Swerves "girl scout cookies" are fake

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fact is the people who claim to have breed GSC think the mother is durban x f1

and imho makes no sense for a strain to be called f1, so im not sure the guys who claim to have started passing it around even know what they are talking about

imho much more possible that they found a bag seed in a durbanf1 x(whatever the so called father is) then durban x ( a strain called ) F1 as the mother,

they are on ICMAG(DONT FUCKING BAN ME) and have first claim to the GSC cut, or so they say, but seriously what breeder worth there salt in 200-1500 dollar cuts doesn't understand that f1 is a generation of p1,p2 breed stock and not a strain name . . . .

so until some of the genetic breeding is illuminated i call BS on all GSC cuts as mis information central
If its a "unique pheno" then you can't sell people seeds a say here is GSC.
Well, in fact, you can say whatever the hell you like, and that's the problem. .

Its "caveat emptor", unfortunately, with the onus on the buyer to make sure they're buying from someone trustworthy and know what they're getting.

Not knocking on Swerve personally, but this is one major reason I'm not buying "Girl Scout Cookies" from him or anyone else, until/unless I hear that the GSC "ceeds" are great in their own right. I might be willing to be a beta tester in some cases, but I'm not willing to shell out top dollar for the "privilege". If GSC S1 (or whatever) is so awesome, it will be equally awesome in 18 months, and I'll buy it then.

Even if its a rare pheno that shows up in 1:5 ratio you can't sell seeds and say here is GSC. Especially if you selfed a GSC to get those seeds.
Again, not only "can" you, but this, unfortunately is the standard in the industry. Lots of ceed-makers are doing exactly this.

I don't have any problem with someone selling me S1 ceeds of a "clone only" line, so long as they actually are selling me real S1 ceeds of the line in question and make clear that that's what they're selling. In fact, I'm actually growing out something like this right now (see my sig, below), and so far I'm pleased. . .we'll see how it turns out shortly enough. If the seller is truly "stand up" they'll have tested their line and say right up front if the thing puts out different phenos, how many, and which ones (if any) are like the original. Unfortunately, very few growers are actually doing this.

What people will give up their money for these days boggles my mind. It takes zero effort to just look at two good strains and cross them and sell untested seeds. It take even less effort to self plants and sell those seeds untested. The only effort this guy puts into anything is coming onto the internet to "defend" his garbage. So people seeing him defend his shit just assume that he's legit. Then when people have problems with his hermie weed he just accuses them of being a shitty grower. I mean I've never grown the guys shit but I know people who have and were not pleased. It really doesn't take a wallstreet shark to see how the dude operates.

Not attacking anyone in particular here, but this is a common MO amongst a number of so-called "breeders" now. Find a bunch of someone else's "elite" clone only strains that have a reputation, get them, cross or self them, make ceeds, then hype the crap out of the ceeds. The art here isn't "breeding", since this is not breeding in any sense of the term; the art is in PR and selling the product. In some cases "breeders" are claiming provenance over lines they had little to nothing to do with creating (eg "purple" lines; see above).

Here are my earlier thoughts on this; Racerboy is right, there is some good stuff in the rest of this thread, too:
I am in socal any way for me to get some of these seeeds(guessing not)? I am very satisfied with the GDP I grew from Ken btw.

HAHA! I live in Texas. Thats the beauty of seeds once they are in your hands you can take them anywhere. I just wish I had realized what these were a long time ago. I got hundreds so I've grown hundreds from seed over the years. I've gotten some diferent phenos out of em but all of it is super dank. Don't worry though I'll be seeding the ibl's and doing some judicious crosses. When I do the crosses I'll kick down some seeds to people to test out, and I'll throw in some of the ibl's. The fact is that if you have the capacity to grow thirty plants at a time from seed then you can start enough individual seeds to pick out phenos, if you can do that you can breed. I can do that, and I have the goods, they are coming just gimme about a year and I'll have plenty of seed. And the fact is I'm way too lazy to try and market shit so since I'm really doing this just so I can have more fresh seeds, whatever I let go will probably be really cheap or free.
I think it bares noting here that it is fine to sell f1 hybrid seed to someone as long as you label it as such. Its these s1's that are unethical IMO. f2 and f3 are not really the best to be seeds but you can get alot of genetic diversity out of them. Its when you get to f4 and beyond that things start to get really stable. This is common knowledge to anyone who has bee doing this for any amount of time. Don't worry about punnet squares they just complcate things, rather start with stable parents and choose what you like from the progeny.
unless, al the p1 and p2 stock are related and worked to stability

a full picture of the genetics back ground is needed to say with certanty that any p1,p1 or f1,to f whatever is table

and when people either wont give it out or dont know it, its impossible to tell

some breeders like to know what they are working

and imho clone only breeders are possibly saturating the market with inferior genetics,even if that generation of hybrids turned out ok

i like recessive or dominate rares phenos as breeders more than clone only's , i guess it just takes more work to work a strain vs toss a clone only in with a popular male or vice verse
fact is the people who claim to have breed GSC think the mother is durban x f1

and imho makes no sense for a strain to be called f1, so im not sure the guys who claim to have started passing it around even know what they are talking about

imho much more possible that they found a bag seed in a durbanf1 x(whatever the so called father is) then durban x ( a strain called ) F1 as the mother,

they are on ICMAG(DONT FUCKING BAN ME) and have first claim to the GSC cut, or so they say, but seriously what breeder worth there salt in 200-1500 dollar cuts doesn't understand that f1 is a generation of p1,p2 breed stock and not a strain name . . . .

so until some of the genetic breeding is illuminated i call BS on all GSC cuts as mis information central

You're misunderstanding the name, f1 isn't a "generation" of Durban poison it's a cross that they named.
"It's called f1 durb because it got us high so fast" -pieguy420. a formula 1 car I.e. F1.
The whole f1 strain confused me too until it was explained. They won't tell any1 outside of their circle what they crossed with Durban poison to get F1. Also, pieguy has smoke outs at a club in San Francisco and is always inviting people to smoke the real GSC.
anyone could claim after the fact anything, without a clear picture of its family genetics, i call BS on all they say

the hype is over, cuts used to be 1500, now they are like 250 . . . . .and its still a shitty yield . . .. . .looking more and more like the furby of 2012 then a true breeders strain or even head stash as there is already so much fire on the market

and if it was a cross vs a bag seed then they could make more and make tons . . . . . . .but nope no future to produce a cross of there inside circle genetics, secrets are for people with lies to spin

i liked the cherry pie more anyway when i smoked em
You can call bs on what they say but pieguy continues to invite "naysayers" to come try to the real GSC and the f1 durb and the Y and the snowman and pink champagne. So they can back up what they say.
anyone could claim after the fact anything, without a clear picture of its family genetics, i call BS on all they say

the hype is over, cuts used to be 1500, now they are like 250 . . . . .and its still a shitty yield . . .. . .looking more and more like the furby of 2012 then a true breeders strain or even head stash as there is already so much fire on the market

and if it was a cross vs a bag seed then they could make more and make tons . . . . . . .but nope no future to produce a cross of there inside circle genetics, secrets are for people with lies to spin

i liked the cherry pie more anyway when i smoked em
Holy shit I've been out of circulation too long. We used to sell clones of the dankest shit (elite)for $50. I knew the price had gone up but damn. So I just met some people here who have a huge operation but their genetics are mediocre at best, and they wanted me to trade clone but I don't want what they have. They make some decent bubble hash I was thinking of trading for some of that but damn, whats fair? They would be getting some super dank shit in the trade.
anyone could claim after the fact anything, without a clear picture of its family genetics, i call BS on all they say

the hype is over, cuts used to be 1500, now they are like 250 . . . . .and its still a shitty yield . . .. . .looking more and more like the furby of 2012 then a true breeders strain or even head stash as there is already so much fire on the market

and if it was a cross vs a bag seed then they could make more and make tons . . . . . . .but nope no future to produce a cross of there inside circle genetics, secrets are for people with lies to spin

i liked the cherry pie more anyway when i smoked em

You can call bs on what they say but pieguy continues to invite "naysayers" to come try to the real GSC and the f1 durb and the Y and the snowman and pink champagne. So they can back up what they say.

Also, f1 durb x GDP is cherry pie.
Also, the hype is far from over with dispensaries still laying down 4000/LB for the forum cut of GSC in the Bay Area where there is an abundance of fire strains.
i don t doubt that the cut is his cut . . . . . what i doubt is the genetics claimed . . . . . .i made a cross in my attic that was bomb, lower yield and grape fuel jelly smell . . does that mean its worth 1500 a cut, and i mean super fire, im the only person who has it

i call shenanigans, until the genetic history is released i could care less if he wants me to smoke his head stash . . thats what its for . .
Also, the hype is far from over with dispensaries still laying down 4000/LB for the forum cut of GSC in the Bay Area where there is an abundance of fire strains.

i dont buy weed cuase its popular in SF or LA . .and i def dont keep genetic stock based on 100%hype . .. . . .as it is not been proven to be anything till the genetics veil is removed

if you want it cool, im down for you

i like expensive glass, some dont . . i dont go why not . . !! blah blah blah its the best

when good cuts are abundant to most with a social scene . . . .breeders need to be trusted that they are releaseing known genetics not bag seed un worked crappy one hit wonder genetics

most of the GSC cross's in seed form i have heard of seem to be fucked in on eway or another, or at least i havent heard of any home runs from its cross's yet
I think that drain2waste should ease up and go back to watching the Hardy Boys or Murder She Wrote - we all hear what you're saying and, relax, things sort themselves out over time. If you want to beat your chest and consider yourself the supreme being for uncovering a big conspiracy then move to Washington DC and have at it. I have grown a few killers from cali connection and a few duds but the same can be said for every breeders gear out there.

PS - I bet you've grown Barneys Tangerine Dream
I think that drain2waste should ease up and go back to watching the Hardy Boys or Murder She Wrote - we all hear what you're saying and, relax, things sort themselves out over time. If you want to beat your chest and consider yourself the supreme being for uncovering a big conspiracy then move to Washington DC and have at it. I have grown a few killers from cali connection and a few duds but the same can be said for every breeders gear out there.

PS - I bet you've grown Barneys Tangerine Dream

This isn't about me first of all, I'm just laying down the facts it's up to you to interpret them.

PS-you're wrong about "Barney's tangerine dream". Access to elite clones prevents me from dealing with seed companies.
i dont buy weed cuase its popular in SF or LA . .and i def dont keep genetic stock based on 100%hype . .. . . .as it is not been proven to be anything till the genetics veil is removed

if you want it cool, im down for you

i like expensive glass, some dont . . i dont go why not . . !! blah blah blah its the best

when good cuts are abundant to most with a social scene . . . .breeders need to be trusted that they are releaseing known genetics not bag seed un worked crappy one hit wonder genetics

most of the GSC cross's in seed form i have heard of seem to be fucked in on eway or another, or at least i havent heard of any home runs from its cross's yet

Well said, I like the forum GSC because its strong. Tested @ 28% THC consistantly.
Im not a breeder by any means. Ive also only had my card for 6 months now so my experience growing is also limited.

So being a "noob", u can rest assured I've probably made almost every noob mistake in the book - with even more to come.

But even those of us that lack experience, that doesnt mean we're stupid. It's easy to see this industry is filled with douche-bags and self promotors. I'm not trying to jump the bash swerve bandwagon but i can think of at least 10 companies I'd go through before I'd give him my business.

That being said, if u are chasing after the latest and greatest strain, you are settjng yourself up for disappointment unless you got those magical connections most of us dont :P
i don t doubt that the cut is his cut . . . . . what i doubt is the genetics claimed . . . . . .i made a cross in my attic that was bomb, lower yield and grape fuel jelly smell . . does that mean its worth 1500 a cut, and i mean super fire, im the only person who has it

i call shenanigans, until the genetic history is released i could care less if he wants me to smoke his head stash . . thats what its for . .

The people that created GSC don't sell cuts for any amount. It's the forum cut that is going for high prices from people that don't even know the breeder. That's just other people capitalizing on the hype. From what I've heard the breeders won't sell a cut for any amount. As far as the genetics, the only secret they won't give up is the cross that made F1 durb. It's their right to hoard that info as they made they strain.
Also, f1 durb x GDP is cherry pie.

ya f1 generation . . . . only a clown woudl introduce a plant called f1 into the breeding scene all is causes is trouble and now you r confused too
The people that created GSC don't sell cuts for any amount. It's the forum cut that is going for high prices from people that don't even know the breeder. That's just other people capitalizing on the hype. From what I've heard the breeders won't sell a cut for any amount. As far as the genetics, the only secret they won't give up is the cross that made F1 durb. It's their right to hoard that info as they made they strain.

its all a story, untill genetics and the people who put the blood and sweat to the mylar say whats up,

until the "this is how it went down" story comes out, i call BS and i can and they have to groove on it just as i have to groove on there claims of special secrecy . . . .

breeding stock is breeding stock, if no one but you can be linked to your p1 and p2 and f1 then more than likely its BS

someone somewhere down the line outside there circle could easily say ya, i brought this to them or they got that from from, me, parents or breeding stock and so forth, but there none of it . . . .i call fucking shenanigans
You're misunderstanding the F1 in F1 durb. I'm not confused bro I'm trying to help you understand that F1 in F1 durb has nothing to do with the generation of the cut. They called their hybrid "F1 durb" because if how quick it gets them high, I.e. a formula car (F1).

Think of it as formula 1 durb
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