The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol glad to hear it mate, does that mean your actually up and about though or just getting ya zimmer on round the house?
nope up n about, go to shops n all sorts,, decorating the house n stuff so yeh shits better, even tho the hole grew in size? fucking weird i know, maybe i just got a tolerance to the pain now? fuk knows but its all good,, that reminds me im going up to do wum work in me grow room


W Dragon

Well-Known Member
nope up n about, go to shops n all sorts,, decorating the house n stuff so yeh shits better, even tho the hole grew in size? fucking weird i know, maybe i just got a tolerance to the pain now? fuk knows but its all good,, that reminds me im going up to do wum work in me grow room

Good news mate, crazy about the hole getting bigger maybe ya could pimp it out on your estate in exchange for some growing tips lol


Well-Known Member
lol sambo got his backup in coz he was getting bitch whipped all over the thread""

big bald baffoon

LOL ON THE PIMPING OUT, i think on my eatse my hole ed be classed as grade u pussy bruv! inner city********** hasent the best class of hooker to say the least

anyways going to do summet consructive

PS3 TIME!! black ops 2 lets av it! kill sum sand niggers

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
lol sambo got his backup in coz he was getting bitch whipped all over the thread""

big bald baffoon

LOL ON THE PIMPING OUT, i think on my eatse my hole ed be classed as grade u pussy bruv! inner city********** hasent the best class of hooker to say the least

anyways going to do summet consructive

PS3 TIME!! black ops 2 lets av it! kill sum sand niggers
Grade lmfao times must be hard mate, I don't know much about hookers but I know the free ones look better and probably smell a damn sight better aswell if not I think it's time to walk away or atleast make sure there's no witnesses about lol

Backup? you reffering to me mate coz I been away a while?


Well-Known Member
right lads im out of here to a party so ahll wish you all the best for the new year and probably speak in a cpl of days when ive surfaced. have a good one ya fuds.


Well-Known Member
You can fucking do 1 aswel ya mug who got bitch slaped??? People nos where to find me u wana go ethug online so be it.....


Well-Known Member
Where's the reply then mugly? U want me address too could fucking do wit the beating lifes boring....

I'm no fighter but ill av a go believe n any meet u wana arrange won't be a no show from me.


Well-Known Member
But seems I'm talking to meself ya fucking nobhead and yeah I'm rather pissed now but ill post the same by 8am tomorrow.....


Well-Known Member
They always bite fucking divvy cunts, many got address close to me up for a meet anytime, but bitch slapped NOOOO look at the fucking posts.