Well-Known Member
Why not just answer the questionWhy would any intelligent person contest anything Cheesy says? He is a moron. I don't wrestle with pigs, or piss into the wind either.
or are you just a racist blowhard?
Why not just answer the questionWhy would any intelligent person contest anything Cheesy says? He is a moron. I don't wrestle with pigs, or piss into the wind either.
And still no straight answer. Also, his math is sound. You still haven't explained what you were doing at 16 that netted you 110,000 a year.
KP, with all due respect, I don't owe you any answer at all, straight or bent. You and Cheesedick made a bunch of incorrect assumptions and then acted as if I had to respond to them. I don't. I didn't say that I paid in $400K to social security, for example. Read the sentence closely. I never said I was self employed. I never said I was 16 in 1983.
It is a free country, so if you want to align yourself with morons like Cheesedick, and tax evading leaches like Buck, that is your right.
110000 /12.4% = 13640I take truth wherever I find it, CN.
Having paid about $400K into social security over the years, I also get a bit annoyed at the term, "entitlement". I want my $400K back, with interest!
The simple fact is, the government embezzled all of the SS funds. The government was the dishonest middleman in the whole scheme. There is no "trust fund" with trillions of accumulated contributions. When income falls below outgo something is going to give.
KP, with all due respect, I don't owe you any answer at all, straight or bent. You and Cheesedick made a bunch of incorrect assumptions and then acted as if I had to respond to them. I don't. I didn't say that I paid in $400K to social security, for example. Read the sentence closely. I never said I was self employed. I never said I was 16 in 1983.
It is a free country, so if you want to align yourself with morons like Cheesedick, and tax evading leaches like Buck, that is your right.
I never said I was self employed.
I'm pretty unbiased on this site, I'm more of a curious person that just likes to learn new stuff, Im one of the few that I'll admit if I feel wrong.
May I know?
sometimes people give me tips for speaking in a british accent while they masturbate as i make a treadmill delivery, do i have to pay taxes on that?
Yes but you can deduct the skimpy nanny outfit as a business expense
my best tipper makes me dress up like a plate of spaghetti and meatballs and talk in an english accent.*
I am not pissed off at all. You also seem to not understand what the word invalid is in the context of arguments. Invalid means that an argument is not cogent. For an argument to not be cogent it must be deductively invalid. You are trying to explain something using the wrong word. You are once again placing the burden of proof on myself which is as I stated a logical fallacy. I questioned your own beliefs; I did not submit evidence towards my own. Never have I even argued that I agree with abortion but you seem to have taken the position that I do. It is required that you clarify and offer evidence of your own that is not only cogent (valid) but also true. If an argument is cogent and true then it is "correct." It is obvious that I am arguing with someone that has not been formally educated so I am unsure why I am still pandering to you. You are unable to grasp the concepts that I am presenting to you because they are learned in years of study. Your opinion will continue to be discarded by society because you are unable to form arguments for your position that the educated will listen to. Refer to past election statistics and you will see that the most educated of the nation vote in landslide favor of the party that believes in a woman's right to choose. This is not being stated as a common practice fallacy but rather as an example of how the country's educated currently view the situation. You have no ground to stand on that killing a baby is wrong. Your belief is a construct of social conditioning. Killing, at least homicide, is a social taboo in all nations. The problem is that abortion being murder has not been constructed in the system of social conditioning of most western societies. The problem is relative not objective. You are entering the argument from a foolish perspective of a false dilemma; you do not seem to see this.
so then you only paid at 6.2% into SS, making your math even more untenable.
As always, your presumption of theft limits your argument. If I contribute to something that eventually gives something back, even if I am not completely happy with the arrangement, it is not theft. It is what is called a social compact. You need not give the U.S.government anything at all, if you feel so strongly about their "theft" then you are enabled, in this country to leave and pay no more.
If you can find a place where you get better value for the money that you "contribute" then I will be the first to ask you where that place is and I may well join you there.
I consider the entire SS tax burden paid in to the feds to be wholly owned by the employee. It is part of total compensation. The employer is not paying that money to the feds out of kindness. If there were no SS tax then the employees' wage would be 6.2% higher.
The fact that you don't consider that 6.2% to be owned by the employee is because you are a tax evading leach who insists that taxes are good and you would love to pay, really, you would. Cheesus' excuse is that he is a moron.
I think you meant "social contract", which is sort of a word twist. A contract or "compact" to be just requires the consent of the people that are parties to it. What you call a compact is actually a unilateral erm "agreement". The kind where ONE party makes the rules and holds all the cards and the gun.
As far as me leaving the country, which one do you mean? The one that features sexual assaults at airports and drug dogs at the borders?