How many have seen a gun pulled on another, except legally by cops?

Have you witnessed a gun being pointed at another illegally?

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If someone is in my home and is not supposed to be there, i fear for the life and well-being of myself, my wife, my son, my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and grandma (crowded house lol).

i will respond accordingly.

liar! you know damned well theres at least one in that assembly who is "expendable"

you bought the mother in law a red tunic for x-mas didnt you?
Actually, in most states you cannot use a weapon unless you believe your life is threatened. If you kill someone stealing your car you might serve time for manslaughter if not murder.

california has enshrined in it's constitution AND the penal code that you may use deadly force to protect yourself, another, you property, and even another person's property. if they dont start running when you cock your heater they are squarely in the target zone.

this does not stop liberal leaning persecutors from making your life a living hell for a few weeks, but unless they can PROVE you shot the victim after an elaborate scheme to lure him onto your property or to trick him into hotwiring your car they cant press charges and they gotta give your guns back.

basically everybody except Wile E Coyote, Doctor Evil, and Lex Luthor can bust a cap in anybody who is trying to steal your bicycle.
Why did it have to be alive tho, what did you think was gonna happen lol.

The worse part of it was I pulled over to the side of the road opened my trunk and was standing on the side of the road shooting down into a ditch with my trunk open when a car slowed down and the people were looking at me. They continued on down the road, I wondered what they were thinking. Looked like a scene from Goodfellas
unless you had sex with it (before or after it was dead) then it's all good. opossums are nasty little fuckers. they aint even good eating.

It was afternoon and a possum was walking right next to the road. So I rationalized it must be sick with rabies. the truth is I wanted to shoot something and I hate possums
The worse part of it was I pulled over to the side of the road opened my trunk and was standing on the side of the road shooting down into a ditch with my trunk open when a car slowed down and the people were looking at me. They continued on down the road, I wondered what they were thinking. Looked like a scene from Goodfellas

waaaaaait... i really hope "possum" isnt code for "Hooker I Knocked Unconscious With A Shovel"....
While I don't approve of the action, I give you a nod for being honest about it. cn

I never said I killed it. Although I probably did. I only hit it once out of 7 shots. And it was six feet away. Didnt do better with a beer can either. Thats why for my home defense I trust a shotgun
I never said I killed it. Although I probably did. I only hit it once out of 7 shots. And it was six feet away. Didnt do better with a beer can either. Thats why for my home defense I trust a shotgun

You didn't even assure it died a humane death? Hell, i'd even allow that for MOST criminals.

You didn't even assure it died a humane death? Hell, i'd even allow that for MOST criminals.


I would of had to stomp it to death. i didnt have any more bullets on me and after the look the people gave me in the car that passed by i didnt want to stick around