anything he's taken my vote away from the neo-cons that have hijacked the Republican Party. I have never voted for a Democrat since I began voting in 1978.
But I will ask you and expect a concise answer with documented evidence supporting your argument. How is it that Ron Paul is a "plant"? As a former 20+ year voting Republican, if anything he's taken my vote away from the neo-cons that have hijacked the Republican Party. I have never voted for a Democrat since I began voting in 1978.
Now we have confirmation. You voted for Bush. For shame. twice I'd have to say, twice. Do you feel complicit in Bush's wrongdoings or are you a hypocrite? Do you take the responsibility of the Iraq War on your shoulders. If Gore would have won, would we be in Iraq? Republicans have fucked the middle class to tears. Do you feel a hint of remorse for your Bush vote? Just asking.
Now we have confirmation. You voted for Bush. For shame. twice I'd have to say, twice. Do you feel complicit in Bush's wrongdoings or are you a hypocrite? Do you take the responsibility of the Iraq War on your shoulders. If Gore would have won, would we be in Iraq? Republicans have fucked the middle class to tears. Do you feel a hint of remorse for your Bush vote? Just asking.

So you're that guy lurking in the showers! Callin the cops, buddy!



ya, im jk about pissing my pants, it gave a nice effect though.... no? heh.... funny shit, +rep for that one Zen:mrgreen:
But I will ask you and expect a concise answer with documented evidence supporting your argument. How is it that Ron Paul is a "plant"? As a former 20+ year voting Republican, if anything he's taken my vote away from the neo-cons that have hijacked the Republican Party. I have never voted for a Democrat since I began voting in 1978.

If I told you I would be killed, and possible many who read this forum as well.
I have said too much all ready..

I apoligize I cannot provide you with proof...

Also I consider myself a Republican who votes UAF or DEM, there just havent been any good republicans in a long while, and RP is a vote steal..
Now we have confirmation. You voted for Bush. For shame. twice I'd have to say, twice. Do you feel complicit in Bush's wrongdoings or are you a hypocrite? Do you take the responsibility of the Iraq War on your shoulders. If Gore would have won, would we be in Iraq? Republicans have fucked the middle class to tears. Do you feel a hint of remorse for your Bush vote? Just asking.
I feel much more than just remorse MM. I feel betrayed, angry, and fearful. I do feel responsible for what has transpired in Iraq, but not because I voted for Bush (although that's part of it), but because I also voted for Congressmen who allowed it to happen as well. As I sit in my son's home here on the naval base in Guam getting ready to drive him to his ship, I fear everyday dreading if he's going to tell me one day that he's got orders for Iraq. The military is now sending Navy personnel to Iraq for convoy and roadside inspection duty. Two very dangerous jobs in Iraq. He's my only child...my only son...and I helped place him in this predicament. The loss of my only child due to a war that I helped perpetuate is a difficult thing for me to bear....and I bear that burden every time I think of him. I live with that guilt everyday.

Perhaps you now can understand, or at least appreciate, my vehemence toward refusing to vote for any candidate (Rep or Dem) that will only perpetuate this fiasco. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I feel much more than just remorse MM. I feel betrayed, angry, and fearful. I do feel responsible for what has transpired in Iraq, but not because I voted for Bush (although that's part of it), but because I also voted for Congressmen who allowed it to happen as well. As I sit in my son's home here on the naval base in Guam getting ready to drive him to his ship, I fear everyday dreading if he's going to tell me one day that he's got orders for Iraq. The military is now sending Navy personnel to Iraq for convoy and roadside inspection duty. Two very dangerous jobs in Iraq. He's my only child...my only son...and I helped place him in this predicament. The loss of my only child due to a war that I helped perpetuate is a difficult thing for me to bear....and I bear that burden every time I think of him.

Perhaps you now can understand, or at least appreciate, my vehemence toward refusing to vote for any candidate (Rep or Dem) that will only perpetuate this fiasco. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Wow, that's personal. Tough.

I'm not a democrat by choice, don't get me wrong. I'm hedging my bets. This ship needs to be righted before we can go in the right direction. It's not the way a representative democracy should work, but it's the way ours does. More than ever, there are actually a few very large, key differences between our two major parties ..
I feel much more than just remorse MM. I feel betrayed, angry, and fearful. I do feel responsible for what has transpired in Iraq, but not because I voted for Bush (although that's part of it), but because I also voted for Congressmen who allowed it to happen as well. As I sit in my son's home here on the naval base in Guam getting ready to drive him to his ship, I fear everyday dreading if he's going to tell me one day that he's got orders for Iraq. The military is now sending Navy personnel to Iraq for convoy and roadside inspection duty. Two very dangerous jobs in Iraq. He's my only child...my only son...and I helped place him in this predicament. The loss of my only child due to a war that I helped perpetuate is a difficult thing for me to bear....and I bear that burden every time I think of him. I live with that guilt everyday.

Perhaps you now can understand, or at least appreciate, my vehemence toward refusing to vote for any candidate (Rep or Dem) that will only perpetuate this fiasco. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Great post, Dave! I'm at a loss for words. :?

I feel much more than just remorse MM. I feel betrayed, angry, and fearful. I do feel responsible for what has transpired in Iraq, but not because I voted for Bush (although that's part of it), but because I also voted for Congressmen who allowed it to happen as well. As I sit in my son's home here on the naval base in Guam getting ready to drive him to his ship, I fear everyday dreading if he's going to tell me one day that he's got orders for Iraq. The military is now sending Navy personnel to Iraq for convoy and roadside inspection duty. Two very dangerous jobs in Iraq. He's my only child...my only son...and I helped place him in this predicament. The loss of my only child due to a war that I helped perpetuate is a difficult thing for me to bear....and I bear that burden every time I think of him. I live with that guilt everyday.

Perhaps you now can understand, or at least appreciate, my vehemence toward refusing to vote for any candidate (Rep or Dem) that will only perpetuate this fiasco. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Hey Man, I will hope (~pray) for your son everyday... Believe in one thing at least man, and thats that we do have the best Armed Forces of any country on this rock... I hope that can help you sleep, I hope your son will be alright, and I hope that whoever the hell becomes our next president, that this gets all sorted out.

Were here if you need to rant about anything man....
I wish you the best of luck to my good friend Dave and his son! Thats partly why I'm a RON PAUL supporter- because he actually has a conscious, and realizes that real people are dying and not for noble causes. JMHO. This war IS NOT about terrorism, thats the biggest bullshit I have ever heard!

Not to be disrespectful but maybe this can bring a smile to someones face..........:-| I hope it doesn't offend someone...:?

YouTube - Bush "Fool Me Once..."
