i've been blessed again.


New Member
haha, i was looking at Mantis Eggs For A Indoor Job, Until I Found Out About How Many They Hatch.. lol, But For Outdoor, That Might Be Cool, Superpopulate Central Missouri With Praying Mantis, I'm Sure If I Look Hard Enough I Could Find Them. Or Those Spidermite Killer bugs, and i can remember like 3 years back we had a ridiculus amount of lady bugs around, i ought to do some research and figure out how to attract them :)
bugs of the natural area can do wonders @ defending your plants.
those lady bugs will eat aphids too by the way.
I get millions of them during the spring and fall. Theyve not yet come out this spring tho, I wonder if one of these late frosts killed them.


Well-Known Member
this leopard gecko my wife keeps in a cage is mean... and he has little teeth kinda like some fish.
he bites you and kinda hangs there. its neat because hes guaranteed to bite you and he always just hangs there afterwords (this once scared the shit out of my neighbor because I didnt tell him and he slung the lizard....)
Lol sounds like my bearded dragon and your wife's gecko have about the same temperament my beardie was very sweet until he came of age to breed then it all went out the window, now he would just as soon bite you as to look at you.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Lol sounds like my bearded dragon and your wife's gecko have about the same temperament my beardie was very sweet until he came of age to breed then it all went out the window, now he would just as soon bite you as to look at you.:mrgreen:
lady bugs will kick aphid ass:mrgreen: i unleashed a hole container in my plants one time and then 2 days later there wasnt a aphid in site:mrgreen::hump::hump:


New Member
Lol sounds like my bearded dragon and your wife's gecko have about the same temperament my beardie was very sweet until he came of age to breed then it all went out the window, now he would just as soon bite you as to look at you.:mrgreen:
Ha ha my cousin has a bearded dragon that is a docile as a baby. Its also a female though....
maybe you should just get him some lizard poon and he'd be less grumpy?
or maybe get his balls whacked off? Well wait, im not totally sure that a lizard can be fixed.....

lady bugs will kick aphid ass:mrgreen: i unleashed a hole container in my plants one time and then 2 days later there wasnt a aphid in site:mrgreen::hump::hump:
Yep, thats generally what happens when it comes to hungry lady bugs and a colony of evil ass plant eating aphids.
They swarm my house sometimes and im not even sure why they do it. When they do its kinda a nusicance because i have to walk though them to get to my vehicle but I kinda feel like they have more right to be here than I do so I cant poison their asses. I cant convince them to move and they cant convince me either.
he he, maybe i should start jarring them up and distributing them to people on RIU when they get bad this year?


Well-Known Member
Ha ha my cousin has a bearded dragon that is a docile as a baby. Its also a female though....
maybe you should just get him some lizard poon and he'd be less grumpy?
or maybe get his balls whacked off? Well wait, im not totally sure that a lizard can be fixed.....

Yep, thats generally what happens when it comes to hungry lady bugs and a colony of evil ass plant eating aphids.
They swarm my house sometimes and im not even sure why they do it. When they do its kinda a nusicance because i have to walk though them to get to my vehicle but I kinda feel like they have more right to be here than I do so I cant poison their asses. I cant convince them to move and they cant convince me either.
he he, maybe i should start jarring them up and distributing them to people on RIU when they get bad this year?
ill take a jar:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
food for the predators. if i didn't have mites all my predators would leave and seek food elsewhere. a small, controlled population of mites feeds the good bugs.

did you know that ants work with aphids? i learned and saw this last year. the ants like the "honeydew" the aphids produce. in turn they don't eat them. it was pretty cool watching them work together. :blsmoke:
Ya I saw that. What amazed me was the production line method of the ants lining up and harvesting right from the aphids ass...nature is awesome

Mr Wacky Tobacky

Well-Known Member
this leopard gecko my wife keeps in a cage is mean... and he has little teeth kinda like some fish.
he bites you and kinda hangs there. its neat because hes guaranteed to bite you and he always just hangs there afterwords (this once scared the shit out of my neighbor because I didnt tell him and he slung the lizard....)
During summer times here in S.Africa we have gecko's running freely around in the house ..those feet and eyes and almost smiling at ya..ah they so cute!:bigjoint:


New Member
During summer times here in S.Africa we have gecko's running freely around in the house ..those feet and eyes and almost smiling at ya..ah they so cute!:bigjoint:
yeah geckos are cute. this thing is a lepoard gecko..... meanie and not so damn cute.
It would be more friendly im sure if my wife would pick it up and play with it more often like the boa constricter....


Well-Known Member
I have a baby praying mantis that's about as big as my pinky nail (I garden alot - my nails aren't long for a chick) - he's totally cute and seems to jump around alot when I'm in the greenhouse. I'll get a picture of him sometime. It's good to have the good bugs around, seems like we're all growing stuff as a team that way. :peace:


Well-Known Member
little guy disappeared for a few weeks. he's back showing himself again ....... IMG_7049.jpg

here's some fuckin' flies ....... IMG_7051.jpg


Well-Known Member
idk what these are they are little black spiders they keep making webs between leafs that wont hurt them?