Get your dog/cat high

Marijuana exposure in pets causes neurologic toxicity, which is not the same as the "high" that people experience. The symptoms (staggering, agitation, stupor, etc.) that develop in pets do not appear enjoyable for them. In other words, marijuana is a toxin to pets and a pet owner should seek medical attention from a veterinarian if their pet accidentally ingests marijuana.
As it turns out, "exposing cats and dogs to marijuana can help reduce the suffering from a chronic and painful illness," just like with humans. One cat owner says, “My cat had Leukemia. On his death bed, we blew marijuana smoke into his ears, and he got up, walked around the house meowing, first time in a week. We thought he was better, but he crawled into his bed and died later that day. But he did seem to enjoy those last few hours.” There's even something called Medical Marijuana Delivery Systems, LLL developing a pet patch called Tetracan, which will allow ailing pets to absorb marijuana through their skin (so far it will be for cats, dogs, and horses... and we're guessing their owners). Medical marijuana laws would have to be amended to allow vets to prescribe it in each of the 15 states medical marijuana is currently legal.
"No really I don't smoke pot, you see I have this patch for my cat and I thought it was my nicotine patch and I put it on by accident. That's why my test came out positive"
I got my turtle high last night
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Sry a bit offtopic .. My dog (Mini schnauzer) drinks beer! n loves it! I pour some on the floor for him n he licks it clean. He has drank half a beer before in about 10 minutes. I dont do this often, maybe 5 times in his lifetime (5 years old)

i have 2 miniature schnauzers and they both love beer i give em a lil bit sometimes
to give em a lil buzz i feel badd they stare at my bottle n try to sip it
I never begrudge my dog a little pot, but I drew the line when he ate a 100$ bill and a couple twenty's..
if you get your dog/cat high often they will burn out early for good
and they will not be any fun. a BIG no no
Ya i stopped blowing it at him...i may every now and then but try to keep it away from him mostly now
I think feeding your pet edibles for arthritis is okay. Blowing hits in their face not so much. Using weed for medical benefits for your pet can be a helpful tool. I have a friend with a lab who has seizures and giving her weed cookies greatly reduces her seizures. I guess anything in moderation that helps is okay in my book. I have a 7 year old pit whose starting to get arthritis in her back leg. In another year or so I will try giving her some edibles to see if it helps. The meds vets give dogs for arthritis (rimadyl) has lot's of bad side effects. I'd rather try some organically grown bud.
I have a wonderful APT and she has a knack for gettin into my stuff.You know your stuff is out your fall asleep.Here comes the dog.Runin off with a nug lol.I will admitt that its funny for a bit but when she ingests it gets old after a while she freaks runs around crazy like shes drunk.Very annoying and funny.
Marijuana exposure in pets causes neurologic toxicity, which is not the same as the "high" that people experience. The symptoms (staggering, agitation, stupor, etc.) that develop in pets do not appear enjoyable for them. In other words, marijuana is a toxin to pets and a pet owner should seek medical attention from a veterinarian if their pet accidentally ingests marijuana.

I believe this to be true....mine gets very goofy and I do not think she likes it at all
My brother in law gave me a bag of weed tonight.I was cleaning it and when I was done my Golden Retriever "Hanna" was licking all the super fine weed particules off the plate I use to clean it on.In the evening when my wife and I settled down and toke up the dogs always crowd in close.They get scratched,petted,loved up and a contact high.Twice recently I've had a dream where my Golden Retriever has eaten my stash.Both times it was so real,lifelike I got up and checked.Flupped
Ok so i dont want to hear any ohhh thats animal cruelty if he hated it so much he'd run away...but usually when i smoke a bowl i call him and he jumps in my lap and i just blow it around him he doesnt mind much...but i know he loves being high because he loves to play with me and loves to cuddle up to me and nap sometimes...our cay hates it so i dont even bother trying to blow any at/around her......also for freckles(dog) i dont even inhale just pull the smoke in my cheeks and blow the whole hit at him since he cant do it himself lol

Everything you just described is what all dogs do...I dunno if this is your first dog ever but they all come when you call, play when you wanna play and cuddle close to you.
I don't really get my animals high. Their brains are so different than ours it just feels wrong.

However, my dog Buddy once got into my stash of shrooms and devoured an eighter. You could tell he was wrecked up for a while. I ate the other half of the sack and he hung out with me pretty much the entire night. He didn't want to sit by himself but he was alright afterwards. Never left him alone with my mind altering substances again.