Swerves "girl scout cookies" are fake

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I don't understand how the fuck people keep saying that OG kush and GDP are "clone only" or ever really were. I was given hundreds of seeds of several strains years ago that people keep saying are clone only. So I looked up the possible "origins" of some of these clone only strains and basically they are just phenotypes of some old Humboldt outdoor kush strains that people in Mendocino aclimated to indoors. There are plenty of seeds of these strains on farms in Humboldt, and grow rooms in Mendocino.

Don't know about "OG Kush," but all the "name" purple strains that are hot right now trace right back to at least 20-30 year old Nor-Cal purple lines that you mention.

Its just a question of how they've been hybridized and by whom, with most of the claims surrounding these lines in particular being BS.

The reality is that people are paying good money not only for ceeds/weed but also for the stories that go with them, and consequently, there is a lot of BS flying around the industry.

In this case, I think "clone only" just means someone found a good pheno in a cross, cloned it, then decided it was "clone only".
Don't know about "OG Kush," but all the "name" purple strains that are hot right now trace right back to at least 20-30 year old Nor-Cal purple lines that you mention.

Its just a question of how they've been hybridized and by whom, with most of the claims surrounding these lines in particular being BS.

The reality is that people are paying good money not only for ceeds/weed but also for the stories that go with them, and consequently, there is a lot of BS flying around the industry.

In this case, I think "clone only" just means someone found a good pheno in a cross, cloned it, then decided it was "clone only".
Yeah thats my opinion of "clone only". A really good pheno that you would have to go through another 100 grows to find again. Instead they keep the pheno, mother it and make clones.
He always has and always will be a liar. I wish everyone in here could see how I have him back peddling his stories and getting caught on his lies on Instagram. Maybe ill take some screen shots of him getting caught in lies and trying to talk his way out if it and upload them here for every1 to see. Heated? Not at all bruh, happy smoking every1
Ok your not heated. Just seems like you want to destroy the guy. My mistake. Did he bang your chick or something?
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]If I remember correctly, OG kush was the result of a herm/selfed plant, dnt remember which. Sour diesel was also the result of a herm DNL onto an original diesel aka daywrecker to create my ALL TIME fav weed. N all the chemdawg phenos were from 13 seeds found in an ounce of bud, n the other ounce purchased was seedless. So I'll make the safe assumption that was also a herm bc of the small amount of seeds n them bein in the 1 zip.

What I'm sayin is these strains r created from hermies so ppl shldnt be surprised when they get stressed n then herm. They r notoriously sensitive, n I'm tlkn the clone onlys. I remember the high times w.the interview w.chem from 2010, he was tlkn bout his new strains, n I'd say 90% were the result of herm. Whether it was chem d or the super snowdawg or OG. It said it right in article.

Im happy there's dudes like swerve bc I wldnt be able to get these strains otherwise. But I know they will be sensitive bc there mothers definitely r. If u guys got the clone only sour d or chem d or Tahoe OG n u stress it out wld u call the dude who gave u the clone n bitch or come online n say the clone is shit bc it hermed? No bc ppl wld laugh in ur face.

Im not sayin that every issue is on the grower bc I know that autos were from the male but I hvnt seen many issues w.that in a long while, n I'm not sayin swerve is perfect or riding his nuts bc I'm a grown man w.a fam
n I have other things to worry bout than what ppl think of me, but give the guy a break, n remember what strains ur wrkn with, they may be the most potent but there SENSITIVE AS FUCK.
I'm glad he does what he does but that's jusy me. So I guess this GSC is trivial to me bc every1 says everything is fake n what not n tbh its redicilous

Don't know about "OG Kush," but all the "name" purple strains that are hot right now trace right back to at least 20-30 year old Nor-Cal purple lines that you mention.

Its just a question of how they've been hybridized and by whom, with most of the claims surrounding these lines in particular being BS.

The reality is that people are paying good money not only for ceeds/weed but also for the stories that go with them, and consequently, there is a lot of BS flying around the industry.

In this case, I think "clone only" just means someone found a good pheno in a cross, cloned it, then decided it was "clone only".

Bingo! Yeah I have a bunch of that Nor-Cal purple seeds. And I have some Trainwreck seeds,... yes trainwreck. And IMO there are lot of people with these seeds they just keep them to themselves. Then guys like swerve, who actually don't know any of the Humboldt and Mendo families that have been working with these lines forever, can't get the seeds and can't get a male so they self them and sell that shit as a strain. That ain't a strain.
Who gives a fuck? Stop Trolling Swerve because he is one of the few breeders who actually bothers to post on this site. Damn Dick riding haters need to find better shit to do...

GSC is probably an unique Pheno anyway. I highly doubt there will be a ton of seeds that produce girl scout cookie tasting weed.
Who gives a fuck? Stop Trolling Swerve because he is one of the few breeders who actually bothers to post on this site. Damn Dick riding haters need to find better shit to do...

GSC is probably an unique Pheno anyway. I highly doubt there will be a ton of seeds that produce girl scout cookie tasting weed.

no doubt bro.
Who gives a fuck? Stop Trolling Swerve because he is one of the few breeders who actually bothers to post on this site. Damn Dick riding haters need to find better shit to do...

GSC is probably an unique Pheno anyway. I highly doubt there will be a ton of seeds that produce girl scout cookie tasting weed.
�� You gave enough of a fuck to reply. I'm just laying out the facts swerves Girl Scout cookie are fortune cookies and probably not even the knock off forum but some other bullshit strain he got conned into buying and know he's trying to con everyone else. Cali con artist. He was arguing back in forth on his instagram until the truth came and he started dodging questions giving us the ole D.C. dip & twirl. that's why I posted here to get an honest answer out of his shady ass or at the very least exposé him for all his shady activity through out his 7-8 years with his company. swerve has a shitty reputation as is it was noted on the first page.
Who gives a fuck? Stop Trolling Swerve because he is one of the few breeders who actually bothers to post on this site. Damn Dick riding haters need to find better shit to do...

GSC is probably an unique Pheno anyway. I highly doubt there will be a ton of seeds that produce girl scout cookie tasting weed.
If its a "unique pheno" then you can't sell people seeds a say here is GSC. Even if its a rare pheno that shows up in 1:5 ratio you can't sell seeds and say here is GSC. Especially if you selfed a GSC to get those seeds. What people will give up their money for these days boggles my mind. It takes zero effort to just look at two good strains and cross them and sell untested seeds. It take even less effort to self plants and sell those seeds untested. The only effort this guy puts into anything is coming onto the internet to "defend" his garbage. So people seeing him defend his shit just assume that he's legit. Then when people have problems with his hermie weed he just accuses them of being a shitty grower. I mean I've never grown the guys shit but I know people who have and were not pleased. It really doesn't take a wallstreet shark to see how the dude operates.
ummm why dont you guys just take his word for it? even if it wasnt the real GSC, what reason does he have to lie at this point? he could have released it as anal cake and some CC fan would have bought it. point being, his strains, his names, his call, it has to be top notch regardless(fake or not), because he has a reputation to uphold.

from what ive seen and hear CC is top notch, i go according to breeder skills not names not always genetics unless im after specific genes, and then even in that case, if its a good enough fake whats the difference, the "fake" could be better than the original. and there has been a few cases of this in the past.

hmm, i am pretty sure the price tag comes with the name, so please tell me again why shouldn't one care if its the real deal or not? and if you don't have the real deal why would you even put it out there that you do and plan on releasing seeds of it? kind of defeating the purpose, isn't it?

if anything i sounds like the total opposite of the point that your trying to prove and i doubt people want fake cookies. too many threads where people are asking for pics of the original so they know what to look for when someone approaches saying that they have cookies for sale.
hmm, i am pretty sure the price tag comes with the name, so please tell me again why shouldn't one care if its the real deal or not? and if you don't have the real deal why would you even put it out there that you do and plan on releasing seeds of it? kind of defeating the purpose, isn't it?

if anything i sounds like the total opposite of the point that your trying to prove and i doubt people want fake cookies. too many threads where people are asking for pics of the original so they know what to look for when someone approaches saying that they have cookies for sale.
Buy at your own risk. I think drain2waste is your proxy. Hehe but I do this for a living.
I know swerve has his "bad" rep w.some ppl but u hear just as many ppl say he has straight fire. I've nvr grown his gear although I'm Gna crack some of my OSD n chem 91 beans soon. I bought regs bc I know his fems have had many issues that I've read bout but I've also seen some of the dankest buds on forums from his gear. I've smoked his Julius ceasar n chem 4og grown by a buddy n it's def in my top 10 best smokes ever.

When ur growin chems, og's, diesels u have to have a good environment. They're sensitive plants n I feel like ppl just forget that n put it all on him. Now autos are 100% on the breeder, no gettin around that but I've heard many ppl say the mothers that he uses r hermie prone strains if ur shit isn't dialed in...

I guess u guys in med states esp out west r spoiled bcu have great access to clones that the rest of us dnt have. If it weren't for ppl like swerve n JJ n the likes some1 like me cld nvr get a chance to grow those genetics, so I appreciate him doin his thing w.the girls he does. But every1 who gets hermies from chem fam strains can't just blame the breeder n expect to get new packs bc things happen. If u dnt wna risk hermies n want stable strains go w.some1 like sannie who inbreeds n stabilizes his strains n wrks em. I'll roll the dice all day w.those fire genetics bc that's a risk I'm willing to take for the top buds in the game right now imvho, n I mean the chem, diesel fam. I guess not havin all that fire bud around w.easy access has me grateful to be able to just have em, where as a lot of u guys can find the shit everywhere.

U guys dnt have to buy swerves gear but some of us have to go to ppl like swerve n JJ n the likes if we want to get that fire, or pay $400-$600 a zip. N to the ppl who dislike swerve for whatever reason, this post wasn't tlkn shit or tryin to instigate or "fight" w.any1. I thinks it's rediculous ppl that dnt know eachother argue n shit on these forums, it serves no purpose if u ask me so I just wntd to make sure no1 took it that way, I just wntd to point out for ppl like me in non med states n not in some big city like NYC, w.o companies like Cali conn I dnt get to smoke something like that w.o breakin pockets. He takes a risk too breeding w.mothers that were born from herms n hermie prone, obv look how ppl come at him. N yes at times he handles it less that impressively but ppl blame every herm on him n tlk shit n come at him sideways bc they may have not been dialed in n r new to growin so after 1000 ppl do that it's kinda hard to recognize when some1 is comin legit.
lolz man lay off the dude if its a good product its a good product that all i can say, i have tried his deadhead its a good one sfv og, hazzy og, larry og, and a few only had one herm on me it was jamacan but herms happend its a part of life am i mad NO... lolz his other shit makes up for it... but lets see what the flower tells the flower is were the real story is at... critic his flower finish flower give him a fighting chance.. let see the flower
I don't understand how the fuck people keep saying that OG kush and GDP are "clone only" or ever really were. I was given hundreds of seeds of several strains years ago that people keep saying are clone only. So I looked up the possible "origins" of some of these clone only strains and basically they are just phenotypes of some old Humboldt outdoor kush strains that people in Mendocino aclimated to indoors. There are plenty of seeds of these strains on farms in Humboldt, and grow rooms in Mendocino.
IMO these clowns like swerve and ken estes are just using old Humboldt and Mendo bag seed and clones that have been traded around for years and years and sefling them whcih fucks them up big time and then selling people that for top dollar.
Well I have a bunch of old shcool Emerald Triangle genetics in seed for and there was no selfing involved.
All these guys ripping people off and spread shit genetics around really grinds my gears, so over the next few years I'm going to put out some real good shit in seed form, no selfed crap shoots.

I am in socal any way for me to get some of these seeeds(guessing not)? I am very satisfied with the GDP I grew from Ken btw.
There's been a bunch of shit in the "community" about GSC lately. Swerve isn't the only big breeder claiming to have GSC. The originators of the strain said both companies don't have the true genetics.

Either way after seeing the pic Swerve posted of his GSC cut I'll pass on it. Nothing says "lazy opportunistic money grabber" like that pic of his clone on a moldy tray in a room with the walls covered in black mold. Fucking disgusting. He should spend more time in his grow rooms cleaning and less posting pics of his $1000 dinner tab and bottles of champagne.
id love to see any corroborating proof to this claim if there is any. . . . . . . .and go ahead and start the list of stolen and renamed gear for the rest of the industry
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