You know you're stoned, when??????

when you start tipping the bong back to your mouth
like it's a beer or when you start packing some pot
into your down stem.
lol u packed a bowl in your beer? hahaha I did that one time

nope haven't done that one. yet.

you know your too stoned when you forget to load
your friend a bong hit after your hit and they have
to remind you or you remember awhile later.
oh shit bro, i forgot to load you a hit....
Ive been so baked while playing xbox ill set my controller down for a sec to take a piss....comeback and its mia and i will search for it for like 10min and then sit on the couch cuz im so pissed and see it sitting on the speaker
when you drive your dump truck to the pit,then drive back to your job,but without getting any dirt.
or drive away with your box in the air
or forget to lock your tailgate and spread stones all over the road
I've seen lots of funny shit at work.
You know you're baked when you are going ape shit looking for a lighter to light up your joint, and it's already in your hand.
You know you're baked when you get up to take a piss, then when you get into the bathroom, you forget what for.
You know you're baked when you ask someone if they saw a movie which you have literally just watched with them.

These have all happened to me.
i was like 16 years old i found some of my dads bud and me and my friend also named matt get blazed as all hell in this park we go over to across the street to this church in the middle of the night and we start smokin a cigarette i take a few drags and pass it to my friend he grabs the thing turns it around and inhales the fuckin cherry on accident! shit was comedy.
When you're wandering around town looking for a couple sleds, and end up in lowes for two hours gathering materials to make your own because as far as you could tell there was a sled shortage in the area. Then you buy two black totes to sit in and use as sleds and spend another 45 minutes in the sign section looking at the sticky letters for mailboxes thinking about what you can spell out on the totesled.
When you're wandering around town looking for a couple sleds, and end up in lowes for two hours gathering materials to make your own because as far as you could tell there was a sled shortage in the area. Then you buy two black totes to sit in and use as sleds and spend another 45 minutes in the sign section looking at the sticky letters for mailboxes thinking about what you can spell out on the totesled.

Thats funny but what's even funnier is watching people swallow a roach while trying to hit it when it's tiny.
Dude, yesterday I rolled a blunt with my shake from my harvest, this was the first thing we smoked! My buddy was done. It was in the morning like 9am so we werent drinking. My buddy got the spins and he couldnt sit down or be in a small room. I have been getting stoned with this dude for 10 years. Finally he slipped out the back door, after several minutes I went to check on him. Dude, I just ralphed. I said clean it up my dogs will eat it. The hose was frozen so he had to haul buckets of water to the spot. I was pissed, because i wanted to film it and send it to TOSH.O!