FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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also just to let you know, that soil you are using looks like..well shit...soil for MJ should NOT have wood chips in reslly shouldnt even be brown colored, it should be black with some perlite mixed in

also those plants are still way to young for nutrients, i understand they have fan leaves but they are just BARLEY out of the sprout stage, no nutrients are needed, your just wasting them and potentially killing your plant.

if you need help im sure someone could help you out. you still have alot to learn, im not trying to hate...

ps. looking closeley at your video now, your seedlings are already turning brown on the tips from what looks like excess salts, you are most likley going to kill them if your give them anymore nitrogen....good luck dude.
I appreciate you try to help but to answer paragraph 1, it was the only non MG soil available in the Wal Mart in this town. To answer paragraph 2, I have grown before, you can go ahead and check my sig. And I'm pretty sure that answers the rest of your stuff as well. Just look at the old shit. I'm gonna be fine. Stop worrying so much.
I give them seeds credit, they're survivors. :lol:

" I'd rather they be over-watered than be over-nute-ed." ....... lol I like your reasoning to ease your mind. lmao .... try not to drown out your watercress when you water them next time.
They're not drowned. And the reason I did that was because I put like 1/3 a spoon of nutes in 1/4 a gallon. So it was too much, and could possibly burn. So I added more water :duce:
Is this guy for real? He is huh? Dude, your worried about water drops on your seedings but yet you spill a whole bottle of some concoction you made up all over your ahh well I guess there weed sprouts. Wow, I wish the best for the both of you but unfortunatly I think your the only one thats gonna make it thru this mess... If nothing else its fun to watch. Good luck bro!

It's gonna come out fine. Ya'll are hatin for no reason. This is a resilient, hardy plant. Not some unstable molecule that we need to have in a super specific state, with super specific settings. Bud can pretty much grow anywhere, I know how the fuck to grow it. I've even grown DANK weed with nothing but seeds from brick weed, and florescent lights (check my sig). This grow is going to be great. I have real seeds, instead of these (which still worked great) [video=youtube;W7kOPl47sCI][/video]
The other guys on here are only trying to help but you have played it off like the typical young fellow that’s knows it all. There are two basic ways to learn in life 1 learn from trial and error and 2 learn from someone else, both are good but the latter will be quicker.
I stopped reading here because you don't seem to realize something. I have grown myself multiple times, which you can click my sig to go look at, or search youtube. I have been part of multiple grows, which I have pictures of harvesting and ready to be smoked on this website. And I don't need advice is the form of zingers. So thanks for the "advice", but no thanks.
One more thing, try leaving spaces between your sentences and paragraphs, when you jam it altogether it`s hard to read; you`re not paying for space on the server so who cares.
On this website, and on THIS website only. When I click "enter", NOTHING happens. Sorry.
if he would jsut take a step back and stop treating life like masturbation . . .he might be able to learn from others . . . but more than likely he will find someone just slightly smart then he to take care fo him the rest of his life . . . fuck texas . . go America

hand on dick=movement=white confetti soup=success . . . . .
I have learned from others mistakes and my mistakes. Not only have I grown myself, and grown with other people, when I first got here I read EVERYONE's growing journals, and was part of Kevin Murphy's thread (DNA) , learning all kinds of shit from growers ALL OVER THE WORLD. I can post a picture here of all the grows I'm subbed to, that I never click anymore because they're all done.
Takes a licking and keeps on ticking...Gotta respect that I suppose....You go finn, if nothing else I read this shit cause its funny as hell. Cant wait till harvest....You gonna roll up a fatty with a bannana leaf?
You go finn, if nothing else I read this shit cause its funny as hell. Cant wait till harvest....You gonna roll up a fatty with a bannana leaf?

No, not a banana leaf, but I am going to make a bad ass bud filled, BHO soaked, cannabis leaf wrapped Cigar :D :p
lolz I'm cracking some beans right now. Gonna setup the 150 HPS sometime this week. I'm playin catch up with you Fins
lol Fins someone else is closing your threads now

He closed my thread because I made a new one and he wanted to direct traffic, which I actually appreciate. You were closing my threads because you were mad about a name I called you... There's a big difference.
DSC_0428_02.jpgYour right on one thing Fin , there are now shiny dank nugs in your thread but these are mine .. Drool and enjoy the view DSC_0436_03.jpg


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