Why do forum mods ban so easily?

never went to the grasscity site and never will. so I don't know what to tell you.

gc is bitch made... they have a bunch of fdds over there.. much like icmag... fact is this is the best grow site i been on since og.com... to think i was gonna leave and shit... see how that cocaine ell have ya? hahahahah
gc is bitch made... they have a bunch of fdds over there.. much like icmag... fact is this is the best grow site i been on since og.com... to think i was gonna leave and shit... see how that cocaine ell have ya? hahahahah
oh i see someone is sober this week. :p
I'm thinking he's a troll.

But regardless, anyone coming on here and calling our female posters whores and bitches and talking shit like that would likely get banned too
Six inches wide you say, I think your dimensions for the perfect penis may be askew. If you need a perfect unit to be a good grower, Jorge should make movies
yeah it is ... its the only reason why my pinky nail on my left hand is long has hell when the rest of my nails arent... so i can take a quick lil snap whenever da time calls for it...

Good thing I quit my Summer hobby back in the Fall, spent June, July, and August copping jabs of blows near Independence and Roosevelt.

Twas' a nasty habit 4/me.
Good thing I quit my Summer hobby back in the Fall, spent June, July, and August copping jabs of blows near Independence and Roosevelt.

Twas' a nasty habit 4/me.

hahahahaah u was gettin ur nodd on huh? why did u go to garfield park were u get rolled by the law just for being white.. u coulda came to humbolst park and bought grams of raw off me for 150....
hahahahaah u was gettin ur nodd on huh? why did u go to garfield park were u get rolled by the law just for being white.. u coulda came to humbolst park and bought grams of raw off me for 150....

Fuck, I was copping jabs near you...nobody would sell me raw...and some of them MFer's were cutting with sleeping pills. I also love the hole in the wall restaurants near you, that's where the authentic Puerto Rican food can be had.

Yeah, I know where the cops hang out. My Grandparents used to own Madison Medical Center, and the pigs all sit on the medians while we buy and sell in residential blocks. Nothing has changed, some of those spots are still protected by the same crooked cops also...McCarthy hasn't made a dent...lol!

I quit that shit bro', had to!.
gc is bitch made... they have a bunch of fdds over there.. much like icmag... fact is this is the best grow site i been on since og.com... to think i was gonna leave and shit... see how that cocaine ell have ya? hahahahah

you were CRYING, "please make me a global or i'm leaving". you threw yourself on the floor and pounded your head against it. it was one of the funniest things i've seen on this forum in a while. then you went on a public rampage. attacking WOMEN no less. that part was rather pathetic. you blamed it on meth and coke, then you just went on another bender. and you'll soon do it again.

good luck. :)

Penis snake says it's ok

... and that's the female ... cn
Fuck, I was copping jabs near you...nobody would sell me raw...and some of them MFer's were cutting with sleeping pills. I also love the hole in the wall restaurants near you, that's where the authentic Puerto Rican food can be had.

Yeah, I know where the cops hang out. My Grandparents used to own Madison Medical Center, and the pigs all sit on the medians while we buy and sell in residential blocks. Nothing has changed, some of those spots are still protected by the same crooked cops also...McCarthy hasn't made a dent...lol!

I quit that shit bro', had to!.

hell naw noone is not gonna sell u no raw on the street jo.... nobody around there knows u.... plus they dont want u too od so u can keep comming back with more money lol.... if there was lil blue spex in there dope its cuzz they were cutting it with sleeponal.. and too lazy too wash off the blue coating... the pink speckled shit is da dormin cutt.... and its all basicly the same antihistamine... in da burbs they dont got dormin only sleeponal.. in da city its all dormin.... also a lil klonapin mixed in there with da dormins make for a bad ass cut that custies prefer even over da raw!
you were CRYING, "please make me a global or i'm leaving". you threw yourself on the floor and pounded your head against it. it was one of the funniest things i've seen on this forum in a while. then you went on a public rampage. attacking WOMEN no less. that part was rather pathetic. you blamed it on meth and coke, then you just went on another bender. and you'll soon do it again.

good luck. :)

looooooool....... dude shut yo ass up.... stay up on yay on for 4 days and see how u feel......
looooooool....... dude shut yo ass up.... stay up on yay on for 4 days and see how u feel......

you went on about it for several weeks. you blamed it on the METH. then you sobered up only to do it again with coke. i think you should seek help for your drug problem. ;)