Swerves "girl scout cookies" are fake

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looks like a key move if he already knows and people have figured out how to get under his skin, and if he didnt post and let the flower out and let people crateek his finished flower, what its all about is the flower in the end, i think it would be a good move i dont know who raskal is never hear of him but his shit is just as good im not shure but he dont put himself out thier like that but his genetics are up thier like swervs. I think think its a champ move its like jujitsue or boxing its a stradegy move or mabe its just me.. But he already made it... all he has to do is just put the beens out thier, and the rest is history... good luck im out..
Time will tell.I have seen many "super strains" disappear after people realized they were trash and stopped buying them.And I have seen some blow up and become very popular out of no where like SLH...-just saying time will WEED out the fakes!!!
Can't believe Swerve hasnt even popped in yet to tell everybody how much of a lie this all is.

He was arguing for days until he started realizing he was getting too deep in lies. He is getting embarrassed on Instagram. I posted this here because he disappeared from IG and its easy to "chit chat" on there. He posted on here 2 days after disappearing from Instagram which is so easy to reply and talk to on there. I know he was watching try to figure out how to back up his lies, and I know he's reading this thread too and just lurking. Amateur breeder and a snake most importantly.

He just said some shit about how he's going to be "laughing all the way to the bank" fuckin snake
Like I said before this isn't about me. He's being exposed on Instagram he talks on there and he posts pics of his "GSC" cut on there. There's people on there telling him his shits fake and proving it with pics. @swervetcc is swerves Instagram account. You guys believe what you want I'm just presenting facts.

Read it, unfortunately but it clears things up.

Drain2Waste is pissed off because he had some LA Confidential go bad on him

drain2waste 5 days

I've ran swerves shitty genetics, seen nothing but hermies and auto flowers that weren't labeled or sold as auto flowers. So what now douche bag? Swerve groupie"

then he invited a group of people.

drain2waste 6 days
@swervetcc running fake genes, doesn't even know the true lineage but he "gets it from the breeder" HAHA, swerve is not a real breeder @pieguy420 @trooperstormy_541 @marley561 @istayhigh707

Apparently Pieguy420 knows what the real cut is, trooperstormy_541 has the real cut etc etc. checked out Troopers profile and he has been growing GSC for quite some time with alot of tags of "#notinyourgarden" in every picture. I figure hes egotistical, and doesn't want the cut to go to seed. if he does infact have the only real cut then he should be be happy that swerve doesn't have the real deal, not bashing him for having a so called "fake cut"

Drain2waste has a right to be mad but registering on forums just to make a thread to discredit swerve seems a bit much. but then again i don't know how much damage was done when he ran the bad seeds.

I'll judge swerve based on his gear, not your word.

Rage elsewhere.
well drain to waist as you become part of this growing seen first run your gear test it in an area dont mother it and fill up your hole room, things happend everything from raids to sniches a tweeker getting his head cut off a couple of houses down and people robing the store and jumping and getting arested in your back yard anything can happend lolz im not kidding talk about at the wrong place at the wrong time shit happends earth quaks your electicity company servicing a pole behind your fucken house and ever fucken thing is just banging out the fucken perimiter no generatore pumps down chillers down for hours you got to grow up and relize you have to study your plants thats the other obstical you have look and spend time in the room examin your shit its a must if you plan on doing this longer who is to say you didnt cause the herm but as a pro you should already know this and study your new strains thats just the number one rule dont trust shit not your meter not you gear not your room you yourself check the sighn on your plants and recalibrate meter stick to nutrients you know dont mix up shit.. i aint even gona say any more im already tired good luck and im checking the gsc for realz
Read it, unfortunately but it clears things up.

Drain2Waste is pissed off because he had some LA Confidential go bad on him

drain2waste 5 days

I've ran swerves shitty genetics, seen nothing but hermies and auto flowers that weren't labeled or sold as auto flowers. So what now douche bag? Swerve groupie"

then he invited a group of people.

drain2waste 6 days
@swervetcc running fake genes, doesn't even know the true lineage but he "gets it from the breeder" HAHA, swerve is not a real breeder @pieguy420 @trooperstormy_541 @marley561 @istayhigh707

Apparently Pieguy420 knows what the real cut is, trooperstormy_541 has the real cut etc etc. checked out Troopers profile and he has been growing GSC for quite some time with alot of tags of "#notinyourgarden" in every picture. I figure hes egotistical, and doesn't want the cut to go to seed. if he does infact have the only real cut then he should be be happy that swerve doesn't have the real deal, not bashing him for having a so called "fake cut"

Drain2waste has a right to be mad but registering on forums just to make a thread to discredit swerve seems a bit much. but then again i don't know how much damage was done when he ran the bad seeds.

I'll judge swerve based on his gear, not your word.

Rage elsewhere.

you couldn't be more wrong about the bolded sentence. I'm not even sure how you came to that conclusion. You did 1/4 of the homework that you could of to see swerves shadyness. Once again this isn't about me this is about all consumers of swerves business.
now the story isnt its a f1 car "fast high" its cross and the f1 is the female and not the male

this gets funnier by the min

this is the issue

no real story as to how it was breed and the guys claiming its lineage is special and secret dont even know what breeding terminology is and called one of the p1 or p2(as sometimes its F1 durban and sometimes its durban f1)

in the real breeders circles it matters

if f1 was the mother of the durban f1, where did they get the male durban . . .anyone making durban seeds, an dif so wouldnt it be prudent information if the GSC was a hermied cross . . . .

Yea the BS is too thick for me to even try and undertsand whats going on... What breeder is so protective over his plants genetics like this? Its stingy and selfish and does not belong in this wonderful industry. Soon he will want to patent the damn seeds a la Monsanto. Makes no sense what so ever. He did not put a puzzle together and discover the cookie flavor... All lies until I see people consistently growing cookie flavored weed plants. He's probably flushing his plants with mint water then harvesting for all we know.
As for this Guy Drain2waiste just sounds like a Troll... Pointing fingers yelling he's not real he's a fake... Get a life man grow your shit and be happy... To much negativity coming from your post.

Putting so much energy into Swerve is just Ultimate Trolling and you look foolish... In all honesty GSC is probably not even on most peoples list of future plants to grow. I would never breed my own plants with such a flavor. The idea sounds horrible.

Take my advice and just retire this thread man its too much hate here as it is... Peace
Ironically, the best way to avoid having your varieties copied is to make TRUE F1's (crossing 2 IBL's of different origin). Then the F2's are all over the place. Give the likely heterozygous nature of the plant, it will prove difficult to reproduce (but not impossible). That is your window to capitalize on something new, and it's just the nature of the beast. Doing this, however, requires intense amounts of work. Or I guess you can just breed with polyhybrids (F1xF1).
you couldn't be more wrong about the bolded sentence. I'm not even sure how you came to that conclusion. You did 1/4 of the homework that you could of to see swerves shadyness. Once again this isn't about me this is about all consumers of swerves business.

Yeah, sorry i don't know what strain it was, i just guessed since i heard there was a bad batch of that strain i figured you got it.
Yea the BS is too thick for me to even try and undertsand whats going on... What breeder is so protective over his plants genetics like this? Its stingy and selfish and does not belong in this wonderful industry. Soon he will want to patent the damn seeds a la Monsanto. Makes no sense what so ever. He did not put a puzzle together and discover the cookie flavor... All lies until I see people consistently growing cookie flavored weed plants. He's probably flushing his plants with mint water then harvesting for all we know.
As for this Guy Drain2waiste just sounds like a Troll... Pointing fingers yelling he's not real he's a fake... Get a life man grow your shit and be happy... To much negativity coming from your post.

Putting so much energy into Swerve is just Ultimate Trolling and you look foolish... In all honesty GSC is probably not even on most peoples list of future plants to grow. I would never breed my own plants with such a flavor. The idea sounds horrible.

Take my advice and just retire this thread man its too much hate here as it is... Peace

No trolling just presenting facts.
your facts are second and third hand information . . . . . and no one cares if swerve is wrong, not a soul, not even swerve

we live in the real world, where people are wrong, and/or right thats it, as long as you dont steal, take from others unknowingly or without asking, your ok in my book

and if he chooses to seed that cut up and sell it its his choice, grow up

no one is forcing you to buy his weed, and i dont see any other industry threads where you are calling em out . . .so grow up, its obvious you have a inny boner for swerve , and guess what no one cares as it only matters to you
its Rollitup.org's thread . . keep crying . .cry swerve a river

all it does is make you look like a fly tying to swat a breeder

your first hand facts have changed from f1 car to something else

the no one else has our cut talk . .blah blah blah, i know for fact GDP rep has it and so do many others

so your i dont have links i dont have proof, all i have is my words means nothing

little man

and even if swerve is wrong, what does it matter . . . .all he has to do is say im wrong then all your bitching is just that bitching from a . . .

swerve is no saint but he does have bomb genetics and if he breeds with it more than likely its good smoke, even if its not the fake GSC or teh real fake GSC
its Rollitup.org's thread . . keep crying . .cry swerve a river

all it does is make you look like a fly tying to swat a breeder

your first hand facts have changed from f1 car to something else

the no one else has our cut talk . .blah blah blah, i know for fact GDP rep has it and so do many others

so your i dont have links i dont have proof, all i have is my words means nothing

little man

and even if swerve is wrong, what does it matter . . . .all he has to do is say im wrong then all your bitching is just that bitching from a . . .

swerve is no saint but he does have bomb genetics and if he breeds with it more than likely its good smoke, even if its not the fake GSC or teh real fake GSC

Blah blah blah I already exposed swerve your opinion is moot
yes you did

david vs golith

and david wins

swerves dynasty of trechery has been toppled by your "exposure" of his cut name fiasco . . . . . .

headline news POT WORLD TODAY

and you did it +1
Still trying to make this about me. I'm just presenting facts, like I said on Instagram, if I made at least one person other than me realize how shady swerve is then I got what I wanted. Swerve isn't making that much noise lol he has a shitty rep already thanks to himself.
I'm going to sleep i have lots of work to do tomorrow as I'm sure most of us do. I will be back tomorrow.

why? >.< so you can "expose" swerve and tell us about how much of a bad guy he is? lol get real dude nobody cares most of this thread has been a bunch of people exposing you for what a monkeys ass you are.

i could bitch all day about nwgdp rep and gdps bullshit genetics and how kenskush was some bullshit germination rates, and how i wasnt the only one, but i dont give a fuck live and let live, did it affect my opinion of them? yes did effect others? maybe but for the most part no, cause i should have just followed suite like everyone else and got the GDP and been happy. instead i pulled thier wild card and got some bullshit, grow up, well see if thier GSC is the real deal, or some fire or wtfe.

but you need to let it go. and you know whats even more fucked,

i do think swerve is money hungry and his prices are outrageous for the product.(it fucking seed after all)
B) ive never even smoked GSC, ive seen it grown on here and i personally think its weak genetics.
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