I don't know if you missed half the conversation or maybe you just came in at the end, But yeah I/We Know. And I'll say it again semi automatic "assault style" rifles are one kit and magazine away from being fully automatic with 100 rounds and that is why I say I support the ban of Assault style rifle's that can be altered to be fully automatic with a high capacity magazine.I reject your argument on it's face. I/you/the MSM/Obama/everyone isn't talking about fully automatic AR-15's being banned, they already are for the most part. Go into 50 local gun shops and ask to see their fully automatic weapons section. There ain't one. Spin all you want, but this ENTIRE national debate is over SEMI-AUTOMATIC "tactical looking" rifles.
Furthermore, you make the classic mistake in thinking a fully automatic weapon is MORE dangerous than a semi-automatic weapon. If I was a motivated killer, given a limited amount of time, a set number of rounds and a goal of killing the largest number of people, I would choose a semi-automatic without hesitation.
And what about fully auto does not make it more lethal?? Id like to hear.