Just checking, need expert opinions.


so, here are some pics of my one girl, to me, she looks kinda skinny, and no where near as bushy as she could be,
but that might be due to me educing flowering kinda early, but the leaves and stalk seem in good health. Any opinions/tips for the next one?SprintPhoto_dmegqd.jpgSprintPhoto_bmegqd.jpgSprintPhoto_cmegqd.jpg
Thanks for your time guys, and gals. I appreciate any and all help I can get. Knowledge is Power.


crap I just noticed I put this in the wrong section as this isn't so much a problem
as it is just my curiosity for the opinions of much better growers, -.- my bad...


I got 3 75watt cfl's(top lamp has 2 bulbs, side lamp has the remainder) on it, though the top one's kinda high, i couldn't lower it any more. i could raise the plant, but i'd have to re-jerry-rig the side lamp -.-

B.B. King

It looks to me like you flipped them when they were still pretty small. What are you using for lights? Looks like you might could use more.

Grow well,


Well-Known Member
I got 3 75watt cfl's(top lamp has 2 bulbs, side lamp has the remainder) on it, though the top one's kinda high, i couldn't lower it any more. i could raise the plant, but i'd have to re-jerry-rig the side lamp -.-
get your cfls as close as possible ;)


lmao that's what I'm trying to do, but it won't go down anymore....guess I Will have to raise the plant, and re-jerry-rig the side lamp after all XD. ah well, it's still early in the day, shouldn't hurt.


oh yeah, i did that kinda early, but only because i accidentally got a bloom booster fertilizer by mistake, and just ran with it lmao. I don't need much though, this is for my own medicinal use.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
With CFL if it's hot for your hand it's hot for your plant...get them closer...a lot closer. Is that 75 true watt or equivalent? Have any "Y" adaptors so you can add more bulbs if needed?


I got rid of the box, but i'm almost positive that was the true wattage, and nah, no Y connectors, though that's a very good idea for next time.


SprintPhoto_d0g4dh.jpgSprintPhoto_b0g4dh.jpgSprintPhoto_c0g4dh.jpg How's this, looking better? that's as close as I can get it, without the heat from the bulbs bearing down right on the plant.


Also, I was thinking about adding some molasses to the water, and maybe making a make-shift CO2 emitter, like with sugar water and yeast to boost performance, though I dunno...I kinda think if I stick to what I'm doing now, it should be fine, what do you guys think?