is this a female?


New Member
hey guys. title says it all. i hope its a female, cause i planted two seeds and so far one was a male already.

also, how much longer do you guys think i should let these flowers mature? id say they are on 5 weeks, and the
pistils are turning amber already

these are two different plants. the first three pictures are of the one im trying to sex, and the last two are of a female that is about 5 weeks into flower

many thanks



Well-Known Member
Is this a micro grow in a pc case?

The first pics are too early to tell. Here is what I saw and posted when I asked the same question. Please note, I am on my first grow as well.


Those little white hairs were the first sign that I saw. She is in her first week of flower after nearly 7 weeks of veg ( 2 week delay due to starting them on a dripper setup and stg cubes, not much growth at all for 2 weeks) She is nearly 2.5 feet tall now and looking sexy as hell.




New Member
it is a micro grow. im seeing calyxes before pistils :/ is that a bad sign?

i have a total of three cannabis plants, and a tomato plant.

one of the cannabis is a flowering female, that i broke so it wont yield well at all.

so far i got one male out of the other 2, and this is the second one. i hope it is a female.


Well-Known Member
#4 seems to show a flower but plant is weird or small? What strain? Got a better camera? Cell phone cam & email it to yourself?


New Member
im really concerned with pictures 1, 2 and 3. i know 4 and 5 is a flowering female. she is small. im doing 12/12 from seed. unknown strain, but its a 60/40 indica/sativa regular bean.


New Member
damn.. 2/2 males.

i planted some feminized acid (sour grapefruit diesel) seeds but it sucks that 4 weeks, plus soil and nutes went down the drain


Active Member
damn.. 2/2 males.

i planted some feminized acid (sour grapefruit diesel) seeds but it sucks that 4 weeks, plus soil and nutes went down the drain
It usually sucks finding boys but just keep on keeping on, it will all be worth it when you find and grow a bomb ass pheno. Plus you will have a better shot at some pure females with what you got planted now.


New Member
Thanks for the encouagement man. I truly apprrciate it. Ive been trying too hard/long to make this work.

Of course my tomato plant is doing.amazing cannabis


Well-Known Member
damn.. 2/2 males.

i planted some feminized acid (sour grapefruit diesel) seeds but it sucks that 4 weeks, plus soil and nutes went down the drain
If it turned male it was not a feminized seed. If it was a feminized seeds and started showing male flowers, your piss probably stressed it too much.

Why do you buy feminized seeds if you believe they are mutants that are endangering the world of cannabis?
Why do you whine about a plant turning male? That is natural. Why do you hate nature?

Weed from Mexico is terrible and supports murder, so I don't buy it. Why do you support something you think is so terrible?


New Member
go away trousers.

i dont know what you mean about mexican.

these seeds got 0 urine. one will be fed urine, and one will be fed organic fish emulsion (probably some urine, some bladder, some intestine..some fish skin etc.)

human urine is a high quality form of urea, or ammonium nitrate (companies use a 100% synthetic form of this in chemical fertz, and you can make explosives out of it), and has soluable macro and micronutes for the plants to use right away. it also has high quality insoluable nutes, which take some time to break down (continuous feed)

i got three free feminzed acid seeds with the purchase of a glass piece, so im going to use them.

the drawbacks to feminized seeds is that the species is now turning asexual because of our exploitation, and the pain that the mother/father plant has to go through.

  • Purity of race is maintained
  • Avoids wastage of pollen grains
  • less chance of failure of pollination

  • Continuous self-pollination leads to weaker progeny
  • new species are not produced

  • The disadvantages of self-pollination come from a lack of variation that allows no adaptation to the changing environment or potential pathogen attack. Self-pollination can lead to inbreeding depression, or the reduced health of the species, due to the breeding of related specimens. This is why many flowers that could potentially self-pollinate have a built-in mechanism to avoid it, or make it second choice at best.

Read more: Types of Flowers That Self Pollinate |


New Member
What the hell is that picture of bones?

~C That Cat?:dunce:
i didnt realize that picture was in with the rest. its a tether between the radius and the ulna at the druj joint, and it also helps support the mid carpal row. its a long story but i fucked my hand up bad :/

also how is this one looking? male or female? could these be calyxs? 2013-01-04_20-12-20_366.jpg