You know you're stoned, when??????

You know you're high when you're eating chocolate ice-cream in the dark.. And you keep thinking it's shit.. Intill it hits the mouth.. Hmmmmm, good shit
When you and your homie are chilling on the couch, then you both sing away to the same musical tune simultaneously.

yep .. and 1/2 a hour later them same two mates are both sleeping in the couch :D

EDIT: I may add in each ends
im sure i just had my bong were the f#!K, IS IT i just had it,

under my chair, no.
behing the computer, , shit, nothing

but i just had a sesh, where is it,they dont, just grow wings and transport themself to the kitchen

far out thats daily for me,

let alone look after a set of keys, dude, the keys they go wandering off all, by them self, bro,

just like my bong going missing???wtf, where the fuck,,,is everything i was just doing??? 5 minutes ago

no flipping idea???

usually means you dont need another cone:eyesmoke:
You know you're high when you take out a cigarette when you have one in your mouth already UNLIT.
When you start a match in halo and 1000 points later your teams won, you have like four kills and seven deaths and you swear the match just started and cant remember playing lol
...and the milk in the cuboard! haha
oh wait...ive done this numerous times!?

Beat me to it hahaha

Was round a buds the other night, his mom has OCD and the house is immaculate!!
i'm making the coffees downstairs, pour a cup full, go to pick the milk up and spill a whole cup all down over the washing machine, under the microwave and just everywhere!
The second after i did this his mom walks in from being out and completley flips out , i blamed it on my buddy and he took the wrap, along with a good pasting lol
Ive been so stoned me and my gf sat at a light for like 5 min never went lol and ive sat at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green lol...and ive puked from being to high