Swerves "girl scout cookies" are fake

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You're misunderstanding the F1 in F1 durb. I'm not confused bro I'm trying to help you understand that F1 in F1 durb has nothing to do with the generation of the cut. They called their hybrid "F1 durb" because if how quick it gets them high, I.e. a formula car (F1).

Think of it as formula 1 durb

Seems like a poor choice of a name to me.
You're misunderstanding the F1 in F1 durb. I'm not confused bro I'm trying to help you understand that F1 in F1 durb has nothing to do with the generation of the cut. They called their hybrid "F1 durb" because if how quick it gets them high, I.e. a formula car (F1).

Think of it as formula 1 durb

Close but no. The F1 Durban is a cross.. The F1 stands for whatever the Durb was crossed to. Soo they had a strain called F1(or whatever) and crossed that to the Durban. And they call the finished product the F1 Durban... I have a buddy about to acquire the F1 along with Animal Cookies... So we shall see.
Close but no. The F1 Durban is a cross.. The F1 stands for whatever the Durb was crossed to. Soo they had a strain called F1(or whatever) and crossed that to the Durban. And they call the finished product the F1 Durban... I have a buddy about to acquire the F1 along with Animal Cookies... So we shall see.

right on thank you for the correct info, I was just trying to explain it in a way it could be understood.
well i took this clipping down just to get a good photo its wet and still alive but hear you go im not gona take anyones word for ill let you know that jason at weedmaps smoke some he sead dam thats the real, how did you get it? lolz and hear im listing to people i dont even knowView attachment 2459371, i dont care if swerves cross is a good one ill buy it and if samewell seeds cross is a good one well ill be purchasing it who ever lolz but hey hit up jason at weedmaps in new port beach and ask him im hure all of you guys run clinics fuck it im gona enter it in the Los Angeles cup just for shits and giglesgsc homie 005.jpg
cookie dough like a mother fucker pungent of cookies no lie lolz its one of my best movers it moves FAST. lolz good luck cant wait for the race to the crosses lolz ill be crossing it too and giving away the beens ;) and for clowns that introduce f1 lolz buba was a great f1 accedent lolz so were many but ill test is 99 enough of a selection for a test? also its not the science of spliting atoms its the science of how deep is your pockets for the the testing grounds ;) the only one hear with a cup is probley the scolar i be paying more atention to..
"and i did it all for the COOKIE what? the COOKIE!"

right on thank you for the correct info, I was just trying to explain it in a way it could be understood.

now the story isnt its a f1 car "fast high" its cross and the f1 is the female and not the male

this gets funnier by the min

this is the issue

no real story as to how it was breed and the guys claiming its lineage is special and secret dont even know what breeding terminology is and called one of the p1 or p2(as sometimes its F1 durban and sometimes its durban f1)

in the real breeders circles it matters

if f1 was the mother of the durban f1, where did they get the male durban . . .anyone making durban seeds, an dif so wouldnt it be prudent information if the GSC was a hermied cross . . . .
I could care less because I have 0 credibility as I don't frequent growing sites and nobody here knows me. This guy can't understand that "f1 Durban" was the name of the strain, I provided a way that he understood I wasn't saying it meant "formula 1". he IMMEDIATELY understood HIS misunderstanding of the "F1". Take your non comprehending ass back to school. I got swerve to show his true colors regardless of what anyone else thinks they know.
I could care less because I have 0 credibility as I don't frequent growing sites and nobody here knows me.

If you link us to your profile on whatever site you use it would add credibility and we would get to know you faster.

Being the fact that you soley registered to tear swerve a bigger buddah hole means you have some proof of his misconduct, perhaps you should post the evidence on how you exposed him on "instagram" or whatever it is. Calling someone down/names etc doesn't really mean shit. the impact this thread had on my perception of cali-connection is about 1/10th what it would be with proof.
N were only tlkn bout the GSC cut here, every other cut swerve has is legit n verified so tbh yea I may POSSIBLY think twice if swerve does end up releasing it but I'll order a chem or og or any other strain from swerve for that matter, just not fems :)

It's a little rediculous u register w.a site soley to bash swerve. Y wld u let some1 u clearly can't stand rent so much space in ur head. Who cares, especially if u dnt even use seed banks n only grow elite clone only strains, u shldnt even have interactions w.swerve or Cali conn anyway. Even if he did drop GSC beans ur not buyin em man, so I guess my ? Is y do u care so much to go thru all the trouble
N plz dnt say to educate all of us so we dnt get duped, bc ur way too emotionally involved tlkn mad shit bout him for it not to be personal. It just seems like a lot to do to go out of ur way to discredit some1 it seems. Man if I had elite clone onlys I wldnt care what ppl said they had or whatever. I'm being smokin FIRE all day n when I wasn't id be watching those beauties make there way to the finish line w.a big ass smile on my face
Like I said before this isn't about me. He's being exposed on Instagram he talks on there and he posts pics of his "GSC" cut on there. There's people on there telling him his shits fake and proving it with pics. @swervetcc is swerves Instagram account. You guys believe what you want I'm just presenting facts.
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