Fin's at it again

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[TD="class: index"] 1. [/TD]
[TD="class: word"] finshaggy [/TD]
[TD="class: tools"] 10 up , 2 down [/TD]

[TD="class: text, colspan: 2"] Adjective, noun; to be belligerent and arrogant, to willfully disregard quality advice and pursue delusions of grandeur of achieving a victory in the US Supreme Court striking down all marijuana law on the basis of arguments that have failed countless times for others. A finshaggy naively believes that the courts and the police are honest, and that waving a copy of the Constitution before a cop is like warding off a vampire with garlic.
This finshaggy dude went to jail for a year after his appeal was laughed out of court.
buy finshaggy mugs & shirts arrogant belligerant pompous delusional grandeur
by purklize Jul 18, 2012 share this add a video

I enjoyed this. Have you seen your entry for urban dictionary?

[TD="class: index"] 1.
[TD="class: word"] finshaggy
[TD="class: tools"] 10 up , 2 down

[TD="class: text, colspan: 2"] Adjective, noun; to be belligerent and arrogant, to willfully disregard quality advice and pursue delusions of grandeur of achieving a victory in the US Supreme Court striking down all marijuana law on the basis of arguments that have failed countless times for others. A finshaggy naively believes that the courts and the police are honest, and that waving a copy of the Constitution before a cop is like warding off a vampire with garlic.
This finshaggy dude went to jail for a year after his appeal was laughed out of court.
buy finshaggy mugs & shirts arrogant belligerant pompous delusional grandeur
by purklize Jul 18, 2012 share this add a video

I enjoyed this. Have you seen your entry for urban dictionary?
You think I don't know stuff about myself that you can find on Google?!?!! Hello, my name is Shaggy, have we met??
there's a reason why indoor growers don't use manure. are you seriously this fucking dumb? i am not even trolling, this is indoor growing 101.

manure is for outdoor growing, and it is best to amend the soil with it about 6-8 months before growing season is at hand, right after you harvest, that way it gets rained in all winter.

you either didn't have the money to buy the soil or the means for a ride to walmart, there would be no other reason to move those alfalfa sprouts to a cup of goddamn rice.

3 days is plenty for seedling. putting 7 seedlings in a cup of goddamn rice for a day or two is just more trauma for those poor, abused little alfalfa sprouts.

i promise you those things are deader than nixon.

One thing I hate about winter all the soil is expensive up here this time of year. Only hydro shops carry FF and nothin else 25 bucks a bag. suck a dick
You do spend alot of tiem on the computer....googling yourself?

Is that only when your mom lets you back in the house?
One thing I hate about winter all the soil is expensive up here this time of year. Only hydro shops carry FF and nothin else 25 bucks a bag. suck a dick

have you gone to Fox Farms website?

more than just hydro stores carry their soil. And Dr. Earth isnt a bad alternative. Especially their POTting soil
Without reading 29 pages of whatever....Did you realy sprout seeds in rice dude? And did you leave the rice when and if they made it to transplant? Thats soma wack shit right there...Why wouldnt you just go out to a feild and grab some dirt?
So if your plants are still alive after this torture test you're putting them through, you're going to burn them to death with manure? Those poor, poor, babies....
It's great isn't it? Hit the nail on the fricken head. One shot flush, you know what i'm sayin?

You do spend alot of tiem on the computer....googling yourself?

Is that only when your mom lets you back in the house?
Says the guy that just got done posting on my thread while I was gone... A post which contained something you most likely found Googling me... :lol: No I don't spend a lot of time Googling myself, probably like 2x a month. Or when I add something new and want to see it come up.
I hear if you use jasmin rice your weed will taste like jasmin therefore allowing you to invent a new strain and be the bestest drug lord of all time.:roll:

Oh really? Is that how you make a new strain, I always wondered :dunce: Ya'll act like I'm retarded... And now comes the "You ARE retarded" :lol:
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